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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Well, if my unit was still operational, I would use it on and off... but alas.... I took it apart for cleaning and could never put it together again.. like humpty dumpty!
  2. Erhmmm.... that would defeat the purpose of ozonised water. The ozone molecues is suppsed to react with organics in the water... so if you remove them before they have a chance to do so... I think what you are confused with is that you are supposed to use carbon to absorb ozone molecues from the air output eg. on top of your skimmate collection cup.... not inside the water!
  3. ooh.. job-related. Sorry man... I aint no techie... Can't render help!
  4. The Americans may prefer to hard pipe to the pump but in the end they also use flex hose/flex pvc to reduce head loss. We tend to use hose and then hard pipe all the way into the tank. I don't think there is any right or wrong... just that using the hose would help greatly reduce vibrations from the pump. Hard piping all the way may eventually weaken some joint due to the continuous vibration? Using a rubber/neoprene cushion would also help reduce vibrations.
  5. Like I said, its yummy because of the broth itself... not the sharkfin itself. Crab meat is added to give a little more 'substance' to the broth. It's a cultural thing... coz the emperors of china used to dine on it so it has been a dish of prestige ever since.
  6. You know what makes sharks fin soup so nice to eat? It's the CHICKEN BROTH!!! The sharks fin itself is just a tasteless gelatin-like mass.
  7. I usually recommend people NOT to buy doctorfishes as they acclimatize badly and are parasite obligates (meaning that once parasites run out as the main source of food... they die). Rarely does one come across specimens known to eat aquarium food and that is if they survive the acclimatization process in the first place. Also, doctorfishes when removed from the reef, badly affect the fish population which in turn badly affect the reef. They are better left in the sea. I recommend cleaner shrimps as the better alternative if you want to get them to pick parasites off your fishes.
  8. Yeah, I was informed of this 'sgreef' site that came up during the last week-long downtime. Interesting site... allowing ###### toys to be advertised to minors. Who's the founder anyway?
  9. I know that are some masks out there engineered to give 'a bigger picture', anyone using those? Need a review. Quite sian of not being able to look down at chest/waist level.
  10. That is SO CORRECT! Don't worry a mountain of sweat over such a molehill!
  11. I probably have more gay friends than all of you combined. I am in the marketing/fashion/entertainment industry for a good 9 years and when you are in this field... you meet a lot of gay people. I think I know at least 20 to 30 gay friends, collegues and work acquaintances all these years. I can say that most of them are nice people. I do feel digust from time to time especially when I find out when some of them are closet gays but am more accepting of those openly gay ones ironically. Funny how it is usually the more mascular ones that turn me off but its the feminine softer ones that I can accept! They can be a blast! Perhaps I am quite numb when it comes to this issue. Frankly, as long as they keep their private lives private and not openly flaunt their sexuality or sexually harass other people, its fine. They are still people at the end of the day, just that their orientation is a bit salah... some enjoy it, some don't, some are confused, some are frustrated, some commit suicide or avoid people or lead very hidden, sad lives.
  12. Guys and Gals... I have an idea. Since I will be out of town the whole of next week starting this Sunday... how about I leave your T-shirts with a LFS...maybe Ocean Planet or Marinelife? I am sure Thomas or Henry will be willing to accommodate you guys picking up the Ts there? So what sayeth thou? Pls put down your name and preferred pickup point... you can go anytime at your own convenience! AT
  13. Telecast? Errr... no... its an accurate simulation.
  14. It's a little plain... besides sending it for silkscreen printing... any other way to DIY your own designs? Any form of market pen or paint that stays on neoprene?
  15. So our resident wolves will know when to take a break? So we can show our corals and get them to do their thing at the right time? So we can know when to organise the next full moon party? So we know when is the best time to go night off-shore fishing? There's a million and one reasons... but its for fun mostly!
  16. Ever since I got the Lunar Phase up... I have been missing the moon! I see a very thin slice now! Say, is Hari Raya timed to the start of the new moon? What a coincidence!
  17. Hi hannson, Welcome to SRC! Hope to have more experienced reefers share their knowledge and experience with fellow hobbyists! AT
  18. How many of you actually feel that the use of the fan has helped your chiller to run less often? Would be interesting to hear some feedback!
  19. LOL! Oh man... was I too insensitive? It's a joke dude! A joke! Come.... I buy you milk, I mean, coffee... crybaby.., HAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!
  20. hmmmm.... do you think I can throw out my Athlon 1000mhz chip and put this in? Using Asustek KT-7A Raid Mobo.
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