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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Mmmm.... got my customized suit already! Now I just need a 'superman' or 'batman' patch on my chest and I'm ready to rescue damsels in distress!
  2. Guess what? My last Rowaphos changeout... I didn't rinse it. But I turned off the returns to my tank and just churned brown water up in my sump and into my skimmer. There was a lot of gunk collected. After about 1/2 hour.... I switched my returns back on... tank water didn't seem to change colour!
  3. Wow... that's very high! You may actually cause your calcium levels to go haywire. But what's your current calcium levels first? Read this reef chemistry article on Solving Calcium and Alkalinity Problems
  4. Used it before when I was a newbie. No difference to my tank on hindsight. I consider UV strerilisation unworkable for reef tanks, unless the surface volume is very small, no substrate and you have a few UV tubes running to really kill free-floating parasites.
  5. I want to see your Butt Crack.. I mean... Butt Crab! Wahahaahahaha!!!! Ok... you should take a video of this, gal!!! I know there is a species of fish living in sea cucumbers but crabs??!
  6. Hahaha.... I was gonna wait for him to remark... then.. I'd say.... GOTCHA!!!!!!!!
  7. Moved out to the Marine Aquarium Forum.
  8. Just put a filter pad to act as a cushion under your pump, its vibrating against your glass and causing the humming sound!
  9. Mellow, pls read the posting guidelines for the Product Review forum... it is NOT the place to ask questions about equipment!!!! Sigh! AT
  10. I agree fully. I was dosing so much calcium chloride, kalkwasser and alkalinity supplements on a daily basis that my pipes were full of calcium deposits. I dosing mega amounts... looking back, it was madness! My alk can drop from 11 to 5 in a day. My calcium can drop from 410 to 350 in 3 days. You can see how much i struggle to keep up and you can also imagine how much my sps corals are sulking with the inconsistent levels of alk and cal? They show it! Believe me! One week the colours seem brighter... the next a little darker... Now with my new calcium reactor... I am getting an output of cal: 580 and dkh: 29.4 with my last tweaking. My cal and alk levels are now holding well in my tank... Hoping to tweak my alk output to a much higher level, maybe around 50dkh? But once I find the ideal settings... it will be pretty much hands-off! NO more dosing!!! AT
  11. Shiraz, get a closeup shot.
  12. Dinosaur... happy birthday!! That makes you ... er.... 100 million years old? Happy birthday to Giritharan too!
  13. I have a few patches of bryopsis in my tank. I take them as a form of nutrient export when I harvest them from time to time..
  14. Guys, lay off the flaming. Don't make my job more difficult pls. AT
  15. Ok.. those who intend to collect at Centrepoint tomorrow please put your names by 8am tomorrow morning. I will leave home with just the T-shirts for those stated. The other locations... will have to collect from Sunday onwards (will leave the T-shirts at Marinelife and Ocean Planet on Sat - time unclear). Thanks! AT
  16. Just read news that Spain (if i am not wrong) is one of the countries that export a lot of shark fins and they have blocked an EU ruling to stop listing sharks under CITIES... its commercial greed at work here!
  17. hmmm... precaution is good... I didn't worry about excess ozone as I read that most aquarium ozonizers do not produce that much ozone anyway, even if cranked up. But better to be safe than sorry!
  18. When it comes to this hobby... never never take risks, especially one as dangerous as this. A shattering tank can land you or your loved ones in hospital. As PCK says... DUN PRAY PRAY!!!
  19. Not PR... marinelife... am catering for pickup for people in the west. Someone pls amend the list! It's supposed to be Marinelife Hobbielist at Hong Leong Gardens! Doesn't make sense to have pickup locations at the same area.
  20. Fabric paint... hmmm.... what brand? Is it applied with a paint brush on stencils?
  21. Yes... that is why it is recommended to pump ozone into skimmers and not direct input into the main tank or sump. The longer reaction time for the ozone molecues in the skimmer will ensure that little ozone is pumped back into the main tank, excessive ozone will also be 'gassed out' via the skimmer... and that is why you need carbon to absorb this or your plastics around your equipment may melt or hurt your lungs (if you overdose ozone).
  22. And how is that even possibly done? Once ozone is in the water, it does its work/destruction before 'fizzing' out quickly due to its unstable molecular structure. Excessive ozone shouldn't be allowed into the water in the first place... its the responsibility of the aquarist to control that. Using carbon in the water as a control measure is wrong & dangerous.
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