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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Seldom see bright green microalgae on LR... can't tell for certain.. unless you can test for radioactivity.
  2. Fuel... good to know that you are learning alot more now than ever before...
  3. You can't tell until you get spectral analysis charts and other info like PAR values etc and compare them. That is... if you trust the marketing text on the packing.
  4. Hmmm... you guys must be very new here in SRC or have made new IDs... and honestly, I do not know what the issue is or what your agenda/intentions are. It all seems to centre around this brand of chiller that all of you are fussing/promoting/talking about in $ and cents. Anyway, Octopus Bay is our latest advertiser and once his forum is up here in SRC, you can ask about any special promotions he has for his Resun Chillers.
  5. Is it smoothly coating the LR?... it could literally BE paint! Try to describe a little better... is it hard? Soft? Spongy? Has corallites - as Tanzy said... it could be porites coral growing on it. We can't guess and ID it for you... best to take a clear photo (keep it to 700 pixel width pls).
  6. Terrestrial vegetables pale in comparison with marine algae especially seaweed (nori) in terms of nutrition. You need to blanch the spinach, cabbage or whatever veg to break down the tough cellulose cells or the fishes will not be able to disgest anything. I strongly recommend reefers to feed their tangs nori. It's good stuff. Even my firefish & anthias will eat them.
  7. Hmmm... it does say Traffic Police at the bottom of the computerized ticket.
  8. They are eating detritus and stuff around your corals.. that's all... they won't eat corals... if something is eating your corals... I suspect shrimps... do you have hungry camel or skunk shrimps?
  9. Tried enlarging and sharpening... but still can't really make it out... can you shoot in high res... and do a crop? Use macro mode. Looks like a copepod to me.
  10. Loved mine... did its job pretty well... best thing I ever bought for my reef... that was before I upgraded to a beckett skimmer!
  11. There are no chromises with yellow tails. Sounds like either a yellowback or blue and gold fusilier. Is the upper body yellow as well? Or have you mistaken a goldtail damsel as a chromis?
  12. That looks like an Astreopora sp. They rarely come in... I have a green one.
  13. Thanks... I did surfed to that page before making this query here in SRC. Nothing there on appeals.
  14. Hmmm.... Says rank and number... SGT rank.... so is it TP or cisco?
  15. Please read the posted up links to basic info on the cycling period. Everything's there. I hope all newbies will take the time to read, study and understand the basics... you won't progress far if you want us to spoonfeed you with such basic info. Hope you understand.
  16. I searched the LTA site but there is no appeal information there.
  17. Guess, that's true with regards to loss of biodiversity. Although there will be some organisms that turn up later on that will surprise you! I noted that with the feeding of live phytoplankton, you can sustain biodiversity for a much longer time. I have tunicates, mini featherduster worms and sponges which keep growing as a result. I used to have a lot of copepods in the past, than later on, the amphipods were the dominant species of pods in my tank. I think we have to be mindful of possible predation & eradication of the 'little creatures' and taking care of them via feedings of the right food eg. phytoplankton, to keep biodiversity of microlife in our reef tanks.
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