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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. There is nothing to 'maintain' in a DSB. Those algae that grows on it is a result of a high level of dissolved nutrients fueling their growth. You have to understand how to control that. Nitrates will gradually be removed by the workings of a properly setup DSB. The so-called reef janitors like snails, brittlestars, hermit crabs, pods, sea cukes etc can be employed to clean up excessive detritus. IMO, a very good skimmer will solve most of these nuisance algae problems. INVEST!!!
  2. hmmm....IMO, you can get married but still enjoy life like singles. I believe both parties must give each other freedom to grow, pursue own interests, make new friends and not feel restricted by each other. If you can share the same interests, all the better... but if you don't share it, doesn't mean you must clamp down on your partner's interests. Of course, there will be mutual responsibilities & committment to each other and sharing of burdens & problems... but your life partner cannot become a problem or the marriage will be long-suffering. I think most marriages take a downturn when one partner or both feel resentful because she/he feels the other is not allowing enoughy freedom/leeway or providing something for him/her. Communication with each other like how buddies would talk is the key to how things work out in my own marriage. Anyway... I am the cool patient dude and I balance out my more hot-tempered wifey... if both hot-tempered... sure die one!
  3. Joe... can you define what you mean by "can't meet my Reefs Calcium demand"? What's your tank's current cal and alk levels like? What's your CR's current cal and alk levels like? Please add in your PH levels for your tank and CR too.
  4. The lower the PH values... the more the media will dissolve... releasing higher cal and alk readings... In your case... your PH got higher but your alk increased a lot more... logically... it can't happen... esp, now that you increased effluent flow.
  5. Sigh! You people will be the death of me! How to raise the profile of Singapore reefers overseas when all they read about is nonsense like THIS???!!!
  6. Wah lau, Bwilly... you ahh.... damn perv! Ghost also you want!
  7. Ideally, a few hours later... diff tanks have diff water circulation. In a tank with a fast turnover... probably the time is shorter... but you have also bear in mind the dissipation rate vs the absorption rate of how fast the tank consumes it!
  8. kalk paste is kalk paste. A paste. thick. The clear solution is not paste. Bacteria? possibly.
  9. Kalkpaste is extremely alkaline... it will kill anything.... Astro.... possibly...
  10. If you take the LR out of the tank... if not... the mantis shrimp may scoot out somewhere else, and the excess kalk paste could kill some other lifeforms if you don't suck it out immediately and it floats away and lands elsewhere.
  11. Huh? Dun get the last part... why the PC can stop the burglar?
  12. Take a number... long queue...
  13. No... I mean... cal and alk levels...
  14. If that was Bwilly.. his life might as well end.
  15. Out of curiosity, what kind of values are you getting out of yours?
  16. Fired up glass = tempered glass? Or are you talking about Starphire glass?
  17. Change the title and moving it out to the Marine Equipment forum.
  18. Hmmm.... usually, the lower the PH in the CR, the higher the dKH and Calcium levels.
  19. Seriously joe... pls tell me what you want me to rename this thread to.
  20. What's your water parameters like?
  21. They don't feed on phytoplankton. Zooplankton, possibly... but meaty foods like brine shrimp or mysis is better.
  22. Test first... then dose... when you dose, you ought to know how much you are dosing.
  23. Duh.... of course it does!!!! That's the basis of how you tune your CR!! Need more calcium & alk.... open up the tap loh!! Dun need so much, lower the output loh!! Of course, if you want more calcium & alk laden output... you have to up your bubble count and water input at the same time!
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