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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Eeks... and why is the tortoise so turned on?
  2. Just like to point out to you that she surfs this forum too.... I am sure she be preparing a nice sharp parang just for you...
  3. Twilight, Hi there! First time talking to you! Hmmm....I disagree... I personally think that generally, male bonding is truer.... the brotherhood between guys is simpler, more loyal & warmer... it's not as complicated as how women claim as deep as their sisterhood bonds coz we don't have all the petty b*tching, gossiping, jealousy, 'xiao ne ren qi' & fluctuating hormonal induced mood swings that happens between woman friends. I see a lot of women who pretend to be friends with each other but behind their backs.... they bitch and complain and gossip about each other!!? And they still hang out together?? And it does seem like they need to one-up each other. For guys... very straightforward... we like you, we like you. We don't like you, we won't bother talking to you. Why must women be so complicated at times?
  4. Oh. And now we see the emergence of transsexuals in SRC? Gosh.
  5. LOL! Yeah lah... but today seems like a good day to die... (which movie was that taken from?) Quite entertaining today... Anyway.. I really hope the lady reefers will unite... and show us a thing or two about how to keep a beautiful reef.... and also... we need more nice food for the next SRC BBQ party!
  6. I give up lah... you ladies win... sigh! Morale of the story: The ladies always win when it comes to arguing... I'll go back to being the strong silent type... talk too much to ladies today... very thirsty already. Having a nice beer session with some of the reefer boys later on... prepare to scratch your ears! Wahahaha!!!
  7. MEN!!!! STAND UP AND DEFEND YOURSELVES!!!!! It's just two of them and a bazillion of us!!!!!
  8. If I were you, I won't run the canister. You have #0 sand right... how many inches deep is it? If you have a refugium, its gonna be run off an overflow system... you can use that to replace the canister.... I am sure your refugium sump should house enough aerobic bacteria to replace your canister in a compartment where you can house bioballs for them to colonise. You can still use the canister to house carbon, polyfilters though... its up to you. Just think through the process and avoid any flooding possibilities with failsafes.
  9. I don't know. You have to ask him yourself. But I do know his family has a big fibreglass pond where he has probably a hundred clams outdoors in a mud substrate? Maybe that's how he does it?
  10. Alfa.. you got a big point there... if we could program our ladies to have PMS all at the same time during war... and give them a weapon each... let's just say the battle at Helm's Deep will be over in 20 secs!
  11. What! Absolut V, you want to become personal ah?... meet you outside lorong we settle okie!! If I ugly, you show me you pretty first! Hahahaa!!
  12. Hmmm.. IMO... they don't. Esp, the sand-burrowing kind. The ones that climb walls and rocks eating microalgae... yup... I had an explosion a few months ago. They are always camouflaged purple due to coralline algae on their shells!
  13. Look onli what! We are not that petty to prevent each other from looking at nice specimens of the other ######. In fact, we will point out to each other... "chiobu chiobu your nine o'clock..." and I will tell her.. "cute hunk... 3 o'clock.. but probably gay!" LOL!
  14. Hahaha... you also don't act nice and innocent... evidence is here also! Finally, it is good to see a buaya female in SRC.... you have to meet the TK King... and receive your royal appointment as Queen! LOL! Joking lah... don't get offended... hell has no fury like a woman scorned.
  15. Yeah.... right. I'm married to a woman too.... remember?
  16. I'll convert my skimmer tube into a homemade bazooka.... load it with bristleworms... fight! fight! fight! Stand up for Singapore!! There.... I just secured my income tax waiver... right.. Big Brother? *looks overhead* I'll probably fight more to protect my home reef and family.
  17. You're WRONG.... woman can focus on different things at one time! LOOK AT FLUB'S POST ABOVE!!! "hmmm.. this coco worm has a nice crown... just like Ah Buc's hair... this stylo coral is as stylo.. as Buc.... this brain coral... probably can't beat Buc's brains... sigh.. this water is as cool.... as Buc...." JOKING... FLUB.... JOKING!!!!!!!! :lol:
  18. *shakes head* Sigh... and the ladies here are as pure as snow.
  19. Yeah I know I said that... "shooting myself.... ", the question is... do you know what it means? Tell me.
  20. Hmmm... pls pls pls... start your own threads about "The most yan tau LFS person" I nominate Buc from LCK110! Or if you like Tiny... also can vote! SRC lady reefers only voting! Flub... take it away!!!
  21. Wah lau! Stop it lah!! Shooting myself doesn't need to be construed as something of that kind also right?? I sure you can corrupt just about any statements... sigh! Try this: Bangs his head against the wall in frustration... too easy right? How about this: Throws his hands up in frustration.
  22. Shooting means something?? What are YOU thinking of? local slang and codes are also used by char bors what! I do agree with you about over excessive nonsense talking about these topics affecting youngsters... but I think the younger folks are probably more numb than us... we started the internet only in sec/pre-u levels... they are already using the net in kindergarten and lower primary!
  23. Yeah... they can be reefers too! BIG BROTHER's watching!
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