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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Vincent... When polyfilters turn dark brownish/black, it indicates that you have a high level of dissolved organics. To use polyfilters to remove dissolved organics is like shooting a fly with a howitzer cannon instead of using a flyswatter. It works but its terribly expensive to do so long-term. you should use GAC to remove organics... and use the polyfilter pad to absorb possible contaminants that the carbon can't. Your wallet will thank you.
  2. You create bubbles too? You'll You must be talking about Valonia, bubble algae!
  3. Can you describe how different. What are you comparing it with? Bubbles from soap? freshwater bubbles? And why are you so stressed about bubbles?
  4. It's an absorbent. Once full, throw away. You don't wash a sa*****y pad.
  5. His 2 or 3 month old tank is probably stocked up already. We don't know what he has inside nor do we know how efficient is his biological filtration setup nor his equipment setup. All this will affect the level of dissolved nutrients in this tank... and the appearance of diatoms or cyano or dinoflagalletes will signal that they are 'feasting' on it. Simply - remove the 'fuel'... and they will go away. Still debatable. Too few cases happening to panic yet. There are 15 year old DSBs around. Anywway... DSB or Liverock... these will absorb heavy metals from the saltmix and additives we put into our reef tanks... so a crash may be coming your way...maybe.
  6. How fast do you expect the bubbles to burst?
  7. Carbon and polyfilters function more or less the same... but polyfilters can absorb a lot more. They are used even for blood dialysis.
  8. Is it a light dusty covering of brown or thick maroon matty covering with oxygen bubbles in them? The former will be diatoms.... once they finish the silicates in your water, they should die out. The latter will be cyanobacteria... that one is harder to get rid of and usually indicates a high amount of dissolved organics & phosphates in your water. The use of GAC and Rowaphos should help a lot for both.
  9. You don't even know your own Genus, DA?
  10. Asking to be caught by Superman, my dear 'pseudo tang'?
  11. Agreed. High temperatures are a stressor for corals. Don't be surprised by a bleaching episode soon. Why don't you install a fan in the meantime before you get a chiller?
  12. Strange... ever since I upgraded to WinXP, I have this problem. Anyone knows how to solve it?
  13. LFS will put fishes, even big ones, in tiny tanks because they have no choice and it's a temporary holding area. We as hobbyists, should be mindful of the stress that we can induce in our fishes if we place them in not-so-ideal environments. I'm not saying an adult Naso Tang will not survive in a 4ft tank... but it could result in the Naso Tang being frustrated and stressed that it could pose a threat to your other inhabitants (esp other tangs) by being territorial and whacking them, resulting in stress for all... and possibly an ich outbreak will push all the fishes 'up the lorry'. That being said... you can follow some HK style (no offense intended) fishkeepers who don't think twice of putting like 5 angels, 5 tangs in a 4 ft tank. It's as sad as some HK fishshops who pack marine fish in a plastic bag and hang outside their shops like fighting fishes.
  14. I can imagine the Chinese Secret Police banging down his door now!
  15. Glare, We have taken note of your statement and investigations are underway. Technically, this scenario is impossible as there is no such organisation in SRC called the Tang Police. I believed you may have been conned by a Pseudanthias Triksterconjobalis, masquerading as a Tang Policeman. I repeat for the record, the only Tang organisation in SRC is the Tang Quartet (releasing classical album soon) and The Tang Dynasty Performing Troupe (busy preparing for Chinese New Year performances). To all, in future, if you see a little pink fish flashing a Tang Police card, he's a fake. (There are no pink Tangs anyway... so that's a very good clue). AT
  16. Yeah... unless you are selling off spiderwebs! Moving out of the Pasar Malam Forum into New to the Hobby!
  17. Hi Osmosis, Nobody can understand you if you don't describe it properly my friend. I told you Jon from Coral Farm has never sold as liverock as Corn Sticks. I called him yesterday to verify. Who did you speak with in Coral Farm? If you are still confident then by all means, pls refer to your LR as cornsticks. But have you ever thought that whoever 'taught' you this name may be wrong... or that you may have misheard or made a mistake somehow? Anyway... I don't think anyone wants to flame you unnecessarily. It's just that your response to people who were trying their best to help wasn't exactly very er.. thankful... and therefore you are getting the appropriate responses. Anyway, I really hope you still want to clear this up but before we can help you, you must help us. Take a photo as someone suggested.... of the whole piece of Corn Stick LR and the wounded part... and we can analyze it for you. PEACE, AT
  18. Believe me, I did a search on the internet for corn stick LR. No such thing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Corn sticks on the other hand... do you need wart removers? Or a pan to bake corn in?
  19. Tanzy... you're not the size of the cowboy in Predator who carried the mini-gun. A 2 sec blast and you'll be moving 5 ft backwards!
  20. Collection of 1st batch of T-shirts! There are still quite a number of people who have not collected their SRC T-shirts yet! Can you please get in touch with me asap? I am opening up 2 more drops at LFS and a meetup. Please choose a timing/location. 1. OP - collecting from this Sat onwards 2. ML - collecting from this Sat onwards 3. My home - afternoon 2 to 5pm (tentatively).
  21. Nudibranchs are toxic creatures. That is why they have no predators. Thank goodness for their very short livespans... nature has intended it to be so.
  22. Wow... big tank! Hope its sitting on a beam and not in the middle of the room! (prob not judging by these photos). Is it between two columns?
  23. I'm actually quite curious who are the people who tell you these things? I know almost everyone in this industry... and perhaps they can verify this information as true or false. Jon from Coral Farm was quite surprised about Corn Sticks LR being sold from Coral Farm.... If you care to listen to my opinion... branch LR is more for decorative & rockscaping purposes rather than serving as a good biological filter as compared to bigger, rounder, heavier and dense liverock. That person(s) who told you that probably was selling you uncured LR.
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