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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. It should follow this format more or less. Take a look here.
  2. Yeah, I used to feed my fishes with orange fish eggs... those that we eat for sushi....
  3. LOL!! Damn cool spoof!! Warning: very long download! matrix_xp.zip
  4. Not scientist.... CITIES!! It's actually just an import permit from AVA.
  5. Actually the better advice would be... I hope you learnt a lesson from this. You have to reseach a lot more and learn how to ID marine livestock before buying them. Marine livestock are usually not incompatible with something else, toxic, venomous, aggressive, shy, hard to induce feeding, fussy eater, eat too much, need a big tank, need a species only tank, need strong lighting, need perfect water conditions, need strong water flow or the TOTAL OPPOSITE of everything here! Don't buy what you don't know about! AT
  6. Hon, as requested... growth sequence.. within 3 months. Posted Oct 20 2003 As of 31 Jan 2004
  7. Ryan, I have dispars, bartletts and truncates.
  8. If the shops are doing imports legally... why would supply go down?
  9. The higher the wattage of the bulb, the higher the light intensity. Is this what you're asking? A 6500k bulb is also visually brighter than a 20k bulb if they are both the same wattage.
  10. Hydroids.... for the most part... they are harmless... they will die off soon.
  11. Deepblue... you saw my lights.... nice blend?
  12. From my limited knowledge... AVA will primarily be concerned about enforcing CITIES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) laws on the commercial trading & import of corals. The ones directly concerned are the local importers as they will be the ones to ship them into Singapore. They are expected to do the paperwork declaring ALL livestock shipments or face strict penalties. Exchanging/trading/bartering corals amongst hobbyists is not considered as commercial trading or illegal. AVA will only probably step in to investigate public complaints if you are known to keep illegal livestock due to its endangered status, poisonous or life threatening animals or if the livestock is a threat to local fauna if released into our local land/waters. Corals are on the endangered list under CITIES but under a category that allows commercial harvesting and trade. They are considered legal as trade is allowed although the harvesting process has to be strictly followed by each country governed by the CITIES laws. The quota has to be followed and each country that imports these corals have to monitor what comes in so as to ensure that the export/import numbers tally with the exporting country. I think AVA will need a LOT of manpower to track corals moving within the country and exchanging hands within the hobbyist circle. If there is such a law... there should be one to see how much corals and livestock dies in the hands of hobbyists. SRC reefers exchanging or selling off their corals to one another SHOULD be alright... believe me... AVA visits our site and I am sure they will make it known LOUD and CLEAR if what we have been doing all this time is ILLEGAL! As for local businesses selling livestock online... they have to clarify with the relevant authorities for the necessary business permits as they are expected to have QT facilities (I think) before they are granted their permits.
  13. Huh? You mean Pacnet or Singnet? You mean those who email AVA, will the ISP be held responsible?
  14. You know, after all this years.... we're finally discussing this ugly and 'hidden' issue about the local marine industry. Those in the know usually just acknowledge this trend and sigh. I think the senior reefers will just take it like rainy and hot seasons... AVA protecting CITIES laws - LFS hoping to make a quick buck by not declaring such shipments - kenna reported - kenna raided - hobbyists caught in price fluctuations and lack of supply. It's a sad cycle.
  15. It's so obvious that those people with direct commercial interests ie, those who in the industry, will be the ones to paotoh each other. Probably those who do it the right way and wish to 'punish' those who don't. What's new? Nothing. It's called Greed and Risks.
  16. Gentlemen, I think we have a rat in our midst. It's extermination time!! There's a rumour that rumor is part of an insidious Greenpeace breakaway faction out to infiltrate hobby clubs such as ours to free fishes from tanks around the world! Is that true?
  17. I'll do the permission seeking with StreetDirectory.com as I own SRC. So who's gonna volunteer for this mission? AT
  18. Guess what guys... I heard a rumour! *cue Bananarama song* The guy responsible for all the AVA raids these few days is none other than...... *wait for the drumroll*.... AT!!!! That's right! WOW!!!!!! I nearly fell off my chair when someone reported this to me today! So apparently now, I am a secret agent working for AVA, and I have people working for me at the airports and fishing ports who report to me about illegal shipments of corals that were not CITIES declared! Perhaps I was the mysterious man during the raid seen all dressed in black with a balaclava mask, combat boots, holding a walkie-talkie and a MP5 submachine gun. I mean, ever since SRC came into the scene, I have been involved in a few crazy rumours... but this one really takes the CAKE!!!! Gee.... some people are really so free. I hope they get a life! This one seemed to have evolved from a rumour a few days ago that an SRC member was the one who reported to AVA and the raids happened.... but now... I'm apparently involved too! I spoke to the boss of one of those LFF that got raided and he and I had a good laugh at this rumour. Even he said whichever LFS's willing to take the risk of smuggling corals has to face the music themselves with AVA and why look for those who 'spied' or scapegoats? I really salute him! Anyway, I am used to it! It coincides with every season of AVA checks and raids. Stay tuned, for a rumour coming near you!
  19. Oh, this info is already in a thread somewhere... in an excel sheet... I think it is version 1.3 or something. You will get most of the info there. I hear streetdirectory has recently sued a few businesses for using their images in their websites, for location purposes. I don't want to be in this state. We have to ask them permission.... as I think they prefer people to surf to their site and they can charge their clients for advertising exposure due to the traffic there. You'll be surprised. If you been here long enough, you will still see a lot of people still asking for directions inspite of having road maps. We have a few threads where people post directions... and it has been helpful. I want this to be feature to help all hobbyists. Yup, that's the general idea. To put bus numbers for the roads nearby. But more info can also be contributed from reefers about how to take buses from the nearest MRT, interchange or landmark. That would be good also, again, contributions from reefers will add to the information gathered. The logic of doing it in a thread format... a search will show up with the info and that people can add comments to it (photos, information contributed) ... so why put it in an excel sheet again?
  20. Barra pass them all to cookiemunster... he's a bug-lover!
  21. In the order of the highest PAR levels, 6500k 10,000k 20,000k As you can see, the bluer the bulb is made, the more PAR is lost. The 6500k bulb is the best as it is full spectrum as opposed to only having spikes in the blue spectrum like the higher k bulbs. It gives the best growth and possibly colouration (for most corals). Just too bad that its visually too strong in the yellow/green area to the human eye. In reality, the 6500k bulbs have very strong blue spikes, equally more or less the higher k bulbs. I use the 6500k Iwasakis in combination with 20k and I get a pleasing white and the best of both worlds so my SPS corals will benefit from it.
  22. Thanks Barra, for the experience shared! Sorry that it didn't work out as planned... but as least you will be getting rid of the Isopod plague! AT
  23. I did learn SOMETHING from them when I was a newbie. And that was about the high cost of equipment. Nice folks.
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