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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. It's probably just discharging wastes from its mouth. If its stringy & brown, its zooxanthellea.
  2. I say again.... TICK TOCK!!! What goes "BOOM" after "tick tock"?
  3. Deal!! I'll trade your car for my current skimmer!!!!
  4. No kidding! Nah... that's not the same one then... I say again for the record... It's not THAT LFS!
  5. Hahahahaah!! Deep Blue... you're so hopeful that I don't wish to spoil your dream... DREAM ON!! I may consider it if your offer is good!
  6. I JUST got another interesting phonecall from THAT LFS who is being supposedly accused as the whistle-blower. This SMS has been sent to many LFS (esp the ones who got raided) and has been forwarded to me by a few people. Apparently now, a police report has been been made and investigations are already underway to trace back the originator of the vicious SMS rumours. If THAT person is reading this now... that LFS whom you have slandered... is TELLING you now to own up to him personally and then apologize to everyone in the industry for your acts... he will then NOT pursue legal action against you. I'm just transferring the message as a favour and I am definitely AM NOT part of the industry. I certainly do not OWN or CO-OWN any LFS and DO NOT have the time, inclination or interest to engage in such competitive politics and rivalry amongst the LFSs. *borrowing a line from Jack Nicholson from Mars Attacis: "Can't we all just get along?"* Sigh! AT
  7. Got a few more interesting phonecalls/SMS this morning. Now the finger is firmly pointed at another LFS as the one who blew the whistle. Don't really know what's happening but this politicking and industrial espionage is getting too much. You guys should not contribute to the mass hysteria as the hobbyists should stay out of this. I have a few people from the industry and hobbyists who supported me & SRC against these vicious rumours but I will appreciate you guys not adding fuel to fire with more speculation and let this supposedly 'inter-LFS sabotage game' come to an end. I wonder why nobody would think that AVA is JUST doing their job WELL and wish to find a scapegoat for AVA's recent enforcement activities. It's always been a common thing every few months for years already!
  8. Ahem *cough*... yeah.. in Joe_P's case... he's SICK! *cough* Anyone want to take over my Alvyfoamer 648 so I can *cough* *cough*... upgrade? *cough*
  9. Don't tempt me! I was thinking of a dual beckett myself... Robe's been saying that for the longest time to me.. upgrade to a dual beckett! LOL!!! I wonder how much cleaner my water will become! I think I can REALLY overfeed my reef then without worrying about over-pollution!
  10. Yeah... we went for midnight bowling...
  11. I hear sometimes they uproot themselves (usually a sign of stress & unhappiness) and get drifted out by currents to hopefully land in a better spot. Sometimes upon budding, they do this.
  12. A 56-foot sperm whale's insides lie strewn about after its belly burst due to decomposition while being transported to the National Cheng Kung University in Tainan in southern Taiwan on January 26, 2004. The whale ran aground and died on a beach in the southwestern county of Yunlin on January 17. Photo by Taiwan Apple daily via Reuters I REALLY HATE TO THINK OF WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED SHOULD I BE WALKING NEXT TO THIS CARCASS!
  13. Okie... I'll show you mine! (taken from my latest SPS tank thread) Taken exactly Oct 20 2003. As of 31 Jan 2004.
  14. Title edited from "Coral Banded Shrimp (CBS)" to Are Coral Banded Shrimps generally aggressive. Thanks for your co-operation and understanding! AT
  15. I tried Initial D at CNY day 2.... Woah cool man.... but I can only win the 1st car.... its a really expensive game man! Played 2 rounds!
  16. Sigh... if only people can learn to give way. I hear people are so much nice overseas (and I don't mean Asia). Is our hectic way of life here in busy Singapore making us a pack of impatient, ruthless animals? If only we can install those LED signboards at the back of the white cars that accompany the Ministers. I got close once (actually about 2 car lengths away) and this red LED signboard at the rear window flashed something like "Warning: Please back away - you are too close" I half-expected a secret service man to point a MP5 submachine gun at me! Hmmm... sounds like a good idea for 'defensive driving!' LOL! AT
  17. Reminds me of the game I play at the arcades... called "Crazy Taxi"!!! Running over pedestrians, crashing into cars, driving up stairs, along sidewalks, over parks and against traffic just to deliver the abusive passengers to their destinations before the time runs out!
  18. You talking about nipple orientation? Cookie... just make sure the nipple on the bulb is pointing straight up.
  19. I just custom made my wetsuit from Acronman! A little ex but good quality. If you want a customised graphic on the chest... it's extra cost. AT
  20. I use marine ply as a base on top of my metal stand. It is still layered plywood like 'kueh lapis'... not solid wood. It SHOULD NOT be used as wood for your supportive structure for your tank!!
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