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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Roidan, very hard to shoot under so much glare. Here's an example of an exposure that allowed just enough light into the camera but not so that everything's washed out. I nearly fell and dropped the camera into the tank attempting this shot! My hands were trembling because I had to shoot blind with the camera raised high as I leaned from the front of my tank! Overhead view of my right side, with the light hood pushed back but with the front MH (Ushio blue) over the back part of my tank. Most of the light's from the Ushio Blue so colour's a bit skewed.
  2. Left side looking left of centre... understand what's I'm saying?
  3. Top view left corner. Had to push my light pendant away from the tank so I don't get light reflecting off the water surface, therefore tank is dim, with more blue MH light in this photo because my Ushio Blue bulbs are in front. Using a Sony digi cam courtesy of Linkin Park. It really brings out certain colours unlike the Canon cameras which gives a cooler feel. Wow! Have yet to fully play around with the settings but we shot quite a bit to capture the true colours of my tank to be WYSIWYG. Still experimenting tomorrow... so hope to bring you better looking photos with diff exposure settings we are trying out as it is extremely difficult to shoot with high wattage MHs that causes glare/washed out areas without losing too much colour. It is definitely impossible to shoot with blue MH bulbs because everything looks blue to the camera. What you see here is about two-thirds of my 3ft width.
  4. Usine one 10k and 20k bulb in a pendant will give you banding problems. You will see one side of the tank in white colour and one in blue! Best to go for 2 x 10k or 2 x 20k. I suggest 2 x 10k with blue PL/T5s for supplementing the 10k to get a pleasing whiter colour as 10k alone can still be quite yellow. I will suggest you invest in a better chiller. Try the smallest model of the Reef Relief (1hp I believe). I believe you will be very happy with it in the long term. You get what you pay for. And save electricity in the long run if you get a too small/inefficient chiller that runs the whole day instead. You can't place your clams on the sandbed or they may not get enough light. You have to place them higher on the rocks even to get them to retain colour. 250w minimum for sandplaced clams.
  5. A few years ago it was selling around $45. Now how much is it selling for and where's the cheapest? Not asking for myself... suggesting it to a friend to use for his temporary nitrate problem! AT
  6. Hi Zenus, thanks for dropping by that day and taking some pictures... but unfortunately.. I realised that we missed out a few critical shots. Some of them were quite blurred. Perhaps we should have used a tripod? If you're free.... I'm free too!
  7. Moving this to the Marine Aquarium forum. Please post in the correct forum next time so as to lighten the mod/admin's workload!
  8. Why do they change colour? Can someone tell me?
  9. *tick tock* Thread will be deleted soon unless the original poster contacts me ASAP to edit the topic title to something more descriptive.
  10. It it pumps water thru without leaks... I guess you can say it works!
  11. LOL! My tank is no longer new. This thread is very old. I think I better close it. My latest tank update is My SPS tank, As of 081003. Thread is now closed. AT
  12. Seriously though.... I think we now have a LOT more traffic coming from overseas and it would be good for us to put up a good front as we represent our country in the international reefing community! I have always believed SG reefers are not far behind the rest of the world when it comes to reefing! Stand up for Singapore!! Reef the best we can!! AT
  13. I'm not as famous as Danano... he put Singapore SPS reefers on the map a long time ago! He's world famous in RC and Nano-reef.com! I've always tried to stay low-key! AT
  14. *tick tock* thread will be deleted unless action is taken.
  15. PS - this thread really should belong in the Marine Equipment forum. Moving there now.
  16. Well, since the problem has been identified as being inadequately sized... I suggest you sell it off and get one that's suitably sized. You should check out the US range of My Reef Creations CRs that our sponsor, SeaQuest is bringing in.. good stuff! What I would have asked for is your tank size, coral type and density, bubble count, effluent output, current Cal and Alk levels etc.
  17. You got it from Aq**********e? Did you get one that's suitably sized for your reef tank in the first place? Pls give us more details on your setup.
  18. To frag in reefer speak: the physical act of breaking apart corals for the purpose of aquaculture/propagation. To frag in gaming speak: KILL! DESTROY!!! ANNILIHATE!!!
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