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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Ta Pao gang!! I kinda look down on them actually... its no sport to rig up nets to catch fish. I have never casted a net before in my life! Even to catch prawns! To me... 10lb line, 5ft spinning rod and baitcaster is the ONLY WAY to fish like a real fisho!
  2. It can't and it won't. Polyp bailouts are either a sign of stress or it could be budding off as a seperate colony. Can you show a pix?
  3. Coral Clams...! I'm NOT ANGRY!!! You guys should know that I'm the friendliest most patient Godfather Mafia Don in town who'll make you sleep with the fishes tonight if you so much as hurt a bristle of a fireworm! Don't make me reach out thru your computer monitor and strangle you! And no one agrees with me? Only Deepblue? :cry:
  4. *knocks Flubby's head with a block of frozen cyclop-eze* Read your own Topic Title. Grrrr...
  5. I'm not ANGRY at him... gee... I don't even know him. It's just that I'm a little disappointed that perhaps all my efforts are in vain... if by now, even newbies who are in SRC BEFORE even starting their tank would have read up the basics and researched enough to know what's required, what's to be avoided etc. still goes ahead to do this. I consider it mission failed. I was a newbie like he was before. I paid 'tuition fees' to the shops, a high price to pay for my own ignorance. I too struggled with impatience, lack of knowledge and yearning to stock up my tank with EVERYTHING, too fast, too soon, too much... and in the end... too BAD! I want to see knowledge passed on, so the newbies can have a faster shallower learning curve, bypassing common mistakes and pitfalls, saving time, money & heartache, learning to care for their marine pets and becoming a responsible reefer. James72, no hard feelings but I hope you know what I'm saying. If you know enough about curing LR, you should know about the nitrogen cycle. And you should know the consequences of trying to stock up your tank during it. What's shocking is that you have bought the typical stuff which is considered hard to care for, even by experts. Cauliflower soft corals, gonioporas, blue sponges, flame scallops, nudibranchs and anemones - can you tell me what the feeding & housing requirements are? AT
  6. Moving to the New to the Hobby forum. Sigh! I will have a long wait again for my fish food. You drop by my place lah! Dun care!
  7. You tot? Tot you head ah! Guidelines for the Product Review Forum. Make me more busy onli!
  8. Yeah, and Tanzy's an alcoholic. I thought the taste of warm stout was the best? Seriously dude... you outta stick to Ribena. And it's no fun having to carry you home without the aid of a forklift. *dig*
  9. Wrong forum, madam. *tsk* *tsk* You ought to know better than this.
  10. I didn't volunteer.... I was just expressing a possible intent which is yet to be realised! Reef-safe? I suppose so... I don't think there is much info on them... they make excellent bait for catching fish though!
  11. Dun trust you and a can of beer, I'll do the driving, and return you the car on Monday.
  12. Interesting idea. Had that too... if I can find the time and motivation to go shore fishing with my old kakis... I can bring along a net and catch a shoal for you! Or someone can do that for us?
  13. Well... I surely know there are such things as featherstars. Plenty of them around when I'm under the sea.
  14. Neon Goby? They were brought in before the NY by Marine Life. I don't think they have any left. Saw 3 left from the last time. I'm waiting for the blue ones.
  15. That's the right way! We have quite a number of newbies who want an SPS tank right away. It's madness. I fear many corals will die before they get all the knowledge, equipment and husbandry skills necessary for hard-to-keep SPS. AT
  16. Stock up slowly. Your tank will have to adapt to changes in bioload and you don't want your livestock to suffer drops in water quality as the bacteria tries to cope.
  17. James, don't tell me you bought a crinoid/featherstar too!! They are NOT recommended even for advanced reefers. They are better left in the sea.
  18. Featherstar?? I don't see any red featherstar photo attached but this one of a soft coral. Possibly Studeriotes Longiramosa (Christmas Tree Coral); a species that tends to collapse without good currents, proper substrates and plankton-type foods. It could also be a finger leather coral...possibly Nephlthea, Capnella or Sinularia.
  19. Hmmm... from my investigations, you started your tank buying on the 13 Jan 04, cured your uncured smelly liverocks and placed them in to your tank on 24 Jan 04, and today is the 6th of Feb!!!!!!!! 12 days into your cycling and you have such a fully stocked tank??!? And you want to get into SPS corals? My friend, I am afraid you are way over your head!! Do you even know that what you have stocked in your tank requires a lot of specialized care and experts have to cater species-only tanks for what you're keeping with dedicated feeding of the right foods? Do you know that you are NOT supposed to have any livestock till all the toxic levels of NO2 & NO3 becomes undetectable? That takes about a month... and then you have to stock up slowly... and certainly not with what you're stocked up with now! Man! I'm shocked. I thought you did some homework! Did you not apply what the basic steps pinned up here in the New to the Hobby thread have taught you? AT
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