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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Okie... since there is a demand, I'll let the SRC DIYers come and setup a store here in SRC. Criteria... the SRC DIYer must have 200 posts before allowed to sell his wares in this DIY online store here in SRC.
  2. Most LFS advice & expertise must be taken with a pinch of salt. Which LFS told you that... you can PM me if you don't want to post it online.
  3. newbies. I will never buy fish still in the bag. You can't guage their colours and their condition.
  4. There are tanks with DSBs for more than 15 years with no crashes. It's still a debate.. and even if you do away with a DSB, you still need to throw out all your LR because heavy metal pollutions will accumulate there eventually too... And of course, you will struggle to deal with nitrates.
  5. I don't think so, but they have wiped out my valonia problem.
  6. Siput, I checked the IPs of both of them and they correspond to different ISPs from the USA. I guess you can put to rest any doubts about the identities of these two supporters.
  7. If its going to be permanent... try using a plier to tighten it. It should hold.
  8. I think you are a bored bored man. Don't you have better things to do in life rather than think up of new conspiracy theories? Sequel 2? I'm already writing the prequels... it's called... "Funky O Mud, if its good enough for spa treatments, its good enough for your reef!"
  9. I nearly stepped on a snake when I used to fish in a mangrove swamp before. I broke the world's high jump record that day. Too bad no official was there to record it.
  10. Heh... a bit slow lah... this photo was in SRC for a long time already! We all agree its one hell of an ugly fish!
  11. I highly doubt that this ruling will turn a lot of people off. Frankly, if a newcomer can't comply with our house rules by just simply taking the effort to BE MORE DESCRIPTIVE in their topic titles, and wants to leave because of this... he or she should consider even not coming in here. I don't understand the inconvenience. It's like taking off your shoes when entering someone's home. Sure... you can ignore the owner's rules and clomp all over the place, leaving dirt where every other house guests will then have to endure the rude guest's mud and tiny pebbles sticking on their bare feet. I rather have such guests leave rather than inconvenience the majority. I am sure hospitals do not take too kindly to guests who come in and scream and shout or play loud music. Respect? I think respect must be mutual. And respect must always be given first to the host and other guests who were there first. Think about that.
  12. Sigh... dun spread misinformation. Seahorses (hippocampus sp) are now under Appendix II of the CITIES conventions. Meaning that all imported seahorses need to have the necessary CITIES paperwork done and cleared with AVA. Trade is permitted but now controlled by CITIES. Seahorses are not illegal if the proper permits are applied. Understand now? AT
  13. lol. Ckevin, you revived this thread! I wonder where Hotbod999 is now... he has become rather silent! I'm still waiting for his point by point counter-argument on Tanzy's reply thread.
  14. Guys, I heard that some overseas DIYers have used the OASE models which are similar to the becketts but they can't achieve the same frothiness.
  15. We are off topic now, but I am thinking of setting one up also for culturing of my peppermint or cleaner shrimp fries. But maybe external... or do what you do in my refugium (which has nothing in it)... sigh... wondering what to do with it.
  16. What's your water temp? What's your salinity? Suggest you read this and then comply... we'll be better able to help you.
  17. It looks like the remnants of an SPS coral, probably porites sp.
  18. Chinmo... nice DIY! Do you have a micron netting at the centre so water can diffuse through but the sea ponies can't?
  19. Jellyfish must be kept in special tanks. The small jellyfish tank in Underwater Water is about S$40k. AT
  20. I hope you guys can take it and run with it without much supervision! Just follow through my first post in this thread. Info should be clear enough! So we have two volunteers?
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