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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Didn't I post that up in the Kopi Tiam a year ago? Where's the link now?
  2. Justin from Bio-Ocean just did his open water at Aur. Merlion party all the way. The winds are still strong and white-caps are there. No fun diving. Today, there's news that those who are Tioman-bound have to turn back. The monsoon season sure is taking its old sweet time to go away.
  3. If its PE or PP, its safe as it won't leach out anything. PE or PP is food-grade plastic.
  4. Rumor, This should add to another of your conspiracy theories! Anyone care to comment?
  5. EYE CHART Increase distance from chart until it is readable.
  6. Hey, any idea if the winds are still strong? I am supposed to go on a liveaboard on 19th March weekend.
  7. Mike, Rest assured, publishing can be a good business if one is able to keep his overheads down and have a quality product that is an interesting read and credible... leading to an increase in readership/circulation which will add to advertiser confidence. Kinda like how SRC has quite a few sponsors online now! Anyway, IF I do it, I will probably start small & low budget.... hehehe.... print on toilet roll paper.... I used to be the Editor for my old company's corporate newsletter... we printed our monthly editions with inkjets on photocopy paper, FPFC... took us two days of continuous printing.. I swear that printer was going to conk on us!
  8. Was going to do a product review but since I don't have a digi cam and Rumor has already started one, I will just add on my comments as follows: Having a predominantly SPS tank, and used to feeding GPs and live rotifers at night when most of their polyps are out, this product has long piqued my interest as an alternative source of protein for my SPS corals. The high rotifer count per ml did impress me and that the suspension media was phytoplankton of a different strain, could only mean that this food source was not only potent but providing a new source of microplankton (Pavlova) for other filterfeeders & corals. I find that polyp extension is as good as when feeding GPs and live rotifers. I have not noticed a drop in water quality even when I feed my tank a few pumps a night. (on a separate note: my bottle's squirt pump failed to work after the 2nd day and I have used it as a form of dropper instead by unscrewing the cap). I do not find the smell of the product offensive... I quite like it actually, hahaha... visually, the liquid is dark, almost like black medicine and I'm curious what gives it the blackish colour. It is rare to find real zooplankton products that do not have a high preservative content (like bottled 'coral food' which do not need refrigeration and therefore cast some doubts on the freshness of the contents). CoralPlankton is freshly harvested rotifers (perfect for SPS corals and filterfeeders like sea fans and gorgonians) that needs to be kept refrigerated and thus has a short shelf-life. Application is easy and although the recommended feeding method is to pump a squirt of CoralPlankton into a container of tank water for swirling/mixing before pouring into the tank, I simply pump it direct into my tank in front of my Tunze Stream where it is promptly dissipated into the water column. To my amazement, sometimes when I squirt it into an area of lower flow, my Sailfin Tang and anthias would swallow the solid pieces before they get dissolved! They seem to enjoy it! I can logically deduce from my observations and the product literature that it is a good product that could be good for the continued health of my corals and will not hesitate to recommend fellow reefers a suitable alternative to live rotifers/zooplankton substitutes to feed their corals/filterfeeders. AT
  9. LOL! I was just talking to someone about this today! I know there is a phamphlet out recently in the market, quite ok for newbies except for some out-of-date methods and info... IMO probably taken off a reefkeeping book & summarized. It has quite poor editing too, lots of bad grammer and typos. Honestly, I have been thinking about it for some time already but I haven't discussed it with anyone yet. I'm doing my own business now and it would not be a problem for me to pursue this as one of my ventures. I wanted to do this a long time ago but decided that putting SRC online would have more interaction and better sharing of info. I can still come up with a magazine of reasonable standard if I can find time to do it. I guess being an Editor for the past 4 years, writing for magazines and web media, an A1 for GP and a few years freelancing as an editorial assistant during my O/A levels coupled with reefing experience, could put me in good stead, yes, no?
  10. I like to point out a design flaw. You don't have an air intake in your housing!!!
  11. Nice housing. Almost looks as good as mine. Hee hee... Do you have the OD/ID of the Heissner injector? You are free to pop over and test it vs the beckett in my skimmer.
  12. Arofanatics doesn't allow outside linking. All the images do not appear. Just post the link in full next time... we'll cut and paste into a new browser to view photos from that website. AT
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