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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. I am currently featured in this month's issue of FishLove Magazine! It is a local magazine (with circulation in M'sia) for mainly freshwater aquarium keepers.
  2. Wait a minute, can Jimaroon verify that these are photos of katoeys or are they just real female models??!
  3. Oh, I do travel to Thailand on business trips in the past. The outstanding katoeys can really look like HK movie stars, the majority... errr... cough cough. I feel sad for them that those who are out on the streets are just earning money just for refinement operations and hoping to land a foreign partner and then live an ordinary live like a woman. They certainly do have lonely lives and you can see it in their eyes beyond the bright smiles especially when you look away from them.
  4. I'm impressed. They even had their adam's apple shaved down. I like to look at their hands though... you can hide almost everything else but you can't hide the hands. Man's hands are bigger than women's.
  5. I think a few years ago they caught a 5 or 6 metre shovelnose shark nearby too.
  6. You can buy calibration fluid from Sealife or Petmart. You need 3 cups. First, wash the probe in tap water. (sometimes, if there is slime buildup on the tip, use a tooth brush to gently brush it off, if there is calcium deposits, use vinegar to soak it till its gone. Then wash thoroughly with tap water before starting the calibration exercise. left cup is for the 4.1 fluid, centre is tap water (or better still, use distilled water), right cup is 7.1. Take out your probe, make sure its attached well to the unit, make sure the 9v battery is fresh. You will use see two knobs on the Pinpoint PH monitor body unti. One marked as '4,10' and one marked as '7'. These can be adjusted using a very small screwdriver (you should have a set which is for adjusting very small screws). Dip in the tapwater cup, shake it dry. Dip in the 4.1 solution. Use the screwdriver, adjust the '4, 10' knob till the digital readout is stablilized at 4.1. Then take out the probe, wash it in the middle cup (tapwater), shake dry. Dip in the 7.1 solution. Use the screwdriver, adjust the '7' knob till the digital readout is stablilized at 7.1. Then take out the probe, wash it in the middle cup (tapwater), shake dry. Go back to the 4.1 solution and calibrate again... and repeat the steps until dipping between all solutions will give the exact readouts without you needing to adjust the knobs anymore. There! Your PH monitor is now ready for constant accurate monitoring till the next battery change! Hope this helps, AT
  7. How about you take a better quality pix?
  8. Hopefully, the setup of this corner will help make you guys clammed up... LOL!! You're welcome!
  9. Moving out to the new Clam Corner forum.
  10. You will only be able to tell if an SPS is going to go fast is when tissue starts flying off the skeleton. If there are changes to the colour, it could be it adapting to a new environment, stress or even bleaching.
  11. Paedophiles! S.H.E.?? Arent they like 16 or something?
  12. Orpheus, Don't be ridiculous! Apologizing for the weather? If you're the Big Man up there, I would asked for Singapore waters to be crystal clear first! You are not, I repeat, NOT responsible for lousy weather! However, I am sure you can do something about the Perhentian coach aircon!!!
  13. Having worked for a cruise company before... and have seen how our casinos operate... don't gamble lah... sure to lose all your hardearned money. Trust me. The one day cruises are more for VIP guests who are either invited onboard or they arrange their own junkets. I think you can go to Batam/Bintan for the casinos there if you're really desperate.
  14. Gee... Tanzy.... what's wrong with you? Are you that bored? I voted for Coke!
  15. I really really strongly recommend you go digital. You can shoot and shoot and be limited to just battery life and memory card space! With film... you have to be super experienced and know all your settings for the perfect shot because you have only 36 chances. Or is it 24? You can't change film underwater too... but on the boat or on land, you can download or swop memory card! You can review and delete lousy pix! Even underwater! Convinced yet?
  16. Could be a crab or a coral banded shrimp. Don't worry, they will mend their mud shell themselves shortly!
  17. You guys saw me there tonight and you didn't come up and say hi???! LOL!! I thought I can keep it a secret and you guys have to be there! I'm just promoting SRC again. Glad to help at least 3 newbies today with some Q&A. AT
  18. It is always better to cycle longer, even if you are confident that the cured LR is 'fresh'. Give it time for the bacteria count to increase first as there will still be minute dieoffs somehow. But if its cured LR, you have a much shorter cycle. The key to safety is SLOW stocking.... again to allow the bacteria enough time to cope.
  19. If its gaping, prepare to lose it. A crocea that I was babysitting suddenly started gaping and then it died. (sorry, you know who) All my other maximas and deresa are perfectly fine. Sometimes clams will pass on for no reason. Just watch out for the dreaded clam disease. I was hit by it before.. lost all my clams one by one consecutively in a short time.
  20. Its something in the water. Do a full battery of tests and you should find your culprit. Or its either poor acclimatization or a predation or aggression.
  21. I'm a little frazzled out today... but I'll try to add in something in my tired mindstate. 20k MH has a very strong peak in the blue part of the spectrum, which excites the growth pigmentation protecting against UV radiation. Hence it does seem that corals respond well by 'colouring up'. 6500k MH also has a strong peak in the blue spectrum but has also strong peaks in the red and yellow spectrum. Hence the name full spectrum bulb. Corals will utilize the entire bandwidth for growth and there is UV present too that causes pigmentation of the tips to also occur with the 6500k bulbs. If not for the fact that 6500k is awful to the human eyes, there would have been no need for the 10k, 14k, 20k, 50k bulbs. The bluer bulbs have higher peaks at the 420 - 450 nm... at the actinic ranges.... so why not combine the best of both bulbs... and use them together? AT
  22. This is the first time I am seeing Chelidonura varians!
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