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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Gonioporas and carnation corals require frequent feedings of phytoplankton/zooplankton/bacterial flocs on a daily basis yet they demand good water quality, which is almost impossible to replicate in an enclosed system, unless you get piped in seawater. The ocean brings lots of food & oxygen to corals yet whisks away wastes products/respiratory byproducts all in the same block/wave of current. There are very very low levels of nitrates & phosphates in a natural reef. These are present in much larger amounts in our captive reefs and the lack of control of these nutrients in our captive reef means you'll be inviting trouble. Its possible to keep Gonios and carnation corals in a species only tank but you'll probably need to overskim the tank yet maintain a very high phyto & nutrient count.... without crashing your tank. Very hard to do even by advanced reefers. The odd specimen or two that makes it long term in a reefer's tank could be just a fluke. But the general consensus is not to keep Gornioporas as its a more responsible thing to do.
  2. IMO, there is probably no such thing as overskimming in an SPS tank. A few corals do better in nutrient-laden tanks like Goniopora and carnation corals... a lot of other corals do demand better quality water. Anyway... unless you use a large beckett skimmer in a tiny tank.. I doubt if the any other skimmers can really 'overskim'... heh.
  3. IMO, its a lost hope relying on biological controls.
  4. Arrggh! GHA!!! I suggest a cut down on excess bioload, excess feeding, use a good phosphate remover like Contraphos/Rowaphos, use a good GAC, use a very good skimmer. Prune all hair algae outside the tank, if possible take the rocks out and brush out all the GHA with a tooth brush and wash clean with old saltwater. Use a sieve to strain out loose strands in your water column. You may have to shorten the photoperiod and even do about two days of blackouts. All these should help. And most importantly.... DO IT NOW!!! Every second counts. They spread like the plague. They will kill corals when they entangle and grow on them/next to them.
  5. Yes, we can salute them for their bravery... there is an element of danger, but do we have to raise funds by putting someone's life or wellbeing in danger all the time? I wonder who comes up with these stunts. And how much more is expected in future?
  6. I look forward to the day when Fann Wong has to bash her brains out with bricks, Zoe Tay plays Russian Roulette with a loaded gun and Moses Lim has to do pull ups over a pit of piranhas. Sigh!
  7. Was watching the NKF show just now with my wife and we were shocked at some of the stunts done by the celebrities just to get more sympathetic donations! Singer Ho Yao Sun being shot 5 times in the back with blowdarts that stuck onto her skin, seeing her in pain, having the darts removed and then leaving 5 bloody welts that was zoomed into during her song segment?? Compere Sharon Au screaming in pain over her standing/sitting down on Samurai swords??? I didn't watch the guy being put into the bees-filled room, did he get stung at all? What's this? Fear Factor? I switched channels to watch something less disturbing. What a way to raise funds... I seriously think this show will only come to an end in future when a celebrity gets seriously wounded or killed and a public outcry is made. What sayeth thou?
  8. I don't think there's a real Tunze agent in Singapore. There are a few LFF claiming to be Tunze agents but they are not even promoting the brand. Everyone's parallel importing them from their own sources.
  9. Hmm... looks like a photoshoot for an ad. Please... if she gets ROMed... the media would have announced it long ago! Anyway... here's Stephanie and Powder Blue Tangs!! cf_up2u.zip
  10. A skimmer will do wonders for your tank in terms of water quality. Your tank's new and you will definitely go through algae outbreak phases as your biological filtration tries to cope with your bioload. Not having a skimmer is possible but why do away with something that's proven to be an invaluable component of the modern reef tank? Get a good skimmer. And get rid of your copperband if you intend to keep a reef tank with inverts or vice versa. If you want to keep a macroalgae refugium, watch your water quality or you'll 'have' a refugium in your main tank too.
  11. Jpegs should work. Dynamic files are probably flash.
  12. It's definitely not Lysmata wurdemanni from the Carribbean. From the Phillippines you say?
  13. They need a tank without exposed powerheads or outlets or they will get stuck and be damaged/killed. They have to fed a LOT of live artemia on a daily basis or they will shrink and die.
  14. Weather's crazy these days... its going to get even hotter... I now hate to be in my fish room after I close the door. What's more.. the wind has changed direction during the hot months... so the wind is blowing back hot air from my chiller into the room.
  15. Ah... a Tick Tock deputy! Fnscasey, pls pm me with your new suggested title. Ahh... heck... I'll just add in a subtitle for you. AT
  16. I don't think the camel shrimp nor the peppermint has horizontal white lines on its body nor white antennae. The camel shrimp has a very distinct hump and has many distinctive white vertical and horizontal lines all over its body. The peppermint has a dark reddish translucent body with more horizontal than vertical red stripes, like xfusion's pix. Hypertec's pix looks a Lysmata multicissa, also a cleaner shrimp. It seems to enjoy being out in the open. Camels and peppermints are usually shy.
  17. Unless the photo becomes a lot clearer, I would say it looks like a reef shrimp.
  18. Newman aka Dodo in UltimateReef.net (a UK site)! Congratulations! You're making SG proud! Well done!
  19. Corals love a higher SG and some fishes too. But anything from 1.021 to 1.026 is fine for most livestock. The key thing is to acclimatize your new stock slowly to your tank's salinity levels.
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