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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Hi AP, What you listed are the names of the MH pendant brands. To me, a pendant is just a housing with different cosmetic choices. It's so subjective. But to me, a pendant is only as good as its reflector and the bulb quality that is in there. The best? German stuff are the best! But that means the $$$ is the best too! AT
  2. Hey Jackson6745! Good to see you here in SRC! Nice tanks! I love your cardinals!! Have never seen them for sale here yet! WOW!! Nice corals you got there!! Wanna trade? AT
  3. No outcome. It may happen or it may not... It's not an easy venture as it will take a fair bit of resources. But being an editor before... it's always been something I have good confidence doing. Any venture capitalists around?
  4. Was just looking through my old photos... As of 120304.... As of 041003....
  5. Bio-Ocean Aquarix has lots of stocks.
  6. I'll freak out if my skin tone is like that.... and my belly button looks so ugly!
  7. No no no... too many cooks will spoil the soup... everyone has their fav colours.... and diff artistic inclinations... it will be crazy... lol!
  8. Bear in mind there is this cool feature called... My Assistant.. seen on the top right hand. It shows: Since your last visit... There are 181 new posts. ( View ) 4 of these posts are replies to topics you started. ( View ) Show me... · The moderating team · Today's active topics · Today's top 10 posters · Overall top 10 posters · My last 10 posts It's very simple to use... and is available on request anytime you want.
  9. I took away the latest/most popular threads links on the left column because it was responsible for causing the server to slow down massively. Yet, there have been calls to restore these features... there has to be a compromise somewhere... pls vote! Decide about: 1. I want the convenience of having the latest/most popular threads seen automatically and I don't mind experiencing a having a massive slowdown in the forum. vs 2. I don't mind personally having to navigate with a min 1 - max 3 clicks everytime I want to see the latest threads/most popular threads. It is more important for me to have a very fast forum for easier browsing. You guys have to consider very carefully... and I hope the majority of you will vote because the silent majority will always lose to the loud minority... but of course, I still have overall say... LOL!!
  10. Those features have been removed as it is contributing to the server load. The forum is growing so fast with so much data that the two queries are causing the database server to slow down as every time a page is reloaded, a query is sent to search the entire database to search for the most recent threads and the most popular threads. That is the recommended action to take after some investigation was done. Hopefully, it won't inconvenience you guys too much but I am sure you have noticed the site is much much faster now? AT There should be a more realistic vote.... The convenience of having the latest/most popular threads seen automatically and having a massive slowdown in the forum vs navigating min 1 - max 3 clicks everytime you want to see the latest threads/most popular threads and having a very fast forum for easier browsing.
  11. Strat... I was just joking.... got quite sick of the yellow... Anyway... VOTE!!!!
  12. I'm feeling gloomy... so SRC will have to look gloomy... I'll see if I fix the scrollbar.
  13. Cookie, Since the pH is low even in the 2nd chamber.... even substantially elevated calcium and alkalinity values may not have caused a dramatic calcium carbonate precipitation as you theorized. The main causes of such CaCO3 precipitation is: 1. Ionic imbalance in the water - magnesium plays a key part. Dosing additional calcium into the tank causing supersaturation...eg. calcium chloride... and thus speeding up precipitation of calcium carbonate (and magnesium as well). A second situation where precipitation takes place is if the supersaturation is pushed to unusually high levels. This can be caused by a rise in pH, a rise in temperature or more obviously, by a rise in either calcium or carbonate. 2. Warmer temperature found in hot spots, esp. pump impellers, pvc pipes that may have been heated externally eg. MH exposure, can cause calcium precipitation to occur there locally. 3. The uneven dissolution of CaCO3 in different parts of a reef tank. However, because calcium carbonate precipitation can be accelerated by many key factors above as explained in detail in this article., you have to trouble-shoot accordingly.
  14. I spy with my little eye a.... ? ?? ! Guess!
  15. I think Mike is very correct with his explanations. You shouldn't shut down the CR pump... even to save electricity.
  16. Hon, Cool.... I see DA working away, disappointed now... LOL!!!
  17. Interesting thread... seems like the Artica Gang is slowly growing! Ti/RR surely losing ground already. Sigh... how the mighty have fallen. Greed is the root of all troubles. Anyway, I urge all those who are considering chillers to ask as many questions as possible as there seems to be a multitude of aircon/chiller 'experts' these days in SRC. But again... its easy for anyone to be swayed by initial positive reports reviewed by the bros here (even for the 'past' performers). It is really too early to tell... or you will see history repeat itself. Don't make the mistake of following the group and leader which sings the loudest. For every pro, there is a con. Its quite laughable now but when you look back in history... we ALL are guilty of raving about how the RR/Ti 1/2hp beat the pants off the Teco RA680... and now we have a new untested product which is going to beat the pants off the Ti/RR 1.25hp.... I wonder who is going to be the next champion? I think Barracuda makes some sense there... there are also many factors to consider... price vs noise vs power consumption vs true specs vs build efficiency vs size vs long term reliability vs running costs vs warranty vs customer service. Not every product is perfect but the most important thing is to have TRUST in whatever you BUY. And of course, TRUST in whoever is building/selling the product. Let there be light! AT Hon & Weileong, your tangs will slowly grow skinny if they don't get enough vegetable matter in a reef tank.. short of feeding them good stuff daily with nori (seriously, pang chai is not nutritious enough), I don't see how you can ever get enough algae growth to sustain them... and surely not for an SPS tank as macroalgae tends to take advantage and overgrow the corals. Please feed your tangs daily or Mr DA, our resident Tang Policeman will arrest you both soon!
  18. If you guys want convenience and speed... you can't have the whole cake and eat it too... (although that seems to be the expectations of some people here in SRC and its not about this issue). You guys should call a vote and decide what should be sacrificed... coz I think a slowdown in the forum would be a bigger inconvenience to the general good than the individual just having to click on a link or two to see some updates on thread changes.
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