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Achilles Tang

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Posts posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Want an opinion?

    It's an expensive hobby. No denying it.

    Dun go down the slippery slope unless you have deep pockets.

    Either you end up killing your livestock or yourself for 'wasting' money.

    These are extraordinary times and priorities have to be made. Save up your money for better things and use that to improve your studies/work/business opportunities. When you are richer and the world isn't dead yet... i am sure you can enter the hobby with passion and stability. :)

  2. I tink da mod is 2 busy to entertain..Hahaha.. Well i tink its childish to even start this thread...

    Ya, the mod is too busy to entertain. :P

    But i am keeping eye on the atmosphere here... sh*t-stirrers will have their accounts suspended.

    I do not intervene in personal differences or disputes.... it is really not my responsibility. There is always the smalls claims court or the high court.

    Why can't everyone be open and honest to one another during deals? sigh....

    "People are people so why should it be.. you and I should get along so awfully.. "

  3. Large size and a fast bite spelled doom for bony fishes during the last mass extinction 65 million years ago (the same one that led to the extinction of thousands of species of flora and fauna, including dinosaurs). Today, those same features characterize large predatory bony fishes, such as tuna and billfishes, that are currently in decline and at risk of extinction themselves. The hardest hit species are consistently big predators.

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  4. The genetic toolkit animals use to build fins and limbs is the same one that controls the development of part of the gill skeleton in sharks. Also, the skeleton of any animal appendage is probably patterned by the developmental genetic program that regulates the formation of shark gills. This finding is consistent with an old theory, often discounted in textbooks, that fins and (later) limbs evolved from the gills of an extinct vertebrate.

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  5. These fishes are found everywhere on our shores.... east coast parkway, changi, labrador... easily caught by hand. I used to catch them while swimming on the beaches.

    The juvenile catfish is quite cool when young... they school and feed in a ball.... but they will get much bigger and then you have to return them back to the sea.

    The halfbeak will also grow quick long. Not sure about its diet but I think they will go after large zooplankton and baby fry.

    The monos are similar... they are fragile at this stage... they may not last too long but if they do.. they can stay with you to adulthood.

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