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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Malachite Green in a reef tank???! NNNNNNooooooOOOOOoooooooooOOO!!! It should only be used in a quarantine tank! MG is capable of staining not only silicone but some corals! And it shouldn't be used for tangs as they are scaleless! AT
  2. It may not kill them as they will probably squeeze themselves out of the hole or run away somehow. Use a chopstick to crush them.
  3. NORI... not NORTI!! Yeah the dried nori on rock trick... for difficult tangs. That is if they learn to ID a particular rock as the 'grazing rock'. You should try cutting nori into bits so its bite-size, they will learn to grab food of that size... not only nori but mysis etc.
  4. Yes, Rowaphos/Contraphos Konzentrate will help do a good job in absorbing phosphates from the water. You should also use high quality GAC to help.
  5. Izzit ***, the branded-only equipment reefer? Yeah, he's an old bird when it comes to reefing, I believe he was still running around in shorts when he started keeping marine. Wow, if I had half his budget, my reef will be even more Norti on LR? What's that???
  6. Personally, I have bought 7 units of the single pendants for a corporate client. It's has very good value for the price point if you don't mind the simplistic design which some people like. AT
  7. Actually, the reason why most people's sea cukes are climbing up the walls is because they are trying to avoid the cyanobacteria and to look for food elsewehere. They will never eat it as it is toxic. My seacuke has never climbed my tank walls before... and my sandbed is still cleaned by the cuke. Perhaps if you take care of your water quality issue.. use good phosphate absorbers or utilise a very good skimmer... you can get rid of cyano and give your sea cuke a nice sandbed for it to feed on? AT
  8. I'll throw this back at the shopkeeper's face! Pui Pui! Big time CON job man!!
  9. Hello Szesteve.... Canada you say? Wow... kinda far away from Singapore!! Do you hang out at Reef Central? There are many Canadians there and may offer you advice, tips and would have many things in common with you... locality, LFS info etc. We'll be ready to help you out... have you taken a look at the pinned up links in the New to the Hobby Forum? There's a LOT of good info there that will be very useful to you! AT
  10. You will have a whirlpool in a 2ft with that!
  11. Guess its alright... platonic friendships exist in this world.
  12. Yeah... I had high expectations... a little let down.
  13. It will form at the bottom where the anaerobic layer is and where the anaerobic bacteria will process nitrates as its food source and produce nitrogen bubbles that will slowly make its way upwards and out of the sandbed.
  14. Phyto? Not appropriate food... they don't eat phytoplankton. Zooplankton yes. TMSI feed their SH fry with pods they harvest from the beaches at St John.
  15. I just pinned up a link on this forum to : Seahorse Nutrition Part IV: Feeding & Rearing the Fry. Take a look!
  16. Seahorse Nutrition Part IV: Feeding & Rearing the Fry
  17. After the 1st day... they will start to feed on rotifers and then BBS.
  18. TTboy... my diving bud... we both nearly had the bends chasing after a manta ray in Trang! Aiyah... who ever got the chiller from him at that price just struck gold loh! Anyway... The 'Big Clock near London Bridge' won't sound thirteen times anymore after some maintenance work order by me. Let there be Peace!
  19. Temporarily only lah! Got quite bored with my old AT avatar! Skipper from RC gave this to me to use!! It's their first official Reef Central TOTM award graphic logo!! All future winners will get to use it! Oiih.... I do deserve to use it right?
  20. Actually war is ugly. Humans all become monsters when we have a gun in our hands and hold the power of life and death over someone we hate. As much as there is supposed to be morality in war... hate is more powerful.
  21. Gee... I have spent a fair bit of time and effort to search out and pin up these lighting information threads in SRC... for the benefit of reefers. Still haven't found them yet? Look at the pinned up thread in THIS forum! It's there! A little reading on my RC TOTM article will reveal you my reef lighting information... --------------------------------- Lighting: • 2 x 400 watts Iwasaki 6500K single-ended metal halide bulbs • 2 x 400 watts Ushio 20K single-ended metal halide bulbs powered by Blueline e-ballasts • Reflectors: DIY Spiderlight-type mirror-finished stainless steel ----------------------------------
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