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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. How about wrapping the plastic in anti-UV film first? Ah gee....
  2. Dunno. Maybe. Maybe I'll wrap the cylinder with UV bulbs...
  3. Not yet. Still need to clean it up with an acid bath to dissolve some coralline algae and then find transport this weekend.
  4. Yeah.... especially 80 year old men in custom made jackets.
  5. Ahhh... I see... okie.... thanks for the history lesson. I'll try to remember that when Harry sends in his army to spray graffiti all over the white walls of Minas Tirith. Mankind... bah! Canine Domination!!!
  6. RO/DI quality? You're wrong... try feeding a large school of anthias and a few tangs several times a day in an SPS tank and see what happens to your reef! You'll cry when your SPS corals start to change into darker colours and you see nuisance algae sprouting out everywhere from all the nutrients accumulating in the water! If I skim as much as I feed my tank, there will be a balance to 'what goes in must come out' and that will bring order to chaos again! Simply put, my old beckett skimmer can't keep up... it's time for an upgrade. AT
  7. Moron Clown, You are so wrong. It can bring out the worst in some people. I have seen and heard many a strange things.... how sensitivity, fragile egos, paranoia, envy, suspicion, pride and money-making greed can cause people to change and treat their fellow reefers differently. Perhaps one day I may be guilty of becoming one of these, but till then... yes... I will teach to teach any interested reefer the importance of patience, proper budget allocation and most importantly RESPONSIBILITY in reefkeeping! Evil will be repaid by evil, so do good so that your conscience is clear before man.
  8. Harry will have to appoint a dark wizard then, to manage the other!.... Minas Tirith is technically a city.
  9. I think the proposed 'tuning' for a week is just for 'breaking in' purposes as new skimmers will have a layer of oils or chemicals on the inner walls and that will take some time to be removed. Agreed, It is pointless to tune it somewhere else and then bring it to the testing tank and run it there to tune again. But the fact that we have to wash the skimmers to create a level starting ground means that all the effort to tune it properly will be moot. (Unless you are saying we do not touch the air intake valves?) How do we define dry skimmate? How do we scrape out the skimmate to weigh? Do we leave it to dry out before weighing? Hmmmm... interesting questions to ponder.
  10. The EVIDENCE. Taken today (3rd day). Dried skimmate after switching off the skimmer for 3 hours. The foam ball has melted to the sides... and its finger licking time... not.
  11. Bubble contact time is awesome! Even on a teed-off Iwaki MX-70/Single beckett, the foam swirls forcefully all the way up on an almost horizontally flat angle up the reaction chamber to the riser tube inspite of the 10 inch diameter body! And the swirling doesn't cause the supposed 'small bubbles joining to form big bubbles' phenomenon that some reefers think turbulence will do! The size of the bubbles even before it reaches the water surface is tiny! If the 10 cent coin is 19mm in diameter, and the '1' on the coin is about 0.5mm thick... there are bubbles in there that are even smaller than 0.5mm diameter!!! The 10 cent coin indicates the water surface in the riser tube and shows the scale of the tiny bubbles for comparison! Note: they have already travelled up 32 inches of reaction chamber, NOT including the downtube!
  12. This is the skimmate after the 2nd day of skimming. Surprising coz I didn't even bother cleaning the oils off the internal surfaces! And its not even running on the full power of a MX-70 as I am still teeing-off the output for the main returns and its on just one beckett!
  13. Yes, its a Dual Beckett version but currently running only on one. The maker is the Reef Maniac himself.... Joe_P! Personally Tested, Proven and Convinced! Mine has a 10" reaction chamber.
  14. I can see him being the operator behind the computer console of George Bush's Star Wars missle shield system... not even ONE city will be touched by the first strike!
  15. Well, actually, we are a few decades late already. So I'm just guessing it should be coming next month. If only more people will put their energies to something more fulfilling and fruitful like caring for their loved ones and making the world a nicer place instead of plotting against another, having evil thoughts and doing nasty stuff to each other.
  16. Sorry guys, but the video is in really bad taste. It just affirms the dark side of human nature, which is why the world is coming to an end next month. I'm removing the attached file, out of respect to the family of that poor man. If you want to get it off the internet to satisfy your curiosity, its your call.
  17. Its taller than me (when placed on the stand so that the effluent pipe is above sump level)!!! It's already 4.5ft tall standing on the floor!
  18. Kneel before me, you lowly humans! Or I will unleash forth the Foul Skimmate of Stink upon you!
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