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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Senior Reefer? Wow... I must ask Robe or Morgan why they never give me!
  2. You will still a lot of splashing into the overflow box due to the wave... I wonder if it will affect the sump water level as it may cause some pumps to suck their compartments dry unless there is sufficient water in the sump at all times, regardless of fluctuating water levels in the sump.
  3. Yeah, its actually irritating to see the LPS swish left and right so violently and so quickly... look at the plate corals!!! Perhaps if they slow the wave down a little. They look like they are loving it though!
  4. Now some people here can go reverse-engineer this also and go sell it cheaper by a few dollars.
  5. I can imagine all the screaming females in there. I hate to drive with my wife and mother-in-law in the same car. They tend to screech at everything... I always felt that I was in total control.
  6. Hmmm.... This device certainly is very interesting!!! http://www.aquatechonline.net/Video/video1.avi http://www.aquatechonline.net/Video/video2.avi
  7. Can you take a close up of the snail for better IDing? Thanks!
  8. Guess it would be ok if you get a little one but do consider how fast these guys can grow.
  9. Alright everyone. COOL DOWN NOW!!!! I've a good mind to give a yellow ticket to all involved and maybe revoke your access for a day or two. I don't have to remind you old timers here that SRC has a zero-tolerance policy for imflammatory remarks / quarrelling / name calling or any form of communication that borders on flaming. If you must have a tiff... keep it at an intellectual level. I do NOT appreciate sarcasm which is clear enough to provoke a reaction from the intended party. So please take a step backwards and breathe. Also give a little respect to Bwilly's thread. This is not the place to quarrel. If need be, I will create a closed door forum for all parties involved to dialogue and settle the matter privately. AT
  10. Woah... cool off people. Weather is also hot in SRC.
  11. I got a virus warning from this file. Can you screen your uploaded files first?
  12. Oh my... ! She fainted??! Twice???!! Geez, okie... had to say that I got a shock too as I didn't expect a video file to follow the format of these flash files. Bet you can't say it wasn't effective. Imagine it was showing on TV!!! I wonder how many households in Germany had screaming people! Hee hee.... any offended souls out there.... I'll go down on my hands and knees to help look for dropped body parts....
  13. I may have mistaken these 'nice supportive' comments for something?
  14. Guys.... the sarcarsm meter led me to this thread.... bordering on the red line already. Back off lah.
  15. Turtleweed is one of the most beautiful macroalgae out there but quite difficult to sustain long term as they will eventually turn white and melt. They are also toxic in nature so very fishes will even eat it. I have seen a sea lettuce nudibranch of the same colour finish off a rock of turtleweed within a few days though!
  16. Here's a pix of it taken at Interzoo 2004.
  17. hmmm... seems like a small problem compared to the danger of the tank and stand coming apart or having a huge tidal wave washing over the side once the resonance point is reached. Maybe I'm just paranoid.
  18. Nice looking tank you got there, JustinK! From your photos, it looks like you have cyanobacteria, not just diatoms. It's a water quality issue... solve that and they should disappear. Also.. heheh... the maroon clown cannot host a BTA. It's the other way around!
  19. Interesting wave action but if only it could 'swing' in smaller 'blocks'. You definitely need an euro-braced tank, not only for splash protection over the edges but also to strengthen the tank as this side ways rocking movement will cause a lot of stress to the siliconed joints.
  20. Bwilly... i strongly recommend that you redo all your piping now... and use true union ballvalves to cut off water not just for maintenance but also to control water flow.
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