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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. It is with great disappointment that I have to write this out from my heart. It is NOT addressed to those who have been in SRC for too short a time to be tainted by cliques, ego problems, commercial intent, rivalry, jealousy, money-making intent or simply personal competition. It is addressed to those who have succumbed to negative behavior namely the spread of vicious rumours, malicious gossip, negative propaganda on fellow SRC members, their activities, their business etc, based on the need to one-up the victim(s) for personal gain, commercial rivalry, ego, showmanship and other agendas known to themselves. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING??? This is after having talks with a lot of 'old birds' who have disappeared from the scene, namely after being disgusted by the rising number of 'intermediate' reefers who have risen up and either diluted or spoilt the atmosphere in SRC by their negative behaviour. What happened to the Good Ol' Days when we were all friends in serious discussion about reefkeeping? When intellectual debates kept the discussions lively and a joy? When people shared information freely and without prejudice? When we enjoyed each others company to the extent that we had house visits and outside activities together? Here's what's happening today IMO: We see people COMPETING to fight over livestock purchases.... We see strong words being hurled at each other over a difference in opinions... We see people who form factions to attack individuals or other cliques who have made them unhappy with certain comments made or actions committed. We see people who will not hesitate to slime or attack businesses and use every opportunity to bring up negative experiences to highlight to the community. We see people who because of money issues related to business rivalry or competition, spread negative comments, false rumours etc to bring them down. We see people blatantly hijacking sales of SRC advertiser's products with their own copied products and affecting their business. We see people who propagate mistruths for whatever reason and helping to spread it on to affect the other party. Why are we such an ugly bunch of people? Why are we such vicious gossip-mongers? Why are we so shallow? Why do people feel the need to engage in such needless politics, loose talk and hostile activities??! Why have so many friends fallen out with each other because of differences in opinon or their business differences? Isn't this about a very simple thing??? It's JUST A HOBBY!!!!!! CHILL!!!!! Throw in your two cents worth... and bare your soul. Maybe I have grown cynical and I can't see the silver lining anymore... please tell me that I am wrong... and I am pigeonholing a few rotten apples... AT
  2. OK.. I'm going to say this OUTRIGHT and some of you are not going to like what I am going to say. This thread went downhill very very quickly and its 80% rubbish. First off, two of you are going to receive a strong PM from me and it will be the final FINAL warning before you two will be made to cool off for days/weeks away from SRC if there is another episode like this. Have I not banned you two from addressing each other indirectly or directly until you two are able to hold a decent conversation without resorting to sliming, sarcasm or outright allegations and accusations? You two are behaving extremely childishly and you're actually the laughing stock/talking point of SRC for a very very long time. Enough is enough and we are not going to tolerate this bickering in SRC any longer. You two will have to decide what you really want. As for the one who started this thread... namely Flubby,the intention of this thread is to address the morality of the issue about intentionally fragging corals in the hopes of a freebie or cheap buy... so lets stick to discussing the issue. We have already come to the conclusion that ALL OF US agree that this is the WRONG thing to do and we as a reef club and as individuals, do not condone such behaviour. However because the incident was highlighted with very vague descriptions and zero details, many of us have jumped to conclusions until it was narrowed down to one particular LFS (who according to feedback is still pretty bewildered at all this allegation) and the WHOLE ENTIRE BUNCH of customers from SRC who was there at the suspected day, eventually ending up with a lot of speculating going on, loads of suspicion, some hurt and bewilderness and it is not BENEFITING to SRC. There is now, in fact, some division amongst friends because of these allegations. Those who posted their comments & 'added salt and pepper' on this matter are not helping in addressing issues but have in fact clouded the matter by strongly bringing up condemnation on a personal level and digressing away from the intention of discussing the issue but focusing on singling out the offender. I have investigated with the source of this allegations and for the record: 1. The shop in question is not the one near Mustafa. 2. Neither is it the shop that most of us went to after that. 3. It did not happen on that Sat morning but happened throughout different occasions. 4. Flubberina DID NOT say she saw the act happening (as per page 1). Therefore, please stop speculating amongst yourselves and stop trying to call me or each other for clarification that you did indeed request for the frags/paid for them etc. etc because the point is now moot because of 1. & 2. So carry on with your lives... and as long as your conscience is clear... there is no need to worry. This thread will be closed shortly as it is unproductive and turning out ugly. AT
  3. Contrary to what people think, having a fireworm in your reef tank isn't necessarily a bad thing. They are excellent scavengers, who will help eat dead fishes and leftover food. They are not known to attack live fish, unlike the Eunice worms.
  4. Frankly, if corals can talk, I'll be able to find out! I dunno... the chain starts from the collection point, transportation on the boat, placing in the tanks, packing it in bags, placing them in boxes for shipping, transportation bumps on the road to airport, poor handling at airport grounds & loading/unloading, custom checking, transport to shop, unpacking, customer handling, intentional 'mishandling'.... we really wouldn't know.
  5. oops... the secret is out. Yes, my reef tank will be featured on Animal Planet channel!
  6. Whatever the case, one colony I bought recently had a few tips broken off... only noticed it when I got home. I certainly hope that whoever did it, intentionally or unintentionally... that the frag taken will mean something to you.
  7. Anyone find that using Tropic Marin salt, you have to use a lot of it to get the proper salinity compared to other salts? Nitrate in saltmix?? You gotta be kidding.... there should be no nitrates in saltmix!!
  8. LOL.... the most handsome SRC reefer is one of our Moderators... the tall dark silent handsome one...
  9. RYZ... the shock is over in 5 milliseconds... you probably will go numb enough to take your breath away but you won't get cardiac arrest.
  10. Take a look at this!. Very interesting read.... for an ancient cure of gout... stand on an electric ray until your whole leg goes numb!!!
  11. That's nuts... who empties cigarette ash into their saltwater tanks???!!
  12. Good to see your doggie again! And your tank.... its so different since the last time I saw it!!! You really did replace a lot more livestock after selling some off right? I don't remember seeing so many SPS corals then! Just a few weeks has passed and now you have many many many more weeks to go before you can see your tank again... Your corals must be crying: "Papa! Come home quick!"
  13. Your other fishes will be in danger... the characteristic feeding/killing pattern is to swim over the prey and surround it with his 'wings' and then stun the fish with an electric shock. Other aggressive traits will be biting... its a shark. Don't forget. I hope you have a very large FOWLR tank for it.
  14. And this size, it will probably just numb your hand for a few seconds.... once it reaches adult size which is VERY LARGE (4 ft for some species)..... you'll be numbed for a good minute I think!! The max I heard is 220volts at 20amps... smallest is about 40 volts. They are known to attack divers... since they are sharks... You have to feed them with shellfish & small fishes.
  15. I'm too ugly & talentless to be seen on national TV. Only handsome dudes like William Hung are qualified!
  16. Torpedo Ray!!!! I hope you have a FOWLR tank.... and if I am not wrong, you may get an electric shock from it!!! Be careful!!!
  17. Actually, one of our sponsors was also in this entertainment line before... the hip guy with the long hair... Its always fun in the beginning but after a while, you can get sick of it.
  18. Wei Leong is a celebrity? Since when?? He and Roidan can form a boy band! The Tang Superstars!
  19. Don't be so mean... just give him 50kg of uncured liverocks and then put corals into the same tank.
  20. Hahahaa... you guys crack me up! Okie okie... if you want photographic evidence... Seriously, working with celebrities is really nothing loh...glamourous? They are just people like you and me... some can be snooty based on their perceived celebrity status but most are ordinary folks. The local TV stars and celebs are mostly ok... I have personally interviewed celebs from Fann, Zoe, Phyllis Quek (what a tall babe!), Michelle Chia, Evelyn Tan (friendly & cute), Lina Tan (the most ting-tong and fun to chat with and now her baby is so big!), Cynthia Koh (a little snobby), Aileen Tan, Priscilla Chan, Apple Hong, Lynn Poh, Vivien Lai, Yvonne Lim and Sharon Au (also fun to talk with)... oh Jaslyn Tay... not quite the Ice Queen. I have worked with Diana Ser (now that's what I call an intellectual babe!! Her assets included a very sharp brain ) on a TV segment before... back then James Lai was already with her... he had a good bod coz he was modelling in one of my fashion events... but I always remember he was kinda short... or am I too tall?) In case many of you didn't know... I used to be in the magazine industry. I see models breezing in and out of our office everyday... beauty? It's all skin-deep. Some models are really nice people... some are utterly asses.
  21. I reserve my comments. Please.. i was so young then... just salivate loh!
  22. Ah yes, my friends who 'caretake' the stars are the most 'cham'... the most stress part is when there are literally hundreds to thousands of fans screaming and pushing... and that's where the security detail comes into the picture... of course, the late nights staying for the rehearsals before the main event... that was stressful too but nothing compared to the day itself... where lots of VIPs are around and NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING must screw up. Thankfully, because I take care of marketing/A&P then, I am probably not as stressed as the tech crew, security detail, logistics etc... just barely.. hahaha.... fingers can be pointed at which part of the event screwed up!
  23. but suddenly decided to turn back to Singapore because the fish managed to hijack the plane by threatening the crew with fish poo...
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