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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Posts posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Marine scientists are astonished at the spectacular recovery of certain coral reefs in Australia's Great Barrier Reef Marine Park from a devastating coral bleaching event in 2006 when high sea temperatures caused massive and severe coral bleaching in the Keppel Islands. Damaged reefs were quickly smothered by a single species of seaweed -- an event that can spell the total loss of the corals. The rapid recovery is due to an exceptional combination of previously-underestimated ecological mechanisms.

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  2. I dunno if I am even going, much less participating as we did before in the past.

    Every time the event downscales with the economy worsening over the last few years and it has become more like a meeting place for reefers at some booths and having very little to see in term of new products. I heard they are even combining it with a dog show this time!

    It is a good time to pick up stuff like cylop-eeze (if they return this time) and maybe you can bargain for livestock that will be cleared on the last day.

  3. Leatherbacks are the largest turtles on Earth with evolutionary roots that go back more than 100 million years. But their numbers, particularly in the Pacific, are declining at an alarming rate due to egg harvest, fishery bycatch, coastal development, and highly variable food availability. Researchers have attached satellite transmitters to track them in the Great Turtle Race.

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  4. There is a new tool for those developing conservation strategies for threatened species and landscapes: museum specimens. Richard Pearson and Christopher Raxworthy of the American Museum of Natural History dusted off a number of collections from Madagascar and used the location information associated with each species to test different ideas regarding the evolution of locally distributed endemism (unique species confined to small regions). (2009-04-17)

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