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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. The air intake!!! You just need to make sure you use ozone-proof hoses!
  2. I am both a Trekkie and a Star Wars fan... I dunno which to vote for! I like TNG and Voyager. DS9 hmmm......
  3. I only choose clams which are reactive and responsive to any movement above them and showing strength to close their shells immediately. Having them attached to a piece of rock is also important as it reduces their vulnerability and also reduces stress.
  4. ...screams & howls were heard, fur flew and when the dust settled...
  5. Yes, its me folks!! I really did it again! I'm not that innocent! I just lost my makeup case!
  6. I need new gloves or I need to train more!
  7. http://fun3.diadiktyo.net/stream4/video/Training.mpg
  8. He's either dripping Calcium Chloride or Kalkwasser.
  9. Strange.... never heard of this phenomenon happening to SPS. Try to show a pix or we'll never be able to guess!
  10. Another clue... recognize the tattoo? Oops... is that major cellulite?
  11. Here's Darth Vader discussing the merits of using polyunsaturated oils in cooking fried chicken with his buddy, Colonel Sanders, who served with him onboard his command ship as the Chief Galley Cook, until he had the brainwave to start his own chain of fried chicken fastfood restaurants.
  12. Darth Vader was spotted at Downtown East recently... causing massive panic as adults scrambed away and kids scrambled forward!!
  13. Check out my friends' costumes!!! This movie grade Darth Vader suit actually has a voice modulator, recorded MP3 authentic 'asthmatic' breathing sounds & flashing lights!!!
  14. I see... well, if humans can make the same mistakes... seahorses.... why not? I'm no seahorse expert... perhaps some other seahorse keepers here in Singapore can help out with some ideas?
  15. What's the emergency???? I see none... therefore please do not use such titles if they do not accurately reflect the contents of this thread. I will now rename 'help help' to 'Questions on Reefez Kalkwasser, is it good or not' and at the same time move to the 'reefkeeping equipment/additives forum'. Please comply with this rule in future as the moderators will have less of a job to handle. AT
  16. Bernard, sometimes it could be a form of ionic imbalance if you can't seem to bring your cal or alk up. Perhaps a lack of magnesium? Or perhaps in PH? Maybe you can do up to 20 to 30% water change to see if it helps? Try to dose buffers and measure the drop the next day. Are your corals really growing that fast esp if they are SPS type? It's possible for an SPS tank to see huge drops in Cal and Alk due to the uptake by corals. But first, get good test kits because a faulty set could cause you to overdose/underdose cal and alk supplements and an imbalance can actually cause a drop.... do read up on reefing chemistry... Cal, Alk and PH are all closely tied to one another. AT
  17. Eggs??? I thought seahorses are livebearers in the sense that the eggs are transferred to the male's pouch?
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