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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. This is serious... your next cut could sent you into seizure coz you're allergic to the coral. Each exposure will worsen the condition. I try not to put my hands into the water whenever I have a cut. Anyone who has been diving or snorkelling and scrapped against corals will be assured of a painful time for many days... infection is guaranteed.
  2. Hey bro... congratulations!!! Welcome to the club!!
  3. Let's just put this in perspective. Posting a ###### photo of yourself on the internet and declaring yourself as Singapore's most handsome guy and acting weird in public is not ordinary. He's certainly an extraordinary person. I don't really care for sexual orientation but weirdness... erhm... even my gay friends don't behave like this. He'll probably go too far one day and land himself in jail for some violation of decency or something!
  4. Stress. A new environment. Ich present in tank. lowered body resistance. Ich latches on to host. Its a vicious cycle. If your tank has been fishless for a few months and you practice quarantine on your new fishes, LR, corals... you WILL get ich-free fish in your main tank if ich parasites are not transferred over.
  5. Technically, a shark isn't a mammal. I have not seen the movie yet... did they really show that part at the end?!
  6. Happy Birthday to you too, Vinoth!! I can't believe we share the same birthdate!!!
  7. THANKS EVERYONE!!! I feel old already!
  8. In the interest of all concerned, I must add my comments before I close this thread again. As far as I am concerned, I must express my great disappointment that Calciumreef has done what he did recently. This is in total opposite of what he promised NOT to do again. For some time, I am fully aware of his reverse-engineering, undercutting/potong-jalan activities with Cookiemunster's products, using his reputation and supposed 'working partnership' to promote his own cloned product range. His cloned TUBBY unit is the exact duplicate, right down to the position of the buttons, the two float switches and even the DESIGN of the sticker.... oh.... that sticker looks awfully like the Reef Central logo... (maybe I should contact Susan and highlight to her that you stole her design? ) To cut it short, I was on the verge of banning him for his unethical activities, especially using the PM system to undercut an SRC advertiser but I did not. I even proposed to a face-to-face meeting with him and cookiemunster to confront him with all the evidence we have mustered over a few months and wanted to expose his activities to all. But Cookiemunster spoke privately to Calciumreef and then told me the matter has been settled and did not require my intervention. There was also the issue of him stating that he was an official Artica chiller rep which saw Maxima and him having their tiff. So the matter was put to rest but not before I warned Calciumreef about not repeating such unethical behaviour & activities. He promised me he won't be doing such things again. Obviously, it was all fake. We have further proof that he is still continuing to sell his products and even had even told retail shops/contractors recently that he is associated with Cookiemunster. On a personal note, I really appreciate the attention he gave to the BACK of my tank esp all my equipment and ignoring the front for 90% of the time when he dropped in for a tank visit. Now I know why. I have no choice but to decide with the mods and the advertisers what we have to do about Calciumreef since this sort of behaviour only serves to highlight that there are some people who are obviously here in SRC only to make money, and using even unethical ways to achieve this goal. How disappointing. To the reefers who have been sweet-talked by him to support him in his 'little side-business', whether as the so-called 'Artica chiller' rep or TUBBY clone maker or supplying some DIY stuff.... beware. BEWARE!
  9. You have the licence plate number?
  10. This Rocky said he flew down from Shanghai or something.
  11. Hmmm.... I dun understand... There is no such thing as Senior Members based on the number of posts... you're all just named after creatures! Dun get so hung up on looking at the number of posts to seek advice from the most talkative ones. A search using filters on members/show results as posts, will show you if most of the 'talking' done by a member is just rubbish or full of goodies. And you have to also search back in time. A lot of good stuff from the 'senior'/more experience/more knowledgeable reefers who believe in sharing/teaching are all way back in time about two years ago... some of them are silent now due to boredom/tired/no time/lack of interest/lack of kakis etc. Of course, a lot of intermediate reefers then have learned and advanced into the hobby over time, so they have actually taken up the slack/relieved the original bunch these days by sharing info which are actually repeated stuff (another reason why some 'oldies' including myself are quite tired of repeating). Perhaps we mods should take the time to archive 'old nuggets' of info into more detailed categories just to make serving the newbies/newcomers into SRC a lot easier for them and us? As DA says, there is no real authority/guru in SG (like there is no official Tang Police ) ... yet knowledge is one thing, proper application is another. Experience also plays a part. Anyone can be perceived as a guru but so what? A guru is also called a teacher. It's pointless to have high standards of reefing-keeping and not share the knowledge and just look in and smirk and not contribute. I'm surprised to learn that we have people who have more than a decade of reefkeeping experience but they don't like to/don't want to share with other reefers. At the risk of 'preaching' again.... SRC was created for the community to come together and SHARE and LEARN from one another. Let's continue to do what we can as individuals FOR the club and not expect the club to SERVE us all the time. Not just to TAKE but to GIVE! As long as you can mentor even ONE person in reefkeeping, you're his 'guru' or 'sifu'!
  12. The first girl who made it... she's very sweet! What's her name again?
  13. Rocky didn't have my sympathies.... he was too insistent that he had a very good voice and deserved to be shown the door coz he was very unsatisfied with the judges decisions and kept saying that they will regret it. And what's with the sobbing?
  14. Yes I did. Its one of the most important thing I feel I have done for my tank!
  15. You may have some bleaching from the more sensitive corals.... but if the temperature spike wasn't too long, they will recover. Good luck to you.... seems quite a few of us have been visited by Mr Murphy.
  16. That is the most hilarious Mediacorp programme that I have ever seen in years!! :D :lol: My wife and I couldn't stop laughing. That stripper guy ought to be shot. He's nuts!! I saw him twice on two seperate occasions outside CK Tang, stopping girls and engaging them in conversation and using his 'fame' to pique their interest. *puke* He is such an attention-seeker!!!! GOSH!!!
  17. Wah... so many patriotic people here! Happy birthday to our little nation!!
  18. Gee... you guys hah.. *shake head* Just arrived back home.... traffic jam was bad at the Causeway back from Senai Airport. Had two days of diving at KK, Sabah.... total 5 dives. Viz was 5 m... quite bad. But it was goby heaven there, lots of trevallies, fairy wrasses, saw schools of razorfish, a moray, lots of lobsters, large solefish, lots of nudibranchs, loads of SPS and usual LPS, soft corals... seems like most the reef hasn't changed that much in 2 years. Quite good news. However, some reefs were doing badly.... I see big patches of cyanobacteria waving on the sandbed! Yucks! Too bad I have no camera this trip. Nice to be back. The seafood there was to die for....yums!!
  19. Leaving tonight for KK... back on National Day to see fireworks! Sad thing is I'm not bringing an underwater cam for this trip.... at least my wife is happy that I can finally pay attention to her underwater. Too bad, I hope to update the KK dive thread posted some time ago by me. Oh well... AT
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