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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. BH, you said: Like you to go into more details about this. 1. Who are the people in your secondary school's Life Sciences facility? Particularly the qualified experts & their area of expertise eg. PHD in advanced genetics, Masters in Marine Bio-technology etc. 2. What kind of equipment does this facility have? 3. How are better & hardier strains of corals being developed? 4. Which particular species are you working on? 5. How long do you think your LS facility will need to develop this new bio-engineered strain of coral? 6. What happens after the stimulation of the coloured protein promoter? 1. Why does your LS facility not need University-level researchers to achieve research goals. 2. Please explain what do u mean by research goals. What level of goals? 3. What are these 5 major breakthroughs and have they been highlighted in scientific journals before? Unless there is a military agenda behind this, frankly, there is no reason to hide any info. This is a public project, funded by our tax dollars. Even if you are afraid that other schools may have jumped into the bandwagon upon hearing of your plans, why should you fear? Joint-collaborations would mean this noble quest be achieved faster!! If you guys can surely achieve this goal of genetically engineering all coral species to be hardy (and multi-neon coloured as a side-benefit), a Nobel prize would surely be in order!!! Regarding your plan - how long did u propose the funding for? 1 year, 2 years, 3? 5? 10? How much of our tax money will be dedicated to buying exotic coloured corals? Also, can you consider spreading these exotic specimens amongst 3500 local tanks across the country in case of a tank crash at your school or your home tank? (touch wood!) Kidding!! BH... anything is possible but not everything is that viable.
  2. A funny thought came to mind.... For all we know, maybe in 50 years time, scientists may be finding out that corals are evolving to be dull-coloured because they have somehow found out that being colourful would mean certain death! And the few surviving exotic coloured corals are developing toxins against human touch and perhaps will RTN immediately upon the gaze of humans, preferring self-destruction to captivity?
  3. I am sure SRC will be more than happy to support this project IF you can convince us to the viability of your project. I have said this to you before when u mention this project to me a long time ago but you had yet to provide deep details. It's the same reason why the public questioned the US government why it was necessary to send a man to the moon and back. It was a very very costly project involving billions of dollars but the benefits are nothing more than to win 'face' back from the Russians for sending a monkey into space first. You have stated noble goals but you have not really come up with a blueprint, project milestone evaluation and action plan. Saying that you have worked 3 mths to convince your school to spend this kind of money.... it won't take you more than 3 minutes to post up the project papers here for us to see rather than spending time explaining. Your school's rooftop garden thingy is not a novel idea but coral propagation certainly is. It's almost similar to wanting to find, import and breed only the most beautiful birds of paradise to see if you can call off their endangered status in future with the main goals to breed only the most desired colours by 'genetic manipulation' with no concrete plans how to release healthy adult specimens back into the wild without the help of avian scientists, researchers, conservation groups, airline and logistic companies, government bodies and the WWF or CITIES and getting the mass media involved to promote this noble goal. But of course breeding birds is so much easier & faster than creating & maintaining the environment necessary for corals to prosper and grow into the sizeable colonies... but then what happens? No offence to your school but I see it as nothing more than a disinterested rich parent blindly giving his kid money to buy a supercomputer, a T1 line, 48" LCD screen to 'learn' computer skills with his friend 'supervising' at home without asking for a course curriculum or report card. For all he knows, his kid would be 'hard at work' mugging to be the best Counterstrike player in Singapore. (No offence to rich parents or Counterstrike players). I will do my utmost to support your plans even if it involves me going to your school to give basic reefkeeping classes to the cherry-picked students each year, having to do tank maintenance and taking leave to transport and dive down into the sea for transplanting corals and perhaps spending weekends diving for sea bed monitoring sessions (if already planned for and funded already in your master plan) IF u can convince me you have got this all covered. Until then, we await your project blueprints.
  4. Which character says: "Sacrifice me!" ? Man... I almost want to reinstall Star Craft and play again!
  5. A lot of good info are found in our archives sometime back. Check this search results
  6. http://fjerry-digisle.sandpiper.net/media/..._LAN_IV_LAN.mov http://fjerry-digisle.sandpiper.net/media/Hindsight_LAN.mov Files are quite big. Right Click and "save as"....
  7. Alright guys and girls... we were attempting to diffuse the atmosphere with humour but at the background, we still have to settle this case as quickly as possible. It's Friday guys, chill out and have fun! This thead will now be closed until further notice. Happy Reefing! Cheers, AT
  8. Oh no.... no pls! I cannot bear to see hairy fish offspring!
  9. Pls don't! Find something that is the same species for goodness sake!! A midget ape offspring walking on two legs that still lifts up one leg to pee against a tree is not a very nice sight!
  10. OMG!! It's the ol' comical furball!! Came back from the far reaches of the galaxy to save the day once again with his humour & quick wit! RRRROOOOAAARRROOWWWHHHH!!!!!!
  11. The job of the SRC moderation team has never been easy. We have to date, almost 3500 users & still growing. In an Asian community where ego and ‘face’ are so important, it is inevitable that conflicts WILL and DO happen. In a hobby where almost everyone has great pride in their tanks and skills, and with different levels of knowledge & understanding, that individuals will certainly engage on intellectual debates on the different approaches towards this hobby. However due to our competitive nature, means that the less magnanimous will enter into friction, jealousy & envy, so you can imagine the kind of vindictive communication that will happen. The fact that we are a small close knit community that pockets of friends will gang up against other groups. Thankfully, out of so many, these people are but a small minority although a lot more vocal. It is our thankless job to teach, guide and manage this community and if need be, to sharply rein in the minority who blatantly breach the terms and conditions for the usage of this forum. To maintain the general peace, and to give the semblance of a democratic interactive community, we do allow people to share their views, no matter how radical or strong, as long as it doesn’t violate the Golden Rules. It is far easier for us to simply delete any voices of negative opinion as and when they appear or to ban without mercy any individual who blatantly flout or aim to disrupt the peace. Of course, there are also individuals who just ‘use’ this place for self-gain with commercial activities but this kind of competition also affects personal relationships. I am also not immune to this. But the fact remains that we hobbyists are all here to learn and share. I love debates as long as they do not get personal or too condescending enough to create hatred towards each other. We should all learn to be better human beings online, in spite of it being a tough medium in actual human expressions. Do not let your personal gain from being part of the SRC community be affected by such occasional outbursts… these do not happen to everyone or all the time and are thus NOT reflective of the general community. Happy Reefing is a state of mind. Keyword “Happy”.
  12. Its a catfight.... we dudes should stay out of this. However, since this has been brough to public attention, the Mods will look into this harassment case as this violates our Golden Rules of Proper Conduct.
  13. No offence taken at all, Ancelot. It's definitely a species of hair/turf algae, characterized by having long single strands coming out from the root. Dino would look almost like a cross between diatoms/cyano patches but much more stubborn to go away.
  14. Not to sound stupid, but does the Creative Zen player accept songs saved into folders in the internal HD? Does it then extract these songs out into a customizable playlist or can it play folder by folder? Also does it have an anti-skip buffer?
  15. It should appear when its uploaded into the server.
  16. It's for the local malaysian marine scene? It applies everywhere! Well done! I will pin this up in the Nano forum
  17. Ancelot. That algae that GiantBiycle posted is NOT dinoflagellates. Sigh.
  18. One thing good about SG is that our trusted reefer bros can help look after each other tanks easily because we are a small island!
  19. Frankly, you guys can talk about anyone on planet earth including non-sponsors here in SRC except for the ones in question for obvious reasons.
  20. Those in the know, will know, if you don't know, then its better not to know. Whatever the case, if nobody talks, nobody knows. So I know can already.
  21. Its too big to send via this forum and my webspace is limited. You can try searching the net for 'MTV awards' downloads & other keywords like Jack Black or MTV Spiderman spoof.
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