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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. The stressor has already taken effect on the colony, frag or mother. *shrug*
  2. RTN is a mystery to reefkeeping. Perhaps you should be mindful when choosing any specimens that stress factors or disease could cause RTN and there's really nothing you can do. It's a risk that you take... but you can minimise it by the 'smell durian' test. Too stinky or too sweet smelling is my personal benchmark for suspect specimens.
  3. Sounds a little too powerful..... Some soft corals can tolerate strong flow but it must be diffused.
  4. Fading in colour or in health? Loss of colour could be due to poor water quality or an increase in stress levels, leading to bleaching. Perhaps if you let us know what type of corals changed into a lighter shade of colour? for some corals, its a good thing!
  5. Hi Chinmo, why the sudden interest in rotifer culturing? I thought baby seahorses go for larger zooplankton?
  6. Perhaps a cost breakdown for wattage/litre/head may put things into perspective? That difference in 58 watts may become more expensive just for a slight incremental increase in flow rate. I'm just theorizing... just had a few glasses of alcohol... *hic*
  7. So its: MX-70 = 170w and Mx-100 = 228W?
  8. Roidan, Can you clamp the MX-70 and do a reading? Would really like to know the actual differences. AT
  9. Woah! You guys are nutters! Welcome to the club of $350+/mth bills. When my tank was empty... my monthly bill dropped back to $80 a month (pre-reef tank days a few years ago!). I gotta find me a gun and shoot my friend who introduced me to reefing! *muttter*
  10. Damn! You got quick eyes! Well, it'll not be the first $1000 note I have to dish out... I can easily absorb a few more large shipments... Just blew another $400 today for more corals. Funny how news spread so fast, I got other LFS shops calling me already! I'll be dead broke for many months. I hate this hobby.
  11. Archilles19, I hope you're malay because your statement does seem a little racist too!!
  12. Just for the record, Taufik's 'eyeliner' look is natural apparently. He just has naturally thick lower eyelashes. I'm glad Taufik won... I hinted to Ken that he could be the winner and he didn't affirm it but neither did he deny. Still, I think Sly will be more marketable, perhaps even in Taiwan... who knows? Remember Clay and Reuben? Who had the mass appeal inspite running in second? As for those who felt that MediaCorp milked the show for all that's worth, perhaps you don't really know how much royalties and licensing fees had to be paid for the rights to this show! Not to mention the amount of A&P, airtime & production costs!
  13. Notice that he's tearing... it definitely hurts to have rough scales brushing against the soft tissue of his nasal passages.
  14. Just my 2 cents.... the bluer bulbs are usually lower in par ie. usually not that growth-inducing for SPS unless u go for the higher wattage blue bulbs, eg. 400w. Anything below 10k ie. the 6500ks, are high PAR bulbs... so you will get better SPS growth tips and even better overall body colour. Since there are a few SPS keepers in SRC who have tried out the Phoenix 14k bulbs already... ask them for before/after pix of their SPS for comparison?
  15. Man, you sure have a fetish for strange fishes! All three are predatory fishes. Whichever can fit into the mouth of the other may become lunch unless u feed all enough! The Harpadon can be caught during fishing (nice to eat when fried!).... but I think it will go after smaller fishes rather than bigger fishes. Soapfishes can exude a toxic slime if threatened/handled. Be careful.... I think you need a species only tank and a larger longer tank if you want all three together. my 2 cents.
  16. It's true. It happens in Japan. Thankfully, I took the trains in Tokyo mostly during offpeak timings... so I don't get 'sandwiched' like this!
  17. New riddle: Which key on your keyboard can't sing?
  18. True true.... never catch Q in a bad mood! I like to see Darthie try to mind control a borg.... he'll probably get assimilated....
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