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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. One of the most beautiful tanks I've ever seen! He certainly has a 'blue' thumb!
  2. Lighting is an interesting topic because of the various bulbs available with different intensity, PAR and different spectral peaks. 250w of 6500k is way better for corals then 250w of 20k but visually sucky. Back to the Zeovit method... the claims that a sudden reduction of nutrients is stressful to corals is quite strange... as a substantial water change does that as well... and the corals are fine... but do that with zeovit and the results are disastrous. Strange.
  3. Is the model number B-SS4-A? Stainless steel right?
  4. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worser... Flatworms that EAT acroporas!!!! Take a look of these pix taken from by a German hobbyist who found his acro corals become very bleached-looking and then dying... Before dip: A couple of minutes after dipping : The invisible acro flatworms! Spot them yet??
  5. Talking about Zeovit system, I heard it from an overseas reefer friend long before it even got heard of in USA or SG. Frankly, I heard more negative things than good... and today... looking at RC... it seems that more people are experiencing the statement what a reefer from UK shared with me a year ago... Zeovit stresses corals to an extent and the statement used was that it "partially kills the corals". He has actually met the guy who produces Zeovit... he verifies the corals are real but he could put it down to getting the "best of" from every batch of corals that come in. Anyway, he has told me he has stopped using Zeovit since he learned how it works.... he has yet to give me details though. And that was a year ago. My 2 cents? Zeovit works to a certain extent but there is far higher risks of loosing corals in the effort to induce better colouration. I am not a Zeovit user but I have been tempted. I hope the local Zeovit users can give honest feedback on how risk-free this chemical system is.
  6. I keep mine around 25 but on windless hot days + 1600w of MH - it can go up to 28C.
  7. I may have 2 pink aquacultured acro millipora colonies to let go (i bought 4 to cluster them). They have grown substantially from the first day I got them... a month ago.
  8. Hehhehe.... yeah... I ought to change that!
  9. Strange that brand of synthetic salt can mix up to that high PH! Hope it didn't get contaminated with something! Are your test kits working fine? Anyway, you need not panic if you mix it in slowly, it should be fine for your tank... dosing kalkwasser with the PH of 12 can cause a worser PH spike than than PH 9.... the key is to mix it in slowly into your tank. However, unless you suddenly placed the corals from 8.2 in your tank to the tub that's PH 9.... than that's bad!
  10. *shocked* Now we know what goes on in WL's mind!
  11. If you want to go for wetter skimmate in a beckett design skimmer... just tune the water level to be higher in the neck, so you can get more wet foam. Personally, I don't want to waste saltwater by skimming wet. Using a FW top-up system, there may be a tendency to have your salinity drop over time if you skim wet... some people can skim a gallon of pale water skimmate over a few days, I wonder what happens when you have a gallon of freshwater added to replace it! Anyway, IMO, even if the waste don't up into the cup, they are still collected on the neck... cleaning the cup or cleaning the neck, what's the diff? You still have to do work!
  12. Surprised it survived for so long! What have you been feeding it?
  13. One of my personal favourites... intense red with white dots!
  14. Noticed that no one's posting their 'echino' photos yet! I'll start! Orangey with red centres.
  15. Ok, I gonna lock this thread up until I come up with my review of the wavebox, complete with pictures and videos! Akan datang!! In the meantime....
  16. Wife watching tv... I can't record video of the tank. But here's an animated gif of my 2cm wave....
  17. *full review coming up over the weekend!* In the meantime, a sneak video preview... 100% water column movement. Every polyp & surface area even deep inside the acro colony is exposed to moving water. No dead spots seen! MOV06016.zip
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