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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Guys guys.... we have very young ones here... know your limits. There are those type of discussion forums you can hang out.
  2. We need more volunteers who will SHOW UP tomorrow!! Who's gonna be there? I talked so much till I got a sore throat already!
  3. Nothing has changed. It's still 1600w of MH. Mix of 20k + 10k. In the photo with Anthony Calfo, its just the 20ks on.
  4. Sabella, No no, nothing much.... as long as I know what the pros and cons are of DSB vs BB. I have much much stronger water flow now and coupled with my big skimmer and more regular water changes, it's in line with keeping my SPS tank nutrient-free and maximizing water flow. No more sandbed for flatworms to hide in! Akirasan, My wavebox is at the left side of my tank against the back wall. The whole back side is clear all the way back for optimum water flow and I have a Tunze 6080 blasting through down the length of my tank.... my existing PVC rack structure holds up all rock at the back. It's also something something Anthony approves of (FYI, he actually commented that the marine tanks he and the other overseas judge both deducted points for rocks leaning against the glass because in the long term they diminish water flow and cause nutrient buildup over time). Unfortunately, because the wavebox needs space to work optimally, I can't use up all the space on the left side. Copperband, I suck off detritus off my tank's bottom with a hose.
  5. The oysters are that colour because of the sponges covering them.
  6. No, you misunderstood me. I'm coming over with an empty pail.
  7. Yeah, it was a 'formal' invite... hahaha!! No lah, actually we all attended the opening ceremony of Aquarama and he stayed in his suit the whole day inspite of home & lfs visits!
  8. Nice looking tank man! Must come over with a pail soon!
  9. Ok, here's the latest game plan. Basically, the Trade Days do not necesitate the presence of any one from SRC permanently there at the booth as the trade visitors are out to look at equipment, negotiate deals, find new customers etc. Therefore, all SRC volunteers will be deployed during PUBLIC DAYS only. This year is slightly easier as we do not have to display sponsor's products, manage inventory and cashbox. We will need volunteers to help man the booth with a mininal presence where the interested public will be handed brochures promoting the Reef Club and our interests to help them progress in the hobby. Newbies can come to the booth and speak to more experienced hobbyists. Sunday afternoon, Mr Anthony Calfo will be present so we can do a mini-Q&A at our booth even! We should give our SRC booth a festive atmosphere... we have a table and chairs, we can sit down for drinks, chit-chat etc. We will have a timetable of volunteers so at ALL TIMES, we must have at least 3 people around as 'on duty' and the rest can be the 'crowd'. So here goes! Add in your names! Sat 1 to 3pm: 3 to 5pm: 5 to 8pm : (help secure booth) Sun 10 to 12noon: 12pm to 2pm: 2pm to 4pm: 4pm to 5pm: (Speech time need people to STAY at booth) 5pm to 8pm :(more volunteers to help teardown and pack away stuff) Those who can volunteer the longest till the end of the day will be appointed IC and will be given a TRADE PASS for free entry and massage by Diabolus.
  10. Let's just say there were 'black sea urchins' appearing from time to time!
  11. Daimy068 Actually, I rescaped in stages... starting from left side to middle to right. Therefore some corals which should have been in higher lighting were placed in not so bright places, causing loss of colour. The wavebox is great! love it... no time to do an actual review... too lazy/busy... haha!
  12. Seriously... some corals have darken quite considerably due to my neglect. I guess I'll have to wait a while for the colours to come back... good things take time to happen... bad things happen very quickly.
  13. Here's my explanation on the shapes of the structures that I have planned.... The right side simulates a narrow reef flat strip on top and has a massive sloping triangular shape, denoted by the red lines. The central pinnacle slowly spreads down into an inverted triangle (yellow lines) where the narrow neck/middle portion is taken up by fast-growing staghorns to fill up the middle of the tank. The rock structure's foot is a roundish base (orange lines) where monti caps are given space to grow out.
  14. Here's the right side... it's a triangular slope....
  15. Here's my tank after so long... resurrected and rescaped.... bare bottom for a few months already! Went for the 'pinnacles' look as I have more depth to play now... Added in a Tunze wavebox and now have 4 Tunze streams as well. Coral colours not so great... had probs with my CR clogging a few weeks ago when I was out of town for a week and recently my CO2 canister is out of gas... work & other priorities is taking so much time from my tank! Not much pix for now as I'm going to be busy for Aquarama 05! I miss my old tank's look...
  16. Woah... that's really a LOT of hard work, WL!!! Your overhang looks cool... reminds me of mine....
  17. Just to let you guys know. There will be minimal staff required for the Trade Days as our SRC booth caters more to the consumers... the hobbyists. Our objective: To promote the reefkeeping hobby to those interested to start and to help new hobbyists to get on the right track! However, we will need to setup all our materials and equipment way before the Public Days (Sat 1pm - 8pm and Sun 10am to 7pm). I have 4 Trade Passes only and therefore restricted to those who can be more or less FULL-TIME helping out. I can sign in contractor passes to those who are helping with the setup on the moving-in days. Please confirm your volunteer timings again as the manpower arrangements must be on the ball. Thank you for the spirit of teamwork shown thus far... you guys rock!
  18. Sorry folks, been very very busy... last few weeksn and next week is kinda hell for me (what an understatement). I've been settling the sponsorship for Anthony Calfo seminar and the SRC booth setup as a priority. Still sorting out my first batch of volunteers workers...
  19. Guys... I will put the action plan in place tomorrow.... stand by!
  20. If they burst... good luck, you'll see more of them soon!
  21. She's shockingly ######.... it was quite an eye-opener... so daring!
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