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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. folks, you may try this in your reef tank but you will probably have nothing but coralline algae growing on it. Our tanks rarely has coral spawns that could result in such settlement. Nice thoughts though....
  2. For additives... HK. For SG, you get a wider range of good equipment.
  3. In all fairness, I have given BH hell for his impulsive postings on using school funds to purchase rare corals for propagation. He got into a fair bit of trouble for that and I hope he has realised that using public money for such projects has irked quite a few reefers who questioned his motives and ideas. It did resemble the NKF debacle to some extent. However, since that issue has been put aside, note that I have not continued to condemn him. He proved his passion for the hobby by communicating with me on workable methods and solutions, reassuring me that he will think things through and also showed his commitment to the hobby by being there at Aquarama 05. People do learn from mistakes and people do mature. Give this young man a chance and if he can make things happen through his sheer determination, all the better for SRC. Like I say... the more matured amongst us should guide him... tap him... teach him..... encourage him. He may be still young but he has far more vision and drive than some of us oldtimers who are in danger of becoming grumbly old uncles sitting in coffeeshops drinking beer and cursing everyone else except themselves. If you can do better than him, then by all means... prove it. Give him a break. Please. Thank you.
  4. I have a love/hate relationship with my O2 mini. Love its size and that it's a combination PDA and HP. As a HP... it sucks... speakerphone too soft. Camera can forget it. As a PDA... it rocks... but lacks more memory space (although you can hack the ROM and reclaim more space but will void your warranty). There's a new 02 mini w faster processor and more RAM and if they improve the camera... I will upgrade in a flash.
  5. I state my convictions again. Guide... don't discourage. Those who don't have the time, contribute suggestions, not criticisms. Those who have the time, evaluate what needs to be done, get things in place and make it so. Willing planners, willing workers, willing invitees = benefit for all.
  6. Jeez.... I have to look even closer and closer at my SPS now! I think I'll just switch to LPS corals... easier to keep!
  7. My gosh!! Your baby's here already?? Time has flown!! Wow! Congrats to you and May!!! What's your little frag called ?
  8. Take a step back and breathe guys. I know reality bites for many of us 'older' and 'wiser'... but remember how you were like when you were young and passionate in something you believed in? If you kill the enthusiasm for one so young, things will never be attempted. So give the guy some credit and even if you don't like his style, don't cramp it. I believe we are all different people at different stages in life... BH WILL become like us older folks one day and who knows? He may chide a younger reefer off very much like his younger self... or maybe not. What's the saying? It is better to have tried and fail than to have never tried at all. I applied that to SRC against all conventional wisdom, got myself into a lot of shit till this day but I have no regrets.
  9. Wow... reminds me of my childhood days, when my uncle used to bring me to some place in KL to see him fly his remote control planes.... it was awesome...
  10. Since starting SRC in 2002 and now being 2005... a lot of things have transpired and changed. We have been through a lot and as much as there are many peaks, there are many downturns as well. A lot of friendships have been made thru this community club and quite a few friendships have been strained and broken too. It is part of human interaction and representative of society. The club revolves around a common interest: reefing as a hobby. Individually, we cannot predict how long we will or can contribute as part of this reefing community for the months or years ahead. Old timers get tired, move on and new blood will have to lead the 2nd wave and that's how things keep alive. The way I see it, the more enthusiastic amongst us would be the ones to keep the wheels turning. But I sincerely hope to see that wisdom, maturity and a caring attitude will accompany such enthusiasm. If BH represents the next generation, I know that he can help keep the wave going. He may be young and sometimes overly enthusiastic to the point of idealistic mayhem, but his intentions are generally good although usually misinterpreted otherwise. I say we cut him some slack and perhaps the wiser and more matured amongst us can guide his energy to good use? Many of us working adults have priorities that takes us away from this time-consuming hobby and perhaps the time needed to keep interacting online may not be consistent. (Heck, I know that I am currently in such a state). Back to his suggestion on advanced topics, meetings etc... Personally, I feel that the hobby has reached a state where technology and methodology are so advanced till there's really nothing much to talk about anymore. Advanced topics are something that local reefers may not be totally qualified to comment on, discuss and dissect unlike RC where you have marine biologists, chemists, engineers, professionals etc who know what they are talking about, are fluent and objective in debating the finer points without breaking into virtual fistfights, sarcastic war of words and grudges that we Asian egos are prone to. But even than, issues like Zeovit with fanatical believers and disbelievers alike has even caused such a big split in Reef Central! Managing an online community is not easy and managing a physical club is sure hell not easy too. But by all means, go ahead and organise meetings to discuss reefing! Just to back up BH, Anthony Calfo did say that it is vital for clubs to physically meet up regularly and perhaps even have a committee to look into such things. The big question is: are we sincerely ready to take up that commitment?? I saw it twice in 2 Aquaramas - when it comes down to the crunch... everybody disappears. NATO. BH was one of those who was committed to the manning the SRC booth and for that he has earned my respect. He showed a lot of initiative to step forward and not wait for instructions. So do cut him some slack and let's hear what he has to say first without cutting him down. Thanks everyone. My 2 cents, AT
  11. I have a simple query... was the 'Garment' aware of these going-ons for years or were they in the dark? I guess now that a BOI is out of the question... we'll never really know?
  12. What metal did you use, it doesn't look as reflective as most reflectors... I don't see the bulb's reflection on all its facets. But... cool DIY!!
  13. I have friends who worked for NKF... its a hellhole in there... anyone who goes back on the dot is called up to his office the next day... everyone works late till about 10pm averagely or till he goes home, never before... heard he can be quite a megalomaniac... total control of everything.
  14. Well, considering that he is definitely a very hardworking man who spends 7 days a week working... perhaps the board dictated that he should have a bigger toilet as his entitlement?
  15. Mrs Goh said that his pay compared to other CEOs is peanuts.
  16. Disclaimer: I am not a Mrs G supporter... I was also offended but its nothing compared to the NKF fiasco. I hope a BOI will reveal more 'crouching CEO, hidden funds' information, and the operations of gang of BOD 'money' snatchers.
  17. She did make a statement that's out of line and without careful thought to how sensitive it was to other less 'peanutful' people. But this petition is ridiculous. who started it?? The context of that statement was made with reference of Dorai's pay as a CEO vs other CEOs, NOT considering the ridiculous fact that he works for an NPO, (which is another matter altogether and little use for benchmarking as the public has no clue to how NPO CEOs are paid). Offending the sensitivities of poorer people with a silly comment is different from the sensitivites arising from the hidden misuse of public money. Hope we won't become too petition-happy for no good reason.
  18. No worries, SRC not affiliated with NKF... however, if Dorai gives me his one year bonus, I don't mind closing this thread! Seriously, if CNA's forum has gotten too hot and they have to close that thread, bear in mind that CNA is part of the MediaCorp group and they have a lot of commitments to the NKF Charity Show and it is too late to stop even if they want to. I am sure that there will be pressure from the ST group to stop the NKF thread in their forums sooner or later. SRC and many other community forums out there with no affiliations to NKF will have no pressure to stop such discussions unless the pressure comes from... ahem... big brother or NKF's legal dept. As such, this is a public debate on a very open subject that affects 2 out of 3 SG citizen. The outrage is understandable and no one can stop people from expressing themselves easily in this internet age.
  19. I've personally stopped supporting NKF for years after I heard inside stories too. AND I know about his first class travel because my friend's dad flew 1st class and had the misfortune to take the next seat with him! He was boasting about who he was and my friend's dad just turned to him and said that he'll never support NKF again to his face. I think this happened many years ago... potentially even before 1998? Can't remember.... geez!
  20. I had to fish out many moths from my tank every day... at least 2 per day... the biggest one was the size of my open palm!!! I was wondering what was causing a big piece of moving shadow over my corals and yikes!Really freaked out fishing that one out! I wonder if they release toxins into the water?
  21. Hey, you're only 2100 posts less than me...
  22. First time I hear of it... I think there are many users of Apeks around... go to the local dive forums to see how they go about doing it... or maybe the local agents?
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