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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Guys, I appreciate your understanding in not letting this place go to the dogs... forums are places where the culture can be altered by loud and dominant voices... and the question is... what kind of people are leading the change? Do spare a thought for newcomers to the hobby and the younger people here who could be influenced negatively. That's all I have to say for now. If this thread sinks any lower in the IQ/EQ scale... I'll have to close it. I mean, we all have fun, we all like fun but let's not go overboard, shall we?
  2. Hello, we have younger kids here in SRC ok? What's wrong with you guys? Go to sammyboy or something!
  3. Perhaps I am out of touch... did this Justina Er offend anyone to deserve special attention like this?
  4. Are you guys getting crazy?? This comment is asking for trouble. Be more sensitive.
  5. Don't quote me out of context, there are rules governing behaviour in SRC and outright harassment of another member is unacceptable. Don't laugh at people's expense.... Thread will be closed soon.
  6. To all, Kindly note that the Kopi Tiam is for just about anything under the sun aside from reefing. You have people who will talk a lot of nonsense here and just because it doesn't interest you doesn't mean that you should complain about it. Some guys talk a lot of rot and some girls have their own versions of rot, right? We are all entitled to talk rots as long as it doesn't go beyond the limit... the way I see, girl's talk about favourite colours or the issues that frustrate you is as equally frustrating to some guys as how some topics about girls, crude jokes, ###### & disgusting stuff can be frustrating to our lady reefers or parents or younger sensitive souls here. So let it go and give her a break. If you don't like to read such topics... simply... DON'T! Quite simple right? Another reminder to all, SRC is a 'refugium' for all sorts of creatures.... predators do not belong in refugiums. Go hunt somewhere else... (to whom it applies).
  7. WL, Ni hen li hai! Well done, bro! Next dive trip is your house!
  8. When I once hung out at Thumper, I met this Indonesian Chinese guy, (friend of another friend) who was a pretty cool laid back guy, always with hot chicks around him. We were talking about black magic and he told us that he believes in it. Towards the end of the conversation, he said he'll show us something. He pulled out this 3 black hairs, sealed in a plastic bag, out of his wallet. It was supposedly the hairs of a djin (genie). He asked for a tea saucer plate, put some water in it and then placed the hairs in the water. They were black, thick, about 2 cm long. When he placed them in the water, they started wriggling before my very eyes!! As in like curling, moving about, straightening and curling again... one of the hairs stopped.... while the rest continued... and then it resumed activity again. One of them was extra vigourous and he said that the genie was not happy about something. Regardless to say, it was freaky. He says they were for protection. He also revealed that his necklace with a pendant around his neck was special. He says he cannot show us because it is blessed with a Tiger spirit, a family heirloom. Also for protection. He says when he shows it to anyone who threatens him physically, they will go mad and run away from him because he will appear to become a real tiger before their eyes. Bullshit? I don't know. He is a rich man and whatever he wants to do, its his business. I do know that in Indonesia, these things are very common.
  9. My last night dive in Tenggol, I was over a sandy patch and turned off my dive light and I saw tiny flashes of bright blue bio-luminesence on the sand surface..... taking a look, it was actually some very small tube worms! Amazing the sea truly is.
  10. Yup! It was extremely loud inside the boat. Sometimes I can't even hear the radio. The G-forces are felt the most at the sharp turns at high speed. Your arms will ache after about 10 mins of hard driving because it vibrates so much and takes a lot of strength and control to execute a hard turn. Your hands will tingle and turn numb from all the vibration. The acceleration of a F1 powerboat is much faster than a F1 racecar... like 170km/h in 3.4 seconds. And because you're not on a smooth flat surface, imagine the bouncing on water! The speed is incredible.
  11. Just to clear the air after reading thru the posts here. 1. Most of the mods are busy with life challenges and time constraints. 2. Cats being away doesn't mean the mice can wreak havoc. 3. Be nice and refrain from personal attacks or your warning bar will suddenly be free of cobwebs. 4. If Jireh chooses not to reply you to explain their action of deleting your post questioning their biz tactics... you can either take it as you were too late to enjoy a good deal and they shut down their offer a little too late enough to prevent unhappiness. Or you can simply take your business to some other shops if you're not happy. 5. As for the rest of the bystanders, MYOB. 6. Yes, SRC sponsorship fee is peanuts but I wish it was the NKF peanuts but unfortunately it ain't. Hence I don't prioritize governing what happens in sponsors threads as it isn't my business to. 7. However since this is in the Kopi Tiam and certain rules are broken time and time again in this thread, I find it in everyone's best interests to close this thread as its non-constructive. 8. For the disgruntled customer, contact Jireh directly and seek your explanations there. 9. Jireh, perceptions which may be wrong can be easily rectified with a quick simple explanation. A stitch in time saves nine. 10. I wish everyone a good day! Happy reefing and take life easy!
  12. Minsmarine.... not yet.... maybe tomorrow? Spidey... what car are you driving? I had the privilege to be in my friend's Skyline GT350, driving into JB.... its the first in Singapore, brought in via Garage R. It's a damn solid ride... 19 inch rims, and the Bose sound system is nice too.... wish I had the $$$.... he got it for $160k.
  13. Thank you for the offer but no thanks, Spidey! Yes, I have an interesting life... and I value my life!
  14. yeah... there's more to life than just reefing! Been there, done that... lol! Kidding.... next step... sky diving (AND I MISSED IT LAST WEEK!!!!) I checked into the Ritz and saw skydivers landing on the field opposite the waters of the Bay and was so disappointed that I didn't know about it! Sigh...
  15. My hands and arms are still aching.... driving/piloting an F3 powerboat has been a unique & terrific experience! I'm not sure what's the top speed I've hit but a Formula 3 powerboat can reach in excess of 170km/h and I've floored the boat hard enough to have the tech crew radio me to slow down! All I know is that is that taking corners at 5000rpms makes enough gforce to knock your head to the side of the cockpit everytime, takes a lot of strength to hold the wheel thru the turns and numbs your hands thru the shaking! I don't have the photos yet but I'll post them up when I get them! Woooohooooo!! Brought the wifey today to try and she has the distinction of being the first Singaporean woman in a F3 boat! She loved it too! The F1 Powerboat championships are coming to town mid next month... who's going?
  16. I think its over-rated. I got a jacket done over at a shop near Siam Square and I didn't feel that it was that well-made. Guess what.... I still haven't worn it yet!
  17. Hmmm... I see a few familiar faces in her pix posted.
  18. Most shrimps play a cleaning role in the eco-system. Some will ride on sea urchins, sea stars, even cukes. I have seen tiny transparent shrimps hopping onto fishies in my dives and I have no idea what species these are!
  19. Ah good old barracuda! Let's see what happens next.....
  20. Was on my way back to Singapore after 5 days at sea for a liveaboard dive trip... the night sky was clear, the moon, the stars were bright and then we saw the fireworks display in the distance.... wow.. what a nice welcome back home!
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