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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. I've just had a friendly chat with Alfie from CoralReef and we both agreed that it is in the better interest of all parties to resolve this in the same friendly manner that CoralReef has originally intended. They recognize that many of the posters in this thread meant well and are of good intentions to see things improve for the livestock. It is also good to see the level of passion some individuals exhibited to MAKE something happen and they did! Unfortunately, things ran its course and was ill-timed such that BH's letter to the ST Forum got published before things could be discussed amiably so CoralReef has to come under legal advisement now. As we now work together to see how all parties can walk away in a cordial manner, let us respect that CR is approaching this in a friendly & open manner and therefore those involved should reciprocate. The rules and regulations, terms and conditions have been long since laid out as compliance to keeping your membership account. SRC's involvement, as a club, in this matter was strictly non-existent until an hour ago when this particular issue (which didn't come to the attention of the mods by the people involved) as I only knew about this issue about 30 mins ago. It is clearly very limited to just a few individuals commenting on what they have seen and what they feel (and a few who took drastic action as individuals). This is very different from how SRC took a collective public stand against the Nemo Craze. It is fair however, that if CR feel suspect about some postings and garnered that they were meant to slander and cause damage, then you, the individuals involved, will be liable to explain yourself. May I take this opportunity to remind everyone that the web is a great place for commmunication and sharing but also a place that words are preserved for immortality (more or less) so do watch what you say and how you say things. We have long emphasized the need to be clear-worded so as to not convey the wrong meaning in written communications. SRC and its mods do our best to maintain the peace here in SRC and our duties are limited to just that (besides our noble goals of promoting the reefkeeping hobby in SG). Everyone can be made liable for slander and libel (IF first proven in a court of law). The so-called anonymity on the internet is untrue... if subpoenaed, even the ISPs can be made to trace every data packet back to your PC. So do be mindful of your words. Let's hope that all parties involved can be happy and of course, the livestock in the centre of this debate!
  2. The temp fluc is only 2.1 degrees, its ok. My tank temp has fluctuated from 25 to 29 on a daily basis before. I think if your tank inhabitants are healthy and there are no other stress factors, there should be no probs with such temp changes.
  3. Seems to be alright to me. Do you see tissue flapping about?
  4. I agree. It's getting out of hand. Please adjust to make other people's viewing not so torturous before I make it a formal request. Thank you!
  5. Bidding will cause artificial inflation and send the wrong signals outside that because of a few rich people who are either too lazy to shop or too ignorant that ordinary stock does not even cause that much but are simply too KS to stop, that the rest of us can afford an increase in prices because "You can have people willing to pay 5x more than market rate". My 2 cents. Now, who wants to bid for my skimmer.... ? starting price:$800
  6. Bidding will cause artificial inflation and send the wrong signals outside that because of a few rich people who are either too lazy to shop or too ignorant that ordinary stock does not even cause that much but are simply too KS to stop, that the rest of us can afford an increase in prices because "You can have people willing to pay 5x more than market rate". My 2 cents. Now, who wants to bid for my skimmer.... ? starting price:$800
  7. There's quality liverocks, 'dead' rocks and the rest are everything in between. Basically, quality liverocks are full of purple or reddish coralline algae, lightweight, porous, have good shape, free of parasites and nuisance macroalgae. Dead rocks are just that... devoid of any visible life on it. Usually they look yellowish brown in colour. Being free of coralline algae, which resists diatoms, slime algae etc, means that nuisance algae usually takes stubborn hold on dead rock. Left in saltwater for some time, they will house beneficial bacteria and can be thus defined as live rock, although... not quality grade. Calcareous rocks are what to look out for... not granite, not sandstone or even lavarocks. Cement rocks can probably be defined as fake rocks as these are man-made. These can be very cheap to make in quantity but add stress to cheap tanks because of their weight.
  8. It may be coincidental but we are laying the cards out on the table: We do not protect anyone or favour anyone. Break the peace and you're out. If you wish to highlight an injustice, say it once and leave it as it is. Hammering the issue to death makes unpleasant noise to those not even interested to see it. If you want to hammer each other to death, do it outside in real life or do it in other forums. The majority does not need to get disturbed. Some threads may have passed under the radar, some threads may be simply closed off, some threads deserved to be flushed down the toilet, out of sight. If you do not like the housekeeping standards in dealing with such threads, I am sorry but there is no cut-and-dry ISO standard SOP around. Perhaps if you put yourself in a mod's shoes and then you'll understand the frustration.
  9. A piece of rotting meat if just covered with newspaper will still have flies buzzing around. A piece of rotting meat, wrapped in an airtight bag and removed from location will not have flies buzzing around. Hope you understand what I am saying. The mods are always having to clean up after other people. Pls respect our decisions. Thank you.
  10. A very sharp razor blade is better. Only cut the threads and not the fleshy foot.
  11. I checked the logs, one of the mods (who everyone thinks is no longer active but is just quietly doing his duties, gracias bro!) has moved it away to a hidden folder. The rationale for doing that is clear : the thread has degenerated badly into a war zone.
  12. THC, thread already closed. Pls only posts threads that are in the verge of flamewarring.
  13. This thread is now closed because its full of rubbish.
  14. I'm starting this thread in a bid to nip potential flamewars in the bud. Please link up threads that threaten to go out of hand in this thread. It will be easier to see at a glance who gets involved in such threads too. Everyone is free to link up. Take it as your civil duty, like a neighbourhood watch. I'm sick of how everytime the mice come out to play when the Cat goes out of the room. This time, I'm giving the house occupants the chance to corner the 'rats'. Have fun everyone! I think the Mods will like this idea too!
  15. Or else what? Can't members of the public speak against peace disruptions or people setting up ugly fights? If Scarab said this instead of BH, what would you say?
  16. Young or old, showing maturity and responsibility is easily seen in how people conduct themselves online. I don't have to know if you're three-eyed, lame, ugly or the most beautiful person in the universe, I look at the consistency of the online conduct and the thought process and intention of the person to consider if that person can take on the role of minor moderation duties. The administration is still overseen by me so everyone should have no worry about SRC going down to hell because 'youngsters' 'run the place'.
  17. Very nicely put. You love this kid don't you? Reefaholic, you want to be a mod for a month?
  18. Interesting topic! While I would very much like to sit on the fence after attempting to go both ways... let me tell u from experience that it needs 100% co-operation to achieve Ancelot's dream (or mine and many others). Some people think that RC is a perfect place but sadly, it is not. It's a real great place to do research and to hear the feedback from other hobbyists but it is not home (to me). SRC is home, with all its imperfections, idiosyncrasies and flaws. We have a vast majority who are great people. We have had a few troublemakers. *shrug* No home has perfect fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, cousins, grandparents, in-laws, dogs, cats, fish or even household pests. We had a wonderful place but when it got too large, you can expect troublemakers to come in too. EXAMPLE: Every western town has its candy shops, nice farms, provision supply shops, pleasant folks who doff their hats at you but when someone strikes gold nearby, everybody will swarm into town, the scum, the gamblers, the drunks, the prostitutes, the gunfighters, the cheats, the wicked. Unless you have a strong sheriff with committed deputies, 100% backed by 100% of its citizens 100% of the time, you cannot absolutely maintain your previous PARADISE. So perhaps some people will get disgruntled and move to a new uncharted part of the country to set up new homes, but believe me, the cycle will continue.... because no man is perfect or can guarantee what he says or do will upset another.
  19. IMO, sea cukes do nothing for controlling diatoms. If by their feeding patterns, they happen to pick up diatoms enveloping around sand grains, then it's consumed. But if your diatom problem extends up to your glass, sea cukes will not be able to do anything about it to any significant degree. Sea cukes get their sustenance more from detritus and other food sources found in the substrate. As BH suggested, the control of silicates from water using Rowaphos or Contraphos would your best bet. Or block silicates from your tap water using a RO/DI filter.
  20. I have to admit that i was once obssessed. But reality bites and now my work takes a lot of time away from me. Not just away from my tank but my other hobbies as well. Even my family time has been affected. There is life outside of reefing and I can vouch that there is always a little too much that you can swallow when you're mad about something. Midnight cheonging of shipments, being envious of fellow hobbyists who managed to get a better specimen, having misunderstanding with friends over corals, spending more money than you should on your tank, prioritizing your hobby time over other more sensible things... yeah... been there, done that! Take it easy guys.... reefing is a just a hobby. Don't get too obssessed!
  21. Hotter than her Into The Blue movie bikini scenes!!!
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