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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Reminder: 'This thread and all its posters are monitored for any violations and subjected to closure without warning or explanation. Read this to understand more.'
  2. I'm too busy now for the hobby and honestly, my beautiful tank is but a sad memory... damn the flatworms!
  3. They must have repeated the show again! That was shot a couple of years ago!
  4. search results shows 376 pages of posts (averaging 8 posts per page?) - multiply that and we have about 3000++ 'Upz' used since 17 Sept 2002! Click upz here to see!
  5. Woah! That's rare and exciting!! I've never heard of captive hawkfishes breeding before! I doubt if any will survive to adulthood unless you are willing to start an incubation tank and learn how to raise fry.
  6. BH, Carry on, education is good. Glad to see you have the heart to share. Hope others will have the heart to learn. And some others the heart to appreciate your gesture.
  7. Thread temporary closed until all involved in this flamefest reads this warning note.
  8. Notice: This thread is degenerating into a flame fest between a few parties which are in danger of being suspended or banned from SRC because of your disruptive ways. Read the terms and conditions of use if you're unclear what constitutes total disregard to being a user of this forum. Please keep the peace or risk losing your posting privileges. Pls comply with immediate effect. Oh... there's a new rule for multi-nickers... look it up.
  9. Try swirling it into the water column, don't just drip it on the surface. Surface tension will cause individual pieces to float.
  10. Seriously, I must admit lacking the momentum for some time already. The last year especially has taken its toll on my interest in the hobby due to career and other commitments. Managing a club that is still seriously growing at a tremendous pace since our inception 4 years ago is no small feat. Without the mods, it would have been impossible! Take a look at our stats... the other local forums at anytime, even during the peak timings, still average much less than or max only about half of our total visitors! Membership signups are still averaging 150+ a month! The site is actually less 'commercial' than it has been a few years ago... I've actually not collected sponsorship for a long time... and the server is still hosting just SRC alone (with another site of mine?)! This dedicated server means faster surfing speeds... and you guys enjoyed this for years already! We'll coming up to our 4th year anniversary in 2 weeks time, and I was thinking how great that members from day 1 are still with us today, serving as mods, as members, as helpers, volunteers to promote the hobby etc. But many have become busy with careers and family life, like myself. The mods and I have been meeting up recently to manage the system to weed out nuisance people and troublemakers and so far its been working very well indeed! And future implementations will make nuisance posters think twice. As for the visual aspect, that's also in the pipeline. Content-wise, I feel that I can no longer be the one to drive contests etc. Perhaps we need the local community to step up a notch and not rely on me alone. The Tank of the Moment slot deserves to be long updated but that would mean someone has to administer this! Who would like to volunteer? We need writers, content drivers...
  11. Heheh... i was going to write a letter of complaint to the admin too, then I realised he was me!
  12. Through his heart?? That's really rotten luck. I wonder if he was wearing a wetsuit with a rubber chest layer at that time... could have saved him.
  13. Sad that he met with such an unfortunate ending. But there are too many questions about this. Rays are known to be extremely shy and non-aggressive. Their barbs are defensive weapons. They swim away from people. How in the world did Steve get stung in the chest?? Was he hugging the ray?? Was he settling on top of one?? Steve has always been known to put himself in very dangerous situations, either to prove his bravado or to prove the animals are not as dangerous as people think?? I guess this is one time when his fast reflexes failed him. My sympathies to his family, friends and fans... such a sad end to a good man.
  14. Hi, yes, just got back in the evening! Bali was great! I saw my first Mola Mola!
  15. Try feeding him mysis shrimp or other frozen natural foods like brineshrimp etc.
  16. Ok guys, I'll send a msg to the software guys to see how to resolve this.
  17. can we get more feedback? I'll have to research if this is a common problem and find a fix.
  18. Is this common? Have not heard of this problem before. Is it your firewall? Or cookies disabled?
  19. I thought I could recommending humour appreciation classes for your clams if they were boring... Just kidding! Don't worry, they won't be able to dissolve glass. Their acid can dissolve calcium carbonate only. If necessary, the bysal threads can be cut from the glass without damaging the foot.
  20. It will progress to solid meats so prawns or fish meat will be next on the menu. You should upgrade to a much larger tank or prepare to have upgraded filtration systems to cope with the increased waste of predatory fish like sharks.
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