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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Shame on the people who used to look down on him and deride him for his youth. At least he puts action to his words... not what I can say for many of us. Kudos to Blueheaven!!
  2. Better not assume, why don't you post this ID pix at seaslugforum.net? They are specialized in these creatures and may be able to help you. Quickly before they hatch!
  3. Very good information... thanks Gouldian!
  4. Nudi eggs are usuall spiral. hmmm.... first time I am seeing something like this.
  5. Gorgeous FW planted tank! I think when they do gardening, they have to dive in, the tank's so deep!
  6. oops.... i fear it may have been deleted by accident by the mods. Could we have a new intro?
  7. Now that is what I call a REAL SPS coral tank!!
  8. Becketts are notoriously noisy but fans won't mind them because they perform very well. The other skimmers use technology which is mostly silent in nature.... so that should answer your question.
  9. you should feed the fishes daily to ensure good health.
  10. So this person - did he sexually harassed you verbally or was there physical contact also? Vanquish the thought!!! OMG!! Sorry if I speculate too much! I'm again absolutely amazed that this could happen... in this small reefing community!
  11. You can see how big it is from the 2nd pix! BTW, i doubt if the Japanese ones are this big... this is from a deep sea expedition.
  12. Wrasses will eat these. Had seen ispods in my tank before and I saw my wrasses pick them off other fish. Best to manually extract them if you don't want wrasses in your tank.
  13. That's a parrot fish. Noticed the beak mouth? And that's an eagle ray. I've now tempted to go Sipadan in Dec! ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!!
  14. Stay on topic.... I use a pair of pliers for a firm grip on the tear tab and pull. The trick to life the sides is to concentrate on one flap and as long as you have leverage on one to life completely, you lift the one next to it till you get two flaps to pop, then its easy after that.
  15. Not advisable. Stay in 1.23 range if you can. The salinity scaling increases exponential... 0.20 for inverts is not recommended for long term health.
  16. Testament, it may be painful, but what else did this person do to you that you are so traumatized? We are hearing only the surface, I believe?
  17. That depends on the size of the fish. You may have to modify the 'floor'of the trap for feeding purposes. I put a sheet of clear plastic to prevent food from falling through the trap (but it also helps the tank residents to come up close to the fish and inspect the newcomer while snacking). The betta box acclimatization process is also good for getting the fish used to seeing you up close and associating you with food!
  18. heh... dory is actually the name of the blue tang (the one with '6' on its body). And the neon fishes are the very common blue/green chromises... very lovely in shoals!
  19. Forgot to add... you have to study the nature of your livestock before buying them. A little study goes a long way in preventing a lot of heartache and destruction. A tip is to put your new fish in a container and float it for a few days for your existing fishes to get used to it first. They will be less prone to attacking it later.
  20. Suggest you just trap the sixline wrasses out with a fish trap and give them away. Surprising your sixlines has considered your large tank its entire territory. In large tanks aggression is diluted with enough LR for hiding places. Maybe its because you have 3! One is quite enough for a tank. Two is a handful and three..... errr.... Don't add any more wrasses into your tank... its not the answer.
  21. Hmmm... give you a tip... don't name your fishes until they are stable, healthy for some time. Fishes are too fragile a lot to be so quickly attached to names. Believe me, it is painful to lose a named pet. I stopped naming my fishes a long time ago!
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