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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Though the dense humid forests of Central Africa have been regarded as among the most pristine on Earth, the expansion of industrial logging and the accompanying proliferation of road density are threatening the future of this important ecosystem. (2007-06-11) View the full article
  2. First in a petri dish and now on live salamanders, probiotic bacteria seem to repel a deadly fungus being blamed for worldwide amphibian deaths and even extinctions. (2007-05-23) View the full article
  3. An interdisciplinary team of McGill researchers has uncovered a connection between growing economic inequality and an increase in the number of plant and animal species that are threatened with extinction. (2007-05-16) View the full article
  4. University of Washington scientists will attach satellite tracking devices to the backs of six penguins that have been treated at two centers in northern Argentina after their feathers were fouled with oil. The birds will be released into the Atlantic Ocean and their movements traced using satellites and the Internet. (2007-08-07) View the full article
  5. Coral reef fish hatchlings dispersed by ocean currents are able to make their way back to their home reefs again to spawn, says a groundbreaking study published today in the journal Science. (2007-05-04) View the full article
  6. The first comprehensive assessment of the world's 162 species of grouper, a culinary favorite and important commercial fish, found that 20 are threatened with extinction unless proper management or conservation measures are introduced. (2007-03-22) View the full article
  7. Tiny larval fish living among Australia's Great Barrier Reef spend the early days of their lives swept up in ocean currents that disperse them far from their places of birth. (2007-01-09) View the full article
  8. Scientists can predict how the distance marine larvae travel varies with ocean temperature - a key component in conservation and management of fish, shellfish and other marine species - according to a new study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (2006-12-26) View the full article
  9. An international group of ecologists and economists has shown that the loss of biodiversity is profoundly reducing the ocean's ability to produce seafood, resist diseases, filter pollutants and rebound from stresses such as overfishing and climate change. (2006-11-07) View the full article
  10. Accelerating rates of species extinction pose problems for humanity, according to a comprehensive study headed by a biologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara and published in the journal Nature this week. (2006-10-26) View the full article
  11. Two recent expeditions led by Conservation International (CI) to the heart of Asia's "Coral Triangle" discovered dozens of new species of marine life including epaulette sharks, "flasher" wrasse and reef-building coral, confirming the region as the Earth's richest seascape. (2006-09-21) View the full article
  12. A computer model newly developed by researchers combines ocean current simulations and genetic forecasting to help scientists predict animal dispersion patterns and details of the ecology of coral reefs across the Caribbean Sea. (2006-08-22) View the full article
  13. Coral reef marine protected areas established by local people for traditional use can be far more effective at protecting fish and wildlife than reserves set up by governments expressly for conservation purposes. (2006-07-28) View the full article
  14. Discovery of an exceptional fossil specimen in southeastern Morocco that preserves evidence of the animal's soft tissues has solved a paleontological puzzle about the origins of an extinct group of bizarre slug-like animals with rows of mineralized armor plates on their backs. View the full article
  15. This is certainly very alarming! I agree with Jasment that you should change out your stand to something a lot more stronger.... or you'll be seconds from disaster! Don't underestimate the weight of a marine tank and don't overestimate the strength of those shelving bars... a little twisting and the load will shift or your joining of the bolt/nuts will fail in due time.
  16. You could try upgrading to a better skimmer to export nutrients before they degrade into NO3. Small tanks tend to have a poorer natural filtration ability due to their size limitation. You have to either upgrade certain equipment, increase the size of your sump/natural media in it or cut down on livestock/feeding.
  17. Do you think its possible that your lights gave out too much heat and caused the top part of the acrylic to be unevenly overheated while the bottom part is cooled by the water and that caused it to crack?
  18. Coral reefs in the Caribbean have suffered significant changes due to the proximal effects of a growing human population. The study showed clearly that the number of people living in close proximity to coral reefs is the main driver of the mortality of corals, loss of fish biomass and increases in macroalgae abundance. View the full article
  19. Hybridizing blind cave fish from different cave populations can partially restore the vision of their offspring, biologists have found. The study suggests that genetic engineering can override, at least in part, half a million years of evolutionary change in one generation. View the full article
  20. An unexpected discovery in marine biomedical laboratories has led to new, key information about the fundamental biological processes inside a marine organism that creates a natural product currently being tested to treat cancer in humans. View the full article
  21. The US government issued its Final Notice of Intent for the Chukchi Lease Sale 193 opening approximately 29.7 million acres of the pristine Chukchi Sea to oil and gas activities on January 2. This controversial announcement comes just days before the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is due to decide if the polar bear should be listed under the Endangered Species Act due to severe habitat loss from melting sea ice in Alaska's Arctic Ocean caused by global warming. View the full article
  22. In this article Eric elaborates on the continuation of his study on elegance corals and the disease that has recently affected them in the aquarium trade. View the full article
  23. Stanley describes his 1700-gallon reef aquarium. View the full article
  24. Steven details his recipe for preparing your own frozen food. View the full article
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