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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Joseph describes his 240-gallon reef aquarium. View the full article
  2. Billy provides feedback on Sera test kits. View the full article
  3. In this sixth article of our "Newbie Corner" column, Tom Murphy (Waterkeeper) discusses 'Live Rock' and Natural Filtration View the full article
  4. This month we are showcasing the Reef Aquarium Society of Charlotte (RASOC). View the full article
  5. Check out the latest upcoming events of interest to marine aquarists. View the full article
  6. Top Ten Reasons Why Your Show Tank Shouldn't Be In Your Bedroom... View the full article
  7. Coral Maternity in Portugal View the full article
  8. Contaminated seaweeds in Sydney Harbour could be threatening the small animals that feed on them, according to a new study revealing that the harbor's seaweeds have the world's highest levels of copper and lead contamination. View the full article
  9. Thanks for sharing. I nearly had an accident driving up to KL too.... was speeding at 180 I think, and a pickup came to a sudden stop quite far ahead. A dump truck was turning into a lane blocked for road construction. I braked hard and it took a while to come to a complete stop just immediately behind the stationary pickup. Regardless to say, my heart was pounding. At least I can sheepishly tell my passenger that now I know the stopping power of the standard Honda brakes.... haha!! God bless the little orphan child and her family.
  10. Selenium, an 'essential trace element' often included in multimineral supplements, may not be as important as once thought. Although this trace element is essential in the diet of humans, it seems that we have lost some of the need for selenium, which occurs in proteins and is transported in blood plasma, when our evolutionary ancestors left the oceans and evolved into mammals. View the full article
  11. Those are perfectly safe. They are commensual crabs that live in SPS corals and help to clean it and protect it.
  12. Click on my signature links.... my latest dive photos - Bali!.... for more photos of the mola! Incredible creatures!
  13. A recent study indicates that wild salmon may account for just 10 percent of California's fall-run chinook salmon population, while the vast majority of the fish come from hatcheries. The findings are especially troubling in light of the disastrous decline in the population this year, which will probably force the closure of the 2008 season for commercial and recreational salmon fishing. View the full article
  14. You know that green scum creeping across the surface of your local public water reservoir? Or maybe it's choking out a favorite fishing spot or livestock watering hole. It's probably cyanobacteria -- blue-green algae -- and, according to an article in Science, relishes the weather extremes that accompany global warming. View the full article
  15. Thats a nice looking home for a nice looking hamster!
  16. I shot this photo in bali.... I saw adult bannerfish and adult angelfish doing cleaning work.... !
  17. Did you know that even juvenile angelfish do cleaning duty to very large fish?
  18. Federal efforts to recover endangered salmon on the Columbia and Snake rivers can no longer ignore global warming, which already has fundamentally changed the river and ocean habitats of salmon and steelhead, warns a new scientific review. View the full article
  19. At a hearing on Capitol Hill April 2, the National Wildlife Federation urged immediate action to protect America's polar bears from the impacts of climate change by listing polar bears under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Facing a court-imposed deadline, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service last year proposed to list the polar bear as a threatened species under the ESA. FWS was required by the ESA to issue a final listing decision twelve months thereafter. FWS missed this deadline nearly three months ago despite the imminent dangers to polar bears, as demonstrated by unprecedented melting of Arctic ice in 2007. View the full article
  20. A fish that would rather crawl into crevices than swim, and that may be able to see in the same way that humans do, could represent an entirely unknown family of fishes, says a fish expert. The fish, sighted in Indonesian waters off Ambon Island, has tan- and peach-colored zebra-striping, and rippling folds of skin that obscure its fins, making it look like a glass sculpture that Dale Chihuly might have dreamed up. View the full article
  21. Coral reefs could be dying out because of changes to the microbes that live in them just as much as from the direct rise in temperature caused by global warming, according to scientists. Tropical ecosystems are currently balanced on a climate change knife edge. View the full article
  22. Researchers have confirmed for the first time that a "dead zone" has existed off the Texas coast for at least the past 23 years and will likely remain there, causing potential harmful effects to marine life in the area. View the full article
  23. Buoys equipped with underwater microphones and other sensors will be on duty in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off the coast of Massachusetts for the next 30 months, recording sounds from whales, fish, ships and other sources around the clock to help NOAA researchers develop a global monitoring network for ocean noise. View the full article
  24. Congrats, papa!! And good luck!!!! BTW, how do you sleep with that buzzing sound from the air pump?
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