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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Sorry folks... for the late updates. About 10 days ago... I filled up the tank with water to test for plumbing leaks (of which I ran into a few!) I made a six inch tall glass T partition so that the back part of my tank will have a 6 inch DSB guaranteed without sand movement. The rest of the tank slopes to 4" at the front. I recycled my old tank's stand cover and use it as an intank backdrop. It is black acrylic and is siliconed to the glass back. I cannot use a sticker backdrop as I have an external overflow box. I cut holes in it for the closed loop bulkhead right at the centre and lots of oval holes for my overflow teeth. I cut the black acrylic sheet to be shorter so that after putting the 6" sandbed at the back, I have a 1" tall 'window' that runs along the length of the tank. It also lets in light so I can use a torch to peek at the back of the tank. Perhaps in future I may even build a FL tube fixture over this 'window' so my caves will be lit up!
  2. That is so hilarious!!!! Oh well.... I have surfing tangs... they love to ride my reeftecs... does that count?
  3. You guys keeping starfish? If its for a reef tank, the only safe starfishes are from the Linkia and Fromia family. Linkias can grow very big but they are a nice baby blue.... Fromias are smaller but are bright red. They only consume detritus, microalgae and tiny stuff...
  4. Ordered from overseas leh.... can't find it locally. I love my Aqua Gloves!
  5. Besides my reefing hobby... I like fishing and diving.... When I am home... its computer gaming!
  6. This thread seems to generate a double post problem. I will have to close it down. Sorry folks!
  7. Whereabouts in the UK are you in Tanz?
  8. Tanzy... I share your good taste in reefing but your taste in women.. ahem...
  9. For you, Tanzy old chap... you'll be the resident sea turtle! Hehheheheheh!
  10. It does look really top-of-the-line. I am impressed especially by the reflector.... it would direct a lot of light back into the tank... not much wastage here! Too bad that I have an AB Aqualine already.... HQI of course... good luck with your sale, Tanzy!
  11. Tanzy! You beat me to it! I was considering glass beads too at one time but I have since forgotten to pursue them! Seems like you're pretty much up to date on the latest stuff too! The only downside to glass beads is that perhaps the surface area is too smooth, bacteria may not get a good 'grip' as compared to rough surfaces like sand grains. Hahah... my logic!
  12. I've been to Bali... but not Krabi. Heard its a great place.... Come back in one piece you hear?
  13. AARRRGGHH!!! SO EVIL!!!! BABY CLOWNFISHES!!! Chromises are much better choices!!! Or when you go fishing... catch those ikan bilis type of fish... use a net!
  14. Arrggh! Are you 100% certain??? Most of the info gotten off the net advocates about 4 weeks!
  15. Been quite busy these days... will update very very soon! Got some nice pix to show of my plumbing.. haha!
  16. Yes, you can prevent ich with careful procedures... its never 100% sure.... but still... prevention is better than cure. Sometimes even common cold can kill... Ich never becomes that dormant... its possible to starve them. Ich can be introduced by liverock, corals, water from the bag... many many ways of entry...
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