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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Spade you replying me or alvy?
  2. Is this the exact 1408 unit that you guys are using to mod your skimmers? Fountain Head, Foam Jet This fountain head comes with one 7-1/2" extension tube and a 1/4" FNPT or 1/2" FNPT slip connector for easy connection to the pump
  3. Just 'destroy' a small section lah... Dig them out... maybe at a corner of the tank. Hmmm... I think I may be stepping on your toes here... but I think if you think they are rotifers, they would be of a species that aquaculturists are not able to breed successfully in saltwater... as the rotifers we are both culturing are actually brackish water... they don't grow well in normal 1.024 salinity, preferring 1.020. I suspect they are a different kind of zooplankton. Did you get a sample out and try to culture it seperately? If you did... I would like to also request a sample so I can try culturing it... maybe get an ID... I have a microscope... but it needs the bulb to be repaired. Oh... I have to to 'correct' you on your last statement... "Dun 'off' your power long enough to totally crash your DSB and wipe out all life in it"... dun panic the newbies.. "
  4. Noooo bro! You WILL get a very BIG DISTINCT BAND with two sakis in the centre!! What I meant is that you have two big reflectors... ____ / RS \ ... with the two diff bulbs sharing one reflector.
  5. LOL!!!!!! That is so farnie!!!! But sadly, the sea ponies left in the refugium are all MIA except one or two if I look closely. Those that I took out and placed in a seperate tank look kinda listless... feeding with rotifers and bbs... keeping my fingers crossed.
  6. Phang, remember the last time you and morgan were at my place and we discussed the 'banding' problem with sakis and radiums? I see it very obviously in your pix. Perhaps it could be the problem with the reflectors used... it seems that all the light goes straight down and very little goes sideways. It does seem like a vertical band straight down for each light in the 2 sakis with radiums together shot. Do you have a pix of your reflector? Perhaps what you can do is to put the radium and sakis side by side in one reflector so the light blends. That's what the US reefers are doing and they reported no banding problems. And get a big parabolic reflector so your spread is better. Do you have a MH over a centre brace? Also, its strange that 10k would turn out so purple/blue. I think its the camera... unable to interpret the colour balance.
  7. Surprised you wanted 2 sakis and 1 radiums... normally reefers would have 1 saki and 2 radiums... coz they know that sakis are very yellow and the 2 radiums would help balance out the colours. Anyway, good job experimenting guys... AT
  8. Yes.... indiscriminate fishermen, fish collectors use cyanide to squirt into coral heads to stun hiding fishes so they float out and are easily netted. Or they have to break the corals just to get at the fishes if they don't come out. Corals then bleach as a result of the cyanide. It's very well documented. It's as bad as dynamite fishing... fishes get stunned and corals are blown apart. You will see lots of crushed corals everywhere.
  9. Hmmm... interesting theory. I cannot agree that a DSB alone is responsible for large amounts of planktonic life in any reeftank. Planktonic life can be very well hidden in shallow beds of sand or liverock. They may have become very obvious when water circulation is low and when lights are on and they decide to breed during that time. I just had my refugium taken off the water circuit and it sat for a few days surviving on oxygen given out by macroalgae. There were a lot of oxygen bubbles floating up to the surface. I saw a few 2cm bristleworms swimming around. On the third day, I noticed more than 20 baby bristleworms on the glass and a pod explosion. My seahorse also gave birth and my harlequin shrimp released its eggs (promptly eaten by the seahorses). I had nudibranch explosions and even saw a few large flatworms coming out (which of course I sucked out). All these happened in these 3 days... it was very very eye-opening!!! What can I say about this? It's just the miracle of the marine ecosystem! Hard to explain at times... For DSBs, like with any media, oxygen levels will drop once circulation stops as aerobic bacteria and other living organisms consume oxygen and potentially... all marine life could be in peril. Which is why a large water surface is important and if you provide water movement, you can prevent very low oxygen levels in your tank. Interesting... you have a mysis population? Can I get a sample from you... perhaps I can get a culture going asap?
  10. Whole villages gone after giant waves crush Polynesian isle The Polynesian island of Tikopia has been hit by massive 11 metre (36 feet) high waves which appear to have swept away entire villages and completely destroyed the lagoon around the island, experts said. Cyclone Zoe over the weekend slammed into the Tikopia and Anuta in the Temotu district of the Solomon Islands and although no word has come from them two surveillance flights Wednesday revealed extensive damage. The islands have a combined population of around 3,000 people. An anthropologist who lived on Tikopia, Judith Macdonald, said that from the photographs she had seen, entire villages have disappeared. "In the area where three of the four chiefs lived it's all gone, at least 100 houses," she told AFP. Macdonald said it was imperative that Hercules aircraft begin airdropping food and added that ships will not be able to get cargo ashore as the lagoon has gone. An emotional Temotu Premier Gabriel Teao told AFP from the regional capital Lata that he feared many people have been swept away. "Whole villages have been buried and I am still not sure how many people are dead," he told AFP. There has been no word from Tikopia or Anuta since the storm and the Solomons government, handicapped by four years of civil war, has been able to provide no help. Macdonald, an anthropologist at Waikato University, south of Auckland, said the photographs she saw revealed "appalling and horrendous damage". The photographs show wide sandy beaches around Tikopia but the island does not have beaches normally and Macdonald said she believed the fringing reef had been lifted up into the lagoon that was now full of sand and debris. A fresh water lake, stocked with fish, had been flooded. Maddonald said: "It is desperate that we immediately, absolutely immediately, get Hercules (helicopters) to airdrop food and shelter to the people." She said the people should not be given rice as they normally did not have pots and would not know what to do with it. The emergency supplies of taro had probably been hit by sea water, the breadfruit trees were smashed and heavy swells would prevent fishing. "They will have no material for building new houses. This is the worst cyclone that has ever happened in the Solomons." Gabriel Teao said he was more worried than ever about the fate of his people. The local parliament had met Tuesday including the new Tikopia representative, Jeffrey Teaeava. "We had a two minute silence," Teao said. "I really cried." He said the situation was now worse than he had feared. "They are used to cyclones and for generation after generation they have been taught what to do when a cyclone strikes," Teao said. "This one was the very worst they have experienced. "It is very devastating... They really need help, I am really worried." Teao was frustrated to hear that the Solomons police patrol boat Lata, due to have left Wednesday, would not be coming. The Solomons, blighted by a four-year long civil, lacks resources to arrange help. It is understood a civil inter-island trader, funded by New Zealand, would go instead. Zoe, which was born on Christmas Day over Tuvalu, swept westward toward Tikopia where it topped the intensity scale for cyclones and stayed over the island for two days. It then turned south-eastward and was due Thursday to be delisted as a cyclone in waters north of New Zealand.
  11. Wooo! What a nite! Dave Seaman of MOS rox!! But I prefered the Hed Kandi hall... pity it was so empty compared to the MOS hall... I guess the majority of clubbers are not into the Ibiza scene.... And last nite's 'togo-ing' was perfect.... very high but not to the point of merlioning... heh! I brought along my JD black label in a 1.5 litre bottle... and after dinner, we bought ice and plastic cups and played 5/10 and got semi-high before we made our way to Singapore Expo! What a nite! Got home at 5 plus... slept till 2.30pm... heh! Arrrgh! Tomorrow it's back to work and the New Year!!!
  12. I love my 21" monitor... perfect for work and gaming. LCDs have a very slow refresh rate... so having ghosty images during fast and furious FPS games is a no-no. Unless you can show me a LCD that doesn't have this problem.
  13. I think purple queens are extremely difficult... even feeding lots of BBS will see them getting skinnier and skinnier. Let me put it this way... even public aquariums worldwide do not have any luck sustaining them. My favourite anthias are Dispars and Sunbursts (very ex).
  14. You mean the Lord of Fermentation? Lager? HAPPY NEW YEAR! YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE TOO MUCH TO DRINK!
  15. LOL! Not with this pix in my site! Wait.... mv3i posted this so he's responsible for what he posts... I just merely provided the platform for him and am not responsible for what ever he posts! kekekeke! Anyway, I think he merely enjoys the fishes, but he doesn't take care of it... would you see him scrubbing the glass, feeding the fishes, arranging the LR and corals etc? Nah!
  16. Harvesting is illegal in designated marine parks. The islands around SG are not, so technically... yes you can harvest. But if you so wish to do so... do it carefully. Anyway, did you guys know that in SG waters, we have as much coral species as M'sia? And we have coral spawning just this year? Or was it late last year? Just that visibility is so bad with all the silt caused by land reclamation and international shipping.... people are saying that the corals around SG are doomed to die soon from all that silt in the water. When I go fishing, it is common to hook up sea fans and sea pens....
  17. Sounds interesting... Alvy. Now that my tank size has gone up... I may need to supplement my H&S skimmer... with a DIY one... AT
  18. Sorry! Typo error! Not 'the' LSL but 'that' LSL...
  19. Spade took a dump at Sungei Bedok canal... and PUB thought it was their fault! LOL! It was in the news lah.
  20. Coppersafe is one of the most toxic copper treatments around... !! It will probably kill your fish as well as any ich! Using copper to treat livestock is a very risky procedure... as different fishes have different sensitivity levels.
  21. I hate ich as much as anybody, if not more so. Either bring down the salinity level of the Q-tank to 1.010 sg and maintain that for a month, then over 2 weeks, raise the sg back to normal levels. That should kill the ich inside the tank/on the fish. Whether they survive the stress induced is another question. As for the pop-eye... it could be a physical injury and will heal over 2 weeks or it could be something worse... like internal problems eg. kidneys or liver... If you are willing to risk medication, you can check out Seachem's Cupramine, its supposed to be superior to copper sulfate. Use wisely in your treatment tank.
  22. Actually, I heard that LSL has a reef tank at home... probably maintained by Aquatechnics...
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