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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Perhaps you have to tell us whether you are providing enough light and calcium for keeping clams first. Failure to do so is a guarantee that clams will die.
  2. Slave, Everything is possible. Show him the money! Hahaha!!
  3. Ich dachte mich erklärte Ihnen Deutsches, zu sprechen zu stoppen? Möchten Sie sein sacked? And we are grossly out of topic! <_< Anschlag
  4. > Subject: R u the weakest link? > > > > The Stupid Test! > > > > OK. Pay close attention. > Here is a very simple little test > comprised of four easy questions > to determine the level of your intellect. > > <http://funnygreetings.com/stupidtest/book_worm_closeup_blink_md_wht.gif> > > Your replies must be spontaneous and immediate, > with no deliberating or wasting of time. > And no cheating! > > > > On your mark, get set, go... > > > > 1: You are competing in a race > > and overtake the runner in second place. > > <http://funnygreetings.com/stupidtest/runner_athlete_running_md_wht.gif> > > In which position are you now? > > > > > > Answer: If you answered that you're now in first, > > you're wrong! > > You overtook the second runner and took his place, > > therefore you are now in second place. > > > > > > For the next question try not to be so dim. > > > > 2: If you overtake the last runner, > > what position are you now in? > > > > > > Answer: If you answered second to last, > > you are wrong once again. > > Think about it... > > How can you overtake the person who is last? > > If you're behind them, they can't be last. > > You would have been last. > > > > It would appear that thinking > > is not one of your strong points. > > > > Anyway, here's another question to try. > > Don't take any notes or use a > > calculator, and remember, > > your replies must be instantaneous. > > > <http://funnygreetings.com/stupidtest/smart_guy_teaching_theory_md_wht.gif> > > > > 3: Take 1000. Add 40. Add another 1000. > > Add 30. 1000 again. Plus 20. > > Plus 1000. And plus 10. > > What is the total? > > > > > > Answer: 5000? > > Wrong again! > > The correct answer is 4100. > > > <http://funnygreetings.com/stupidtest/calculator_hand_typing_equation_md_wht > .gif> > > Try again with good calculator. > > > > Today is clearly not your day, > > although you should manage > > to get the last question right... > > > > 4: Marie's father has five daughters: > > 1. Chacha > > 2. Cheche > > 3. Chichi > > 4. Chocho > > 5. ???? > > Question: What is the fifth daughter's name? > > > > Think quickly...you'll find the answer below.. > > <http://funnygreetings.com/stupidtest/smart_guy_thinking_md_wht.gif> > > > > Answer: Chuchu? > > WRONG! > > > > It's obviously Marie! > > Read the question properly. > > You are clearly the weakest link. >
  5. > Subject: FW: SINGAPOREAN PROVERBS > > > > Our local philosopher Confuseus brings you some thought provoking > local proverbs. > > CONFUSEUS SAY: > > One man's urine is another man's drinking water. > > Citizens should be seen and not heard. > > You pay millions, you still get monkeys. > > We pay monkeys to get peanuts. > > After the government takes enough to balance the budget, the taxpayer > has the job of budgeting the balance. > > Cleanliness is next to a Corrective Work Order. > > The early bird catches the Hello Kitty. > > Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man an NSF. > > Familiarity breeds people who might borrow money from you. > > Where there's a will, there's a potential lawsuit. > > Absence makes the man a quitter. > > A land that rewards foreign talents over locals, will soon be foreign > of talents locally, and eventually be foreign of talents totally. > > What goes up can never come down: Law of GST and PTC. > > You can lead a citizen to Newater, and you can force it to drink. > > One good hike deserves another. > > Every big hike starts with a small hike. > > Lightning can strike twice if you suay-suay defame the wrong person. > > A bird in the hand is cheaper than going Geylang. > > No news is SPH news. > > Make hae while the mee boils. > > Old soldiers never die, they merely become insurance agents. > > Two's company, but three's a GRC.
  6. especially like the CIA,FBI,LAPD one....enjoy! =========================================================== The Farmer's Daughter A farmer and his daughter were coming back from town with their money from some sales and a large sack of flour when all of a sudden these highway men held them up and robbed them of everything. A few minutes later the farmer exclaims, "We're ruined, all the money's gone and there's no flour for bread!" His daughter says, "No, papa, I hid the money in my you-know-what." The farmer said, "You're a good girl, but if your mamma was here - she could have saved the sack of flour as well!" The LAPD, The FBI, and the CIA are all trying to prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals. The President decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and each of them has to catch it. The CIA goes in. They place animal informants throughout the forest. They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations they conclude that rabbits do not exist. The FBI goes in. After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and they make no apologies. The rabbit had it coming. The LAPD goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling: "Okay! Okay! I'm a rabbit! I'm a rabbit!
  7. > Subject: FW: Scrabble this > > > > >This has got to be one of the most clever E-Mails ever seen. Someone > > >out there either has too much spare time or is deadly at Scrabble. > > > > > >GEORGE BUSH: When you rearrange the letters: HE BUGS GORE > > > > > >DORMITORY: When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM > > > > > >EVANGELIST: When you rearrange the letters: EVIL'S AGENT > > > > > >PRESBYTERIAN: When you rearrange the letters: BEST IN PRAYER > > > > > >DESPERATION: When you rearrange the letters: A ROPE ENDS IT > > > > > >THE MORSE CODE: When you rearrange the letters: HERE COME DOTS > > > > > >SLOT MACHINES: When you rearrange the letters: CASH LOST IN ME > > > > > >ANIMOSITY: When you rearrange the letters: IS NO AMITY > > > > > >MOTHER-IN-LAW: When you rearrange the letters: WOMAN HITLER > > > > > >SNOOZE ALARMS: When you rearrange the letters: ALAS! NO MORE > > >Z'S > > > > > >A DECIMAL POINT: When you rearrange the letters: I'M A DOT IN PLACE > > > > > >THE EARTHQUAKES: When you rearrange the letters: THAT QUEER > > >SHAKE > > > > > >ELEVEN PLUS TWO: When you rarrange the letters: TWELVE PLUS ONE > > > > > >And for the grand finale: > > > > > >PRESIDENT CLINTON OF THE USA: When you rearrange the letters > > >(With no letters left over and using each letter only once!): > > > > > > TO COPULATE HE FINDS INTERNS > > > > > >Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
  8. Actually, I can get my HK friend (who is a distributor for many top of the line/advanced marine products from Germany and the States) to bring in some products for you. He keeps beautiful acros in his tank too and he is in touch with many experts from these countries so his level of reef-keeping knowledge is outstanding. Freight from HK to SG is much cheaper too.
  9. wir sind nicht nazi, gerade nur eins, ich denken. Sowieso denke ich uns sollte jetzt stoppen!
  10. Sie wissen, habe ich nicht einen Anhaltspunkt, was Sie gerade sagten!
  11. 1 x PE-1 is still too powerful for a 2 feet tank. You will need to get the PE-A. I dun think there are any stocks locally for that pump.
  12. Ich bin Toa Payoh von der Provinz in Singapur, mein Freund! Oh, sprechen Sie über ihn? Sie würden nicht ihn sind ein nazi denken, wurden Sie?
  13. Tanzy saw for himself at OP today. I think he can give an opinion on this product.
  14. Yup that's an Alveopora. Supposedly as difficult to keep as a Goniopora. They do best with low flow, medium light and regular feedings of plankton, bacteria flocs etc,
  15. I can help you get the PE1 and 2 pumps in Singapore. The distributor has no stock at the moment and will have to order. I can help you ask. However, you will have to import in the reeftec units yourself. Or you can DIY one yourself as it's acrylic. However you will need to find a machine shop who can cut nice oval holes in them, find the plastic bolts and nuts to a holder. AT
  16. Yes you can put LR in slowly in batches. You only have to be aware that uncured liverock may trigger mini cycles and that may stress your livestock. Try reading up information on marine reefkeeping basics. You can find a lot of information there which will help you. Asking for answers to basic questions can irritate some people if they think you haven't done any homework on your own. Many of us learn a lot on our own by reading books and researching online. Newbies are welcomed to ask questions if they have difficulty understanding the basics... many of us here know enough to help newbies along the way. Good luck on your quest!
  17. Guys, clowns DO NOT need an anemone to survive in a marine tank. Keeping anemones may not be easy for some people as they may lack good water quality and ample lighting. Because anemones need to be fed, they tend to grow extremely quickly. Because they also move about alot and expand to many times it's size to get as much light as possible.... you will find problems with them ie. stinging corals, blocking light from corals, disrupting water flow, devouring fishes etc. If you do not provide anemones for your clowns, they will find suitable hosts eg. Euphyllia sp. corals etc. Undoubtedly, they tend to irritate corals to the point where they do not open, causing their demise. I have a maroon clown that has taken a fox coral as a host. Luckily this coral doesn't mind the constant contact with my clownfish. It may be easier to remove a clownfish than an anemone. Doing so often entails damaging it or killing it as they can be very very stubborn in releasing their foothold. Trust me when I say anemones are more trouble than they look. AT
  18. Woah! What's happening here? You two guys have some bad blood with each other? Cool it down, we have a very good atmosphere here in SRC and I intend to keep it that way. If there are some issues that I should be aware of, pls PM me directly. Till then, let's keep it cordial guys. Let's have a Happy New Year!
  19. Actually, if you consider the fact that our navy men & women are on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, throughout the whole year, on constant patrol for long durations of time, through holidays and weekends, in cramped quarters, away from civilization, dealing with bad weather, holding onto plastic bags because you are throwing up due to sea-sickness and yet expected to perform tasks which require total concentration... it is a wonder that accidents like this occurs once in a blue moon. We should not doubt the capabilities of our Navy just because of one accident.
  20. Dodo, Not to sure whether you can blame the tank maker for the speed on which water from your overflow gushes into your sump. It is dependant on your pump/turnover. I use ball valves to control the rate of water flow into my sump, without which, it is also very waterfall-like in volume.
  21. Corals do best below 29 degrees C, around 25 to 26. 30 is risky for prolonged periods... once it spikes to 31/32, expect bleaching to occur.
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