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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Hey look wifey... it's Satan!! (We called our ex-lunare wrasse that name because it was one hell of a devil in our reef tank... never again!)
  2. Another school of rabbitfish swimming by... note some bleached corals in the background.
  3. Drop-off.... scary... nah... Note the bleached/dead corals...
  4. Eight banded Butterfly fishes... look at the nice red brain coral behind!
  5. Purple and yellow gorgonians... all fuzzy in the water... feeding on marine snow...
  6. These shots really made my heart beat so fast and my hands shook so much, that I didn't get the focusing right! LOL! I was so excited! Sitting pretty on a vase sponge. Getting spooked by me.... Whoosh... away he went!
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