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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Hairy furball... feel the POWER of the DARK SIDE of the FORCE!!!!! *ZzzzZZZZZzzzzaaaaaappppPPPPPP!!!* Check below your avatar! Muhahahahahahaa!!!!!
  2. Baby fries need to be fed on live rotifers in a quiet environment where they can spot and chase them. When they get much bigger, you can wean them to BBS, then to adult brineshrimp. Good luck!!!
  3. Bawater! Cool! It's yours! It's a nice specimen... nice rounded fins, nice yellow colour. It's no longer as red as it was when younger though.. darker now. I'll PM you on the pickup time.
  4. Hey SPIFF!!! The maroon's yours!! When do you want to collect it?
  5. They dun live very long, I left mine alone and after a few weeks (after eating away my button polyps)... they disappeared.
  6. Sorry, babies and pet dogs, cats, birds etc are excluded from the poll. Members only.
  7. As much as I am StarWars fan... I refuse to use my Jedi powers to reduce you to a quivering mass of smelly sea scum that even copepods side-step away from. Now tell me... what's my name again?
  8. I dun think they are that lame... hee hee.... it should be spelt as La Mer. But I am sure the Americans are calling the French LAMERS now....
  9. Take it out and use a toothbrush to scrub out the HA in another pail of tank water... swish around... to remove any stray strands. Believe me... stray strands can spread really fast too!
  10. Hmmm.... I realise that a lot of you have poor proofing skills... it would be good for your personal development to use a spell checker to check your writings so you can learn to differentiate 'testicles & tentacles'!!!!
  11. Hi everyone, Doing a survey here... all polls are anonymous... so no need to lie... not much women around here... unless you are one! Good to know the demographics of our members! AT
  12. The list would be too long... and SPCA may come hounding on the hobby if they realise the amount of livestock deaths. hee hee!
  13. Too bad my tank is 3ft wide... and my back glass is cut for the external overflow... and therefore not safe without the centre brace... haiizz!
  14. Alvy, looking good! Anyway... I used a screw-in strainer that comes with my bulkhead. How do you intend to strain the entire partition? I am worried for you also coz that compartment is so narrow... anything that gets in there will have enormous difficulty getting out... especially LS, coz you can't use tongs! (well, maybe snails!). AT
  15. The last time I saw Alvy, he was still around 5ft plus! Lucky you didn't say "Alvy, is your length 2.5 inch?"
  16. Low KH will not stress fish as much as very low PH or high PH. 7dkh is pretty close to normal seawater levels. The act of raising to 14 dKH is practiced mainly for SPS corals and to make conditions unfavourable for nuisance algae. Actually what Morgan advised is not meant to kill ich but to make sure that your PH is at the right value, constant and stable. Raising dKH would help to buffer your PH as it cannot be lopsided. At stable PH, fishes are not stressed. That may be key in helping the fish fight the ich.
  17. There is a reason why the floor isn't flat... totally without sloping... it's for practical purposes... all the floors in the house are meant to drain into one or two drainholes in the kitchen. Imagine if the floors were totally flat.... and a flood occurs... hee hee!
  18. Woon Ming, That was quite rude... you can't hijack Phang's thread like that! Luckily Phang is a mild mannered dude... if not... !
  19. Barracuda.. my tangs are spoilt rotten... only demanding the best of Selco & garlic juice enriched nori, mysis shrimp and pellets. Only when they are bored, they graze on rock... but totally avoiding the icky-tasting hair algae! Earthborne... a sea hare is a species of nudibranch that eats algae only. DragonGoby.. your offer is accepted!!!! Phang just passed me about a dozen snails and last night I dropped them on a flat piece of rock full of hair algae... this morning, there were a few bare patches on the rock! WOW!! Phang... you must have been starving them... lol! Thanks bro!
  20. Phang.. you really ought to get off your lazy chair and clean your glass more often!
  21. Most of the public tanks are setup by AQTechnic.... and mostly soft corals and lots of LR... nothing spectacular. Boring actually. The Parc Palais poolside tanks are cool.... I always must spend some time gazing at the tank when I visit my friend. I think they use 1000 watters to light the tank!
  22. Precisely why I bought gloves... not use only for bristleworm protection, rock cuts, potential tang slashing, angry clownfish bites but also for accidental coral poisoning.... knowing how often I get cuts on my hands (handiwork, dog biting me too hard while playing, fishing accidents).... the only problem, I can get lazy to use gloves... now I should be more consistent.. for safety's sake. And I will throw away dead corals and throw away paper towels after I wipe my hands off them asap! (My dog loves to shred any papaer he finds on the floor) and wash my rags asap too! Phang... this is one coral you shouldn't frag!
  23. Definitely a bad bad rookie mistake! Copper can bind to LR, sand, silicon and maybe even the glass.... you better test to see if there is any residual copper when you restart the tank and let it run for a while with no livestock.
  24. Mine's fluffy and soft... hence the problem with collecting them....after pulling, they float away and because they are so fine... they tend to get away... yeah I tried lawnmower blennies... they don't seem to like the taste.
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