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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Hmm... I really don't think it's a good idea to hack thru an alveopora unless it's branching. But if it's in the 'massive' form eg. round like a boulder... that's too much tissue to cut thru, it may suffer from brown jelly infection. If you want to risk it... you have to find a way to clamp it without hurting the tissue and then use a very sharp hacksaw to cut through the skeleton. Or use a dremel tool to cut across the 1st 1/2 or 1 cm down (thinly thru the flesh) and then use a chisel to split the skeleton into two.
  2. Ok, so many SRC Divers are there now? Morgan Achilles Tang Danano Robe (add on the list)
  3. The keyword is: supported on a four-legged rack or cabinet My tank rack is flatbased, sitting on a piece of marine plywood, to spread the weight across the floor and not just on 4 points like most tanks. My tank is also placed directly against a column AND a beam, so there should be no danger unlike a big tank placed in the middle of a room (like a room divider like some of the reefers here do). You really have to think of all the safety considerations inclusive of load. Luckily, I stay in a private condo.
  4. Duckweed? you keep FW plants in your reeftank??
  5. Rage? Liverock should bought in a variety of form, size and density. It's silly to have everything in just one form. IMO, for those who rely on LR for filtration purposes are better off with big and dense ones. Flat and long ones for coral placements and 'tonga branch' ones for some interesting shapes that give height while allowing max water flow thru. Rockscaping is an art and skill.... and can't really be taught... it's to your own liking and experience to see how your own reef should form. I guess diving helps or a cheaper way is to look at diving magazines and looking at natural reefscapes to get inspiration!
  6. Bwilly, check my response in the other thread where you gave a similar answer. Theory is there but some facts are wrong. sjsheng... nitrites must be zero as it is toxic to all livestock.
  7. I think all the nice ones were snatched up already. I was concentrating only on the Walt Smith acros... lol!
  8. Hmmm... I thought Ocean Pacific only sells T-shirts and surfwear? I think you mean Ocean Planet?
  9. You guys should check out the clams at PR... one of the nicest and largest batch of maximas I have ever seen. Even the lousiest of them of all still looks better than some of the usual stuff we see at other LFS. I bought 4 last weekend!
  10. Bwilly, As long as your algae are sharing the same water source, it doesn't matter if it's in the refugium or the main tank. What is the better advice should be is: Not to have them placed in the main tank so that the macroalgae doesn't overgrow the corals.
  11. Hi everyone!! Thanks again for your kind and warmest regards! Wishing you guys back a happy life, a fat wallet and healthy tank!
  12. Thanks everyone for your warm wishes!! Feels great to have SRC forum back on its feet again... believe I will learn to do backups every night now! AND burn them into CDs and keep a copy on a seperate server!! LOL!!!
  13. Here's the only clear shot I got, coz my glass was smudgy and the water was cloudy...
  14. Okie guys... gonna be off for dinner with Mrs AT! Don't know what's happening tonight, you can buzz me at around 9.30pm to see if we can go for drinks or supper!
  15. Friday?? Uhhmmm... what happened to tonight?
  16. Sorry dude... I feel your pain. No one can feel mine. Ouch. OUCH! OUCH!!!
  17. Your treat? For real this time? Still waiting for my dinner treat from you!
  18. Looks like the SRC Divers are into the zone!! Nitrogen Narcosis, folks? Hehehe!! Prof Morgie can be our head instructor...
  19. Spider, you're offtopic!!! Someone boot him off with high-handed moderation....
  20. Tanzy, Well, I will have dinner with my wifey... then she wants to be back by 10.30pm to watch her show I guess if you guys want to have drinks and supper... I'm available!
  21. Hi everyone, Just to let you SPS nutters know that my two new yellow humilis acros spawned simultaneously in my tank on Sunday afternoon. My water was damn cloudy and I had to do a 40% water change... before the water became clearer. The spawning took place for about an hour. You can see 'smoke' rising from the colonies... lol! I experienced wonder, joy and surprise until my water turned cloudy and then panic set in... hahaha... hence, the water change. On hindsight, it may not have been necessary as I think my skimmer could have taken care of it... but oh well... when you have thousands of dollars of acros... gee.... Anyway, I will post a photo of it tonight when i get home! AT
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