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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Robe, I just fragged my pink Birdnest! The RTN centre was spreading outwards... I now have like a hundred pink frags..
  2. Moving this to the newly created Seahorse and Pipefish forum!
  3. Yeah... that's right. macroalgae does absorb nitrates as a food source. Please define the term nutrients as intepreted by you. It will confuse a lot of newbies. Nutrients usually means a source of nourishment. Nitrates can be a found of nutrition to some corals but to others, it's a form of poison that affects its health. One coral's nutrient is another coral's poison! Frankly, if you have sufficient water circulation from your sump, refugium to your tank, a state of equilibrium will achieved in a very short time. Unless you are saying that corals can absorb something in its immediate vicinity so quickly that nothing reaches the algae in your refugium. hmmmmm.... interesting theory!
  4. It used to be done by Fishnfriends.com but Reno has given up on this business model.
  5. Hello, is this a commercial post or a DIY project? hmmm? You know my policy.
  6. If you want to skip buying a test kit, then you can skip the nitrite test kit but you have to prolong your cycling period and test your NO3 regularly to see the peak and decline anyway.... you can buy a cheap nitrite kit to use, IMO. I used it once and never used it again... expired many many moons ago.
  7. Iwaki pumps can last a very very very long time. They are actually industrial pumps. They are not sold in LFS. You can buy them from Iwaki Singapore or source from overseas. I am using the MX-70 and so are a few reefers here. I think they are also very happy with it. It does consume a lot of power though... and for something that runs 24hrs a day... hee hee... but nothing on the LFS market can beat an Iwaki in terms of power (pressure-rating) and reliability.
  8. You and Dodo got fight... Resident Sea Wolves!!!
  9. Actually, they are unrelated to the hobby trade. Orpheus is my friend now... kekeke... dun make it so blatant lah... scully I see 30 diveshops start posting here...
  10. I am seriously thinking that I have to create a special forum for you guys to discuss the OTHER things that float your boat. Above 21 years only... pls email me a copy of your IC. Gee.... bwilly, diabolus and dodo get premium membership.
  11. Hello Orpheus, We do not allow commercial postings in SRC....
  12. So I am right abt the voltage... i remember now.. I had to request for an adapter to recharge my phone.
  13. 彼らが外国人を好まないことを彼は知らない
  14. I thought it was "The sudden and unexpected instant deceleration of a vehicle, followed by a shift in its molecular structure is directly proportionate to the destitution of cerebellum matter control"
  15. 電圧は110 であるか. 私は忘れていた!
  16. Fully agreed! I am aching so badly to go diving!! Better go soon or Malaysia will close season soon due to Monsoon. I was thinking of going down to Sabah to dive... whale shark season and they don't have monsoon weather... but it may rain every day though.. I remembered the last trip! Excellent macro life.
  17. I thought they offended the Reef Gods, and the Al Fragya was carrying out capital punishment by hanging!!
  18. Erhmm... I think most clams do not react to corals brushing against them. Perhaps only the strongest stingers like aiptasias could hurt them.
  19. Impractical answer. ps - heavy hand is coming your way!
  20. Squarespot, Your macro closeups are EXTREMELY BLURRED!!!! Seriously, try using the macro button and try getting a good clear focusing done before hitting the shutter button.
  21. ps - btw, if you willing to spell out the LFS name, you should be willing to give your real name and contact number, just in case of any 'feedback'. So do you wish to edit your post?
  22. I have an even worse experience at A***m***. At least they weren't rude to you. Seriously, I don't you should tell them your dKH levels... I mean... what has that got to do with a pump's magnetic drive failure?
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