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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. There are other factors such as calcium levels to consider. Without consistently high calcium levels, your clams may not grow at all. Clams are notorious for consuming a lot of calcium to build their shells as they grow. Small clams <2 inches should be fed with phytoplankton. Bigger ones just rely on intense lighting as their zooxanthellae can give them all the energy they need to survive.
  2. I use Scuba Pro's twin jets... Cool fins. Can swim very fast with little effort. However, against heavy current, lacks the 'power', so I hear...
  3. >A dietitian was once addressing a large audience in Chicago. "The >material we put into our stomachs from vending machines is enough to >have killed most of us, years ago. > >On top of that red meat is awful. Soft drinks erode your stomach lining. >Chinese food is loaded with MSG. Vegetables and fruits can be covered in >carcinogens, and none of us realizes the long term harm caused by the >substances in our drinking water. But there is one thing that is the >most dangerous of all and we all have, or will, eat it." > >Can anyone here tell me what food it is that causes the most grief and >suffering for years after eating it?" > >A 75-year-old man in the front row stood up and said, "Wedding cake."
  4. kalk paste is just some kalkwasser powder and a bit of water, enough to form a thick paste. Warning: harmful caustic properties so avoid skin contact.
  5. If you have aiptasia anemones in your tank, there are several ways to deal with them. Under water 1. Administer kalk paste via a syringe straight into their mouths. Within a minute they are shrunken and dead. Use a syringe to suck out the kalk paste/aiptasia remains. (my fav method) Note: switch off all water circulation. Practice depressing the syringe... you only want to deposit a tiny blob, not the entire content. And you want to push kalk paste straight into the aiptasia's mouth... not air bubbles!!! If they close up, putting kalk over their body won't be as effective as the aiptasia ingesting kalk as it retracts into the rock. 2. Use a syringe with needle, jab their bodies and inject boiling water (not practical). 3. Use epoxy to trap them inside their nooks and crannies in the LR. Above water 1. Take out the rock if possible and dry them in the sun. (Morgan's fav method) 2. Take the rock out and use a mini blow torch to burn them. (my alternative method).
  6. To avoid hijacking this thread, I have described how to remove aiptasias in the pest/parasite forum here
  7. Hi and welcome to the hobby...! Eheim pumps are good and you should get a model that is high flow as possible so you can make a few returns to create as much water circulation as possible. (I am assuming you want to keep hardcorals in future). It's a little hard to have Tunze Streams in a 3ft. Please feel free to browse around or to use the 'search' function as a lot of the answers a newbie will seek can be found by doing a little homework on your own here in SRC... AT
  8. Use kalk paste administered to the mouth via a syringe as I always do to nuke those nasty aiptasias.
  9. Take note that there are imitations of Loclines... probably Yazid has the original kind? I bought from Chatuchak market in Bangkok and it was like S$10 or less... quality's so so but I think it should work.. haha... still have not utilized it yet!
  10. They need regular feedings of live or frozen phytoplankton to survive. I don't think that is a photosynthetic sponge so you can put it away from light to prevent cyano from growing on it. Moderate current is good.
  11. My favourite Ultra Blue Maxima... bought a few months ago from Ocean Planet.
  12. lol!! Are you talking a tubeworm?? Yes, it's possible to slip the worm back into its tube... Dun worry, they are capable of building a replacement tube body but they prefer to feed on mud instead of sand to process their homes.
  13. Here are my clams... The last PR shipment. Still have yet to nuke the aiptasia on them!
  14. You should, you may see a change for the better!
  15. Wait for the photo ID, guys! It might be very rare purple striped orange polka-dotted mushrooms with ultra green polyps! okieguy, can you take a photo so we can help you ID them?
  16. Tanzy's tank is back home here in SG. Yazid also stays in SG.
  17. I need to be cleansed. Bring me to a pub now!!!
  18. Coral clams... I suggest you read up as much as you can before throwing so many questions around.... they are not so easy to answer and we won't do you justice if our simple answers are too brief. Can I suggest you do a little homework yourself first? Best to know the basics and theories before asking things like: "400watt 6500k and a 400watt 20kk combined together what will i get?" if you don't even know what type of colour a 6500k and 20k is. Click on this link to bring you to a lot of information on lighting. Thanks! AT
  19. Anyone knows the opening hours and the directions using public transport?
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