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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Hi jewel, do you know the requirements of keeping octopuses? They are quite demanding in their housing requirements and diet.
  2. It's not rare... just seldom imported. You have to shop around a bit to see if the prices are suitable for you. Some stuff come from further away... so there is a price difference. The 'rare white stuff' is just a joke amongst us experienced reefers who sometimes see LFS people selling to newbies some bleached corals... well... everyone is a newbie before... experience and knowledge is therefore important to avoid selecting not so prime specimens! Oh, btw, xenias don't bleach... they just melt... They come in all sorts of colours and sometimes, people may ID them wrongly or mistake them for clove corals. Oh... and not all xenias pulse...
  3. I think the question was about clubs and pubs... Not HCs!! LOL!
  4. Berrykin, think you'll too young to be talking this way... don't learn bad things from the old wolves here!
  5. Can recommend Hard Rock Cafe.. was there last year, haha... seriously, don't know where is the most happening club in KL.
  6. I concur on the biggest stomach part! Agree on the 2nd part too. I vote Tanzy to start! AT
  7. We should zoom into specifics or it'll get very messy: 1. list the criteria/quality - then vote for the shop. eg. Courtesy - shop 1, shop 2, shop 3
  8. Roger that! Looking forward to another Alvy creation for my tank!
  9. Encourage... not discourage! Top 5 best LFS - hobbyist vote!
  10. You feed your fishes this product for 3 years! You must be very rich!!! Why pay $19 for a small packet of seaweed when you can buy a huge packet of the same thing for only $1 at supermarkets! It's the same good stuff! Just that the ones you bought has Julian Sprung's name on it!
  11. Hey man... sorry to hear that. Seahorses are really delicate creatures!
  12. Looks almost like mine.. except mine is iron!
  13. You have to look out for fromia or linkia species of starfishes only. These two are reef-safe, THE REST ARE NOT! AT
  14. You mean the opposite? So is that your new tank stand?
  15. Tsk tsk tsk... i spoke too soon! Hurry hurry! Get those MHs in there! And get your naughty fishes out... or they will bite off the crowns off your x'mas tree worms!
  16. Come on guys... we are just sharing ideas here.... it's good from what I see... so let's not get worked up over such a trivial matter! PEACE!!
  17. Wowee!! No wonder you don't have much time on your hands! How many manhours did you invest in this project! I should visit you once of these days soon... want to see your monster tank! But how you are lighting it with just 2 x 150w MH?
  18. Hi Flub, Good to know that you are researching first before buying! Good example to all the newbies here! Bum's right... x'mas tree worms are hosted by porites corals. These corals are SPS corals and require strong to intense lighting. If the coral dies, so will the worms. The worms themselves are filter feeders, so plankton is the food to feed.
  19. Suggest you take more photos that are clearer. A near shot would be good. Just make sure its sharp. It's very hard to help you ID as many reef inhabitants look alike.
  20. 10watts is far too little light intensity to sustain reef creatures which rely on light to survive, unless you are intending to keep non-photosynthetic creatures only. Based on the questions you ask, I think you should read up more on basic reefkeeping and marine livestock info. Our piecemeal answers to piecemeal questions will do you more harm. Take your time to browse thru sites like http://saltaquarium.about.com.. they have a beginner's guide and good info. You should spend at least a few hours reading a day.... to gather as much info before you start a reef tank, ideally.
  21. Not to mention that their colours would usually be a lot duller... as the zooxanthellae algae would be uptaking nitrates as a form of fertilizer and no longer producing bright colours as what usually happens when they rely on light to produce food.
  22. Can someone who is keeping SPS go and try this salt first? Those people in the know won't buy it yet.
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