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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Honestly, its so stupid that I can't even start to understand what this poll actually means. I mean... do I purposely make myself sick by visiting LFS every week? Why don't I just stop? Is it an allergic reaction that stepping into a LFS would make me sick but stepping into a pet shop, I wouldn't? Why do I even feel like puking in the first place? Is it just a figure of speech? As in sick of looking at fishes? Sick of looking at LFS people? You need a holiday.
  2. Hi and welcome to the start of this wonderful but money-absorbing hobby! I am not sure if you have really read enough.... you have to at least understand the concepts behind the practical steps... eg. 1. coral chips vs sand (what grades?)... what depth is effective? What am I trying to achieve with this substrate? 2. try to learn the technical terms and names of equipment so you and other people giving advice will not misunderstand each other. 3. the ethical issue of using live animals to kickstart the cycling period vs using other ammonia-inducing sources. 4. Saltiness is referred to as salinity in this hobby. 5. water cycle and tank cycle... what do you mean by this? Is there a difference? 5 days?? I suggest you read the beginner's guide that Bawater has setup in the New to the Hobby forum.... there are many threads there that are pinned up and will clear your doubts about the above points that I mention. You sort of got the idea but like I said, understand the idea and not just follow 'steps'. This is the best advice I can give you.... AT
  3. 'play' corals?? I think you can buy fake corals to play... very long-lasting and indestructible unless you drop them repeatedly. Best thing? You don't need MH, chiller, big skimmer, calcium reactors!
  4. Maturity is one of the criteria. LOL! I have no proof that you are an adult actually. No one can verify it locally... as least... most of the SRC guys here know each other/seen each other and can at least vouch for one another. Also our local adult experiences can be easily verified eg. military service etc.
  5. Sorry... but I think corruption in some of you guys have necessitated the setup of the Matured 18 forum.... I can't spend precious time moderating every forum and post to blockade the crap that some of you guys are so fond of putting up! Seriously, please co-operate and make my job less tougher.
  6. Actually, nothing feeds on cyano. It's distasteful. I've never tried it myself... so I won't know.. but all the fishes and livestock that I have ever kept these years would give it a wide berth.
  7. Hmmm, cookie... then I guess your actinic replacement/supplement set will not be worth the $$ then! Just stick to LED moonlight. LEDs don't give sufficient intensity as main lighting as you have to use a lot of these and it will be too costly (currently).
  8. Man... i am going to move this away into the RA forum. Kids shouldn't be reading this.
  9. You guys! Keep such nonsense banter at you know where! Going to delete it to keep things nice and proper outside.
  10. Can you show photos? Clear and sharp?
  11. Here's the article. NOTE: OVERHEAD FILTERS... FW aquarists... take note!
  12. Why am i scaring you? How & what exactly?
  13. Guys, The purpose of a moonlight is not to provide corals with enough light intensity in the right wavelength.... but just to give them a natural stimulation cue which may cause them to spawn if they feel that they are in a natural environment. The light from some moonlights are so intense its almost like using an actinic bulb to simulate dusk/dawn. IMO, you should only provide enough illumination to see your corals faintly ie. by straining your eyes alot. Anything more than that and you may actually disrupt the night rest cycle. And your fishes' rest period will also be disrupted. Even with simulating the full moon's intensity... you won't be able to see much at all... trust me... I did night dives with full moons and when I switched off my dive torch... it's still very dark at 3 to 5 metres depth... the ambient moonlight is NOT like what some aquarist think it should be. Don't confuse a night viewing light with moonlight.... hee hee!
  14. Ok guys... no need to get all righteous and all... I think this is very much personal opinions on how some people just want freebies... be it because they are passionate about reefing AND are really poor OR just simply being cheapo, hee hee. Marine reefkeeping IS NOT a cheap hobby. I was talking to someone just yesterday about some reefers and he was remarking (which I totally agree) that some people are so cheapo that they won't spend $$ on good equipment but are willing to buy fish and corals week after week to replace dead livestock. My apologies to Seamarine if this thread got out of hand but the subject matter was 'not serious' anyway. If you are seriously poor, don't even start this hobby. It's a money pit... trust me... I would be a far richer man if I never started this hobby... My 2 cents... and personal opinion.
  15. Dispar... do you have that much time to visit LFS all the time? School hols izzit?
  17. Ah Hon.... you should have done this a long long time ago... how much $$$ down the drain because you have an angel in a reef tank? LOL... never get your woman involved in buying decisions... or your 'NO' better be more firm!
  18. My Fish Assassination Services don't come cheap. Payment will be two IKS controllers.
  19. Alright! Let's have a competition... may the best DIYer win! Joking! But it'll be great to put your heads together... and come up with a 'made in SRC product'... hahaha... I'll help you market it overseas!
  20. I bought my GPs in two sizes... the smallest size I believe is 5 to 50 microns... and 'rotifer-sized' at 50 - 100 microns.
  21. They keep brighter, milder-mannered fishes like anthias. Hahaha... but that's just me. There are marine books which list down fish species and their compatibility... There are 40,000 species of marine fish.... too many to list here! Well, it depends on what you like, whether you can afford to spend time, money and energy to feed them and whether your system can take the housing and feeding requirements. eg. anthias require regular feedings thru-out the day with plankton or very small meaty foods.
  22. Surprised this method would even work at all! Hyposalinity treatments involve soaking the organism in water of a much lower sg.... and affecting their osmoregulation functions. A squirt of FW should have zero effect on them as it would have gotten diluted by the surrounding SW.
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