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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. You have a sand-sifting cucumber... that's clean sand that has been pooped out by it.
  2. Get those transparent floating cages with trap doors. Feed your fishes through it... over time, they will go in to feed...until one day... they are so comfortable, they won't notice the trap door sliding down and *slam*... TOO LATE!!! That's how I catch my fishes!
  3. Moving this to the Marine Equipment forum. ps - it would really help to ask specifically which type of equipment.
  4. What's your water quality like? Do you ample aeration? Are you fishes looking stressed? Do you have any stray voltage. (HLLE is sometimes linked to stray voltage). Perhaps a key factor in fish health is the removal of stress. If you have a lot of fishes fighting, for food or territory, it could also be a factor. Try to improve the nutritional quality of the food given to them.... a healthy fish will faster recovery. Good luck! AT
  5. Oh, FO tank! Whew! You can try hyposalinity treatment for a more effective, gentler method of dealing with ich... do a search on RC... they have many practical experiences to share! AT
  6. Well... try keeping soft corals and zooanthids first. Very light requirements. Once you progress to hard corals.. you need to increase the lighting, calcium, water flow requirements (esp. for SPS corals). Do read up on the various corals' requirements before buying as they can get rather expensive for your pocket if they die in your tank because you failed to understand/provide what they need. Happy Reefing!
  7. Tidur, Maybe next time when we can get the fries... pop open the packet holder.. shake down the fries and say loudly "OOOOooih!!! Why so empty wan!!!!"
  8. I would like to point out that I can only probably get 1 or 2 passes for Trade Days and these guys will have to hold on to them as permanent non-transfereable passes as they are considered working staff representing the organization. As such, I will have to select people: 1. I am familiar with. 2. Experienced & active reefer in SRC for some time. 3. Genuinely able to 'work' and function as reps for the full day. As I will be busy doing a fair bit of PR job going around and taking part in the exhibitor activities both onsite and offsite... I need someone who will be able to be the onsite managers, so to speak. Not much people will be coming in but mostly local and overseas trade people but at least they will be making enquiries at our booth throughout the day. For public days, it will be rotational shifts as we will be dealing with the public and can be quite tiring.
  9. Hi guys... sorry if I am not giving a lot of attention to this these few days. I got a major work event tomorrow, and am busy settling stuff for it.
  10. G'day Natalie! I am using 2 x 400w Ushio Blue (on Blueline E-ballast) and 2 x 400w Iwasaki. I got the Blueline eballast to overdrive my old Radium bulbs but I think that shortens my bulb usable lifespan by quite a bit and therefore not entirely economical long term. I love the white with blue tinged colour though!
  11. I had camel shrimps, they were always ripping apart my softies last time... they just love my yellow polyps and zooanthids! When the last one died, I celebrated. My newbie days of course, didn't research... paid the price.
  12. Get a tiny Rapala... use barbless hook modified to just hold a pc of shrimp meat... just barely.. so it won't hook up the fish... and when it snaps... the meat dislodges... Idea!
  13. Just realised that the air trip means we have to waste one extra day to decompress before we can fly back! Arrgh... !
  14. Get a prob that pushes water... not pulls in water!
  15. Do you have any way to lower the new light fixture incrementally? Say from 15inch to 14 to 13 to 12inch over a period of 1 or 2 weeks? If you can't you can always shade the new lights with a cloth or something to cut out the UV.
  16. 8 hours??? That totally negates the quick & comfortable travelling time! Well... 8 hours... can still slip into KL city for shopping and makan... But not WITH HEAVY DIVE GEAR!!! That's not taking into account the land transport from TGG airport to the island ferry pickup jetty/beach!
  17. Wah lau!! I'll say goodbye to long coach rides man!!! How many flights a day hah?
  18. No.. this thread is just roll call. Actual rostering of duties will only be done when the roll call is complete. in simple man speak... don't count your chickens before they hatch!
  19. I think before we can solve your fine particle problems, we have to address some issues first. 1. 2 - 3 weeks is too soon to have soft and hard corals plus fish! You should be in the midst of a cycle now where you should have NO livestock in your tank. 2. Please report the full water parameters. Your NO2 is on the safe side? Meaning? How about ammonia and nitrates? Alk and calcium levels? You are keeping corals so you need to make sure these are monitored too. 3. Coral chips serve no purpose. Throw them away. 4. Do you have a DSB or how do you propose to deal with high nitrates? 5. You poured in an anti-ich medication? How much and what's the brand? 6. Have you read any basic marine tank-keeping materials or you listen to the LFS advice?
  20. That's the funniest thing I heard in a long time! Shops don't sell off their sandbeds.... deep or not! jd_n is right... if you insist, you'll get a bucket full of coral chips which is useless anyway. If you want to build a DSB, you have to buy sand which come in packs of different grain size.. #0 is the finest you can get and good for DSB, #1 is the next best. IMO, anything above #1 is unsuitable for a DSB unless you can sacrifice 12 inches or more of tank depth!
  21. ???? What clam? What cauli? Did you mistake me for someone else? Anyway, seriously, you should not buy livestock without knowing as much as you can about it. Consider yourself VERY LUCKY then that the BRO did not hurt you or your loved ones. If you did some research, you would know that octopuses are predators. They will hunt down every fish, crab, clam, shrimp down in your tank to feed their voracious appetite. They are only meant for a species only tank. If you do intend to keep the BRO, put a cover on your tank as they are known to climb out of tanks. You definitely DON'T want your family members to step on it or your pet dog or cat near it. If you want to fish it out... I suggest wearing a thick rubber glove and be quick with a net, just to be safe. My 2 cents, AT
  22. How old is your tank? What are your water parameters? Have you been dosing calcium, kalkwasser or some alkalinity additives recently? Do you use mechanical filtration? Describe your filtration system.
  23. Ah come on guys, let's not get our knickers all knotted up... Acanthurus has recently made it clear enough that he didn't mean to mislead newbies. Seamonkee... you have made your point and so have I about not taking the warnings & information given out too light-heartedly. I am sure newbies who read this thread will see that BROs are not to be messed with. Perhaps Acanthurus does have some experience with keeping BROs (perhaps even he is a curator of some sorts with the zoo or underwater world? The word 'expertise' can be clarified furthre though! ) AT
  24. Time is short. First off, we need to know your participation status for Aquarama 03. I want to know your current status on whether you will be turning up to HELP OUT, not if you are attending the exhibition as visitors. I am looking out for volunteers, you are not obligated to help me. But if you volunteer, I expect your dedication as we all have specific roles and tasks and I am entrusting you with these. Teamwork! For those who are able to help out, please fill up this thread. (Those who are NOT able to help out, please DO NOT reply). Pls reply as follows: (You can cut and paste for easy fill-up) ------------------------------------------------------------- Nick: Event Timing / Your Attendance - Full Day or Timing. Build up: 29 October (Wed) 9.00am-10.00pm / Trade only: 30 October (Thursday) (10.00am-6.00pm) / 31 October (Friday) (10.00am-6.00pm) / Public: 1 November (Saturday) (10.00am-1.00pm) / 2 November (Sunday) (10.00am-7.00pm) / Tear-down: 2 November (Sun) 7.00pm-10.00pm / -------------------------------------------------------------- Example: Nick: Achilles Tang Event Timing / Your Attendance - Full Day or Timing. Build up: 29 October (Wed) 9.00am-10.00pm / Full Trade only: 30 October (Thursday) (10.00am-6.00pm) / Full 31 October (Friday) (10.00am-6.00pm) / Full Public: 1 November (Saturday) (10.00am-1.00pm) / Full 2 November (Sunday) (10.00am-7.00pm) / Full Tear-down: 2 November (Sun) 7.00pm-10.00pm / 7pm to 9pm
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