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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. A salinity reading of sg 1.023 to 1.025 is recommended for reeftanks.
  2. If you use uncured liverock, your cycle will be kickstarted once there is sufficient ammonia. If not a shrimp left to rot should provide that souce of ammonia. To preserve your coralline algae... turn water circulation up and also try to maintain stable PH, calc and alk levels.... but most people don't worry about these as coralline algae will return eventually... but most importantly, set up your system right and test your parameters until everything is over. Don't stock up till the cycle is complete. Only bad things happen fast in this hobby, always remember that!
  3. VHOs are not sold in Singapore. They are usually imported in from overseas by hobbyists. T5s are considered as HO bulbs = High Output bulbs or even VHO by some people. The key is not the colour temp of bulbs but the wattage as that equates to increasing intensity which is more important than colour temp.
  4. Rumour is the Hamster Man... he can sing the Hamster song front and backwards!
  6. Just like my chocolate mimic tang! When it's a juvenile, it's so different from its adult colouration! I just love its colours... esp. the orange rimmed sickle-shaped tail!
  7. Time is short and I'll make it quick. Aquarama 03 is coming and SRC needs to raise funds quickly for the event for our setup and material preparations. I have designed the official T-shirts for SRC and I hope you guys will support my work and SRC's activities through the purchase of these T-shirts. No obligation but I think the designs are generally well-accepted by everyone! Price: S$20/- per T-shirt In light of the polling done on the various features of the T-shirt eg. colour, design features and the logo designs itself, I have decided not to restrict to just one design but both! BOTH DESIGNS #1 and #2 WILL be OFFERED for sale! Based on the polling on design feature variants... Small logo in front with picture on back has been overwhelmingly voted by the majority (67.8% at this time of posting) and will be offered. Colours: White, black and Navy Blue will be available for selection! Therefore... pls fill up the order form for the Official Singapore Reef Club as follows: ------------------------------ ORDER LIST Nick: shirt Design Colour Size (choose #1 or #2) (black/navy/white) (S/M/L/XL) 1. 2. 3. (pls fill up and update the list if you make changes yourself) ------------------------------ Eg. ORDER LIST Nick: shirt Design Colour Size (choose #1 or #2) (black/navy/white) (S/M/L/XL) 1. Achilles Tang #1 Black L 2. Bo Bo Cha Cha #1 Black XL #2 white S After which, I will PM you details on the arrangements of payment terms (prob internet banking preferred) and you have to give me details such as your name and contact details. To save time: here's my account details: My POSB Savings account is 153-34471-0 Please indicate your nickname with bank account number, as your transaction initials so I know who its from with time/date/amount if you are doing it via Internet banking and not via ATM. For ATM transfer... pls indicate your bank account number, time, date and amount so I can cross reference. Time is running short so I hope you'll be able to make your orders quickly and prepay so I can make the order, raise the funds and deliver the T-shirts quickly (hopefully before Aquarama 03!). ps - this is only for T-shirt ordering. A seperate polo T-shirt offer will come along later but no guarantees before Aquarama 03. Thank you! Achilles Tang Founder Singapore Reef Club
  8. Use the search function. Or in this forum itself... just browse thru. If I am not wrong there is a review done by Clowntrigger. Also, I did a poll on the number of users... some of them added some comments by themselves...
  9. A month's worth of growth for my 'crispy bacon' coralline. Getting curlier by the week!
  10. Well.... I have some coralline algae that is growing like my monti plates!
  11. You're wrong... this non-marine AT demands the best of food...italian, french, german cuisine on some days, cantonese, teochew cuisine on some days and some days junk food is best! Anyway, that's a beauty you got! I am sure this AT will grow to a nice big size coz you are giving it a huge tank to be all alone in! You will definitely get a big round of applause from RC's Tang Police!
  12. Donkey Dung cukes are detritus eaters and I believe bacteria on the sand grains is part of its diet.
  13. Jewel Gonio Yellow polyps brown frogspawn Alveopora
  14. Did she fall in mud, why's her nose so dirty?
  15. Yes, of course... paypal or visa for overseas orders accepted! ' Freight charges are not included. Do you prefer air or surface mail?
  16. By this thinking... purple nudis probably eat purple sponge and purple SPS? Nudis have just have bright colours to ward off predators. Lettuce nudis are probably that colour to blend in with their habitat. Anyway, it is not advisable or recommended to get nudibranchs for reef tanks... please do a search.. it has been discussed before!!
  17. Is he the next PC game character?
  18. Damsels can be tamed by putting them in the company of lionfish, triggerfish and small barracudas. Their territorial instinct will be suppressed with the survival instinct. I'm sorry but these devils should be fried in oil. Joking!
  19. I'll be taking orders tonight for the fund-raising. We need to start the printing right away!
  20. As featured in yesterday's Sunday Times... this really creepy! 9/11 in US$ Check it out and come to your own conclusions!
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