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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Can you zoom in and take a clear pix? I'm really lost here too!
  2. Leave the overflow compartment empty. Use a stockman pipe fitting to raise water level so water won't crash down and make noise. Overtime, it will be a refugium where a lot of pods will flourish due to lack of predation.
  3. Better to use same SG. If you use hyposalinity on your liverock, a lot of inverts like pods, worms will not do well... and may even potentially hurt your LR bacteria. Hyposalinity is best done in an empty tank with fish inside for treatment for external parasites.
  4. Hey, you two SRC dudes can meet up for Teh Tarik (if they have them in Ali G land! )
  5. Nope.... as in powerhead-driven. Airstone does not move water in a big tub or tank! You don't your water to turn stale and oxygen levels to drop or your liverock will turn bad and smell worse! The curing process is to keep what can be saved and let what is rotting/dying be removed without affecting the LR drastically.
  6. I have seen a couple of guys who I know who...er... you know... and they have little girls only... I am beginning to think its true!
  7. You need to place in moving water so that circulation is good. Over time, a lot of detritus will drop to the bottom of the tank and hopefully any dead & dying organisms will also fall off (if you haven't manually scrubbed them off first). The water should be skimmed to remove as much dissolved nutrients from the water as possible. Water changes may be needed if the water is foul-smelling. Once your rock smells nice like the sea... you can put it in your tank... if it smells like stuff are still rotting on it... you have to cure it longer.
  8. Hi there, can you try to be more descriptive in your post titles and descriptions... I'll change it for you now from 'true or false' to How to differentiate between true and false percula, need advise.
  9. Tanzy, there's no bacteria in AZNO but enzymes.
  10. You can try Ocean Planet. Don't know if they have #0 sand still... been sometime since I dropped in!
  11. 4 x 36watts PL... 1.5ft depth. Should be sufficient enough for anemones and most corals. Suggest you buy a coral book because by the time we post photos and everything.... it'll be a book already. Get Aquarium Corals by Borneman... look for our sponsor, Seaquest, he may have a good lobang.
  12. Take note that Trade Days are not indicated as part of the roster.
  13. Take it and soak it in some acidic solution... vinegar would be good?
  14. A tank crash, in my definition, is when the biological filtration is suddenly overloaded and no longer able to control a sudden surge of pollutants causing elevated levels of ammonia, nitrite or nitrates to kill everything in the tank. Pollutants can be a result of overfeeding, overstocking leading to the death and decomposition of a substantial mass of liveforms. It can also be due to poisoning from a natural source or an external one, overheating or overchilling or the sudden drop of oxygen levels in a tank, causing the living biological filtration system to fail.... it can happen when water circulation completely stops. It's a cascading effect... so it will eventually lead to more deaths... more pollution... until a total 'crash' happens.
  15. Blueheaven.... i found your tank specs thread. You have a small tank and probably the usage of PL or T5 will be sufficient to keep even SPS corals. But you should not progress there until you gain a little more experience with your current livestock first.
  16. Sounds like something that I brought up before. Do a search... ahhh... never mind... here's the thread on sea spiders here It's a common hitchhiker... they are a threat to SPS corals.
  17. It would GREATLY help if you provide a LOT more information first if you want specific advice. Help us to help you! Eg. How deep is your tank? - A 2ft long tank can be 3ft deep or just 1 feet deep! What do you intend to keep in future? - ok, you said clams and sps... but first... you have to read up more and get more experience first.. Budget? - no problem? Overhead restrictions? - lack of space, can't build a hood, can't drill into ceiling? Heat restrictions eg. can't afford a chiller? Do you have plans to upgrade soon? - don't waste money upgrading all the time. It's like buying a car... You need to know what you want... to use it for... budget.... how often you drive..... fuel consumption... etc. of course, the basic question is... do you even know what a car is? Do you even have a driving license? I'd recommend a Lamborghini Diablo, even if you just want to market!
  18. It could be the work of pistol shrimps as they will also excavate into rocks... do you hear popping/crackling/snapping sounds coming from inside your tank?
  19. A real proper moonlight for reeftanks is supposed to produce just barely enough light, with increasing and decreasing intensity to simulate the moon phases. Corals and other marine life can be made to spawn as this happens in nature according to moon phases. Too bad most aquarists have mixed ideas what constitutes a moonlight... most see it as a viewing light... some people think actinics are moonlights when it's actually better as a dusk/dawn light.... some make it so bright it's almost like a blue MH... some even use a RED bulb... in reality, if you dive at night even under a full moon, you can barely see the corals even in shallow water.... just barely. AT
  20. Snails will contribute to the bioload... as all living creatures. But I guess herbivores may contribute a little less pollution compared to carnivores.
  21. Ever heard the saying that guys who are 'naughty' will always have baby girls? I used to laugh at this saying... until my buaya friend ended up with two baby girls... call it fate? Now he has to protect them from other buayas!
  22. Man... you guys should not joke about this. Losing a pet is extremely heart-wrenching.
  23. Mandarin eat flakes... NOPE! Try reading up on marine fishes before buying them. There's a lot to learn about their feeding/housing requirements and compatibility with other livestock. Marine keeping is a lot more complicated than you think compared to FW. IMO, you should not have a mandarin until much later when your tank is more established or as HQX pointed out, you'll end up polluting your tank if your mandarin ignores whatever your try to feed it with.
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