Thank goodness there were no wisecracks about pouring acid on ulcers..
Thanks guys... I'll try bonjela, this OralAid from the KLIA pharmacy doesn't seem to work!
Been battling a mouth ulcer for a couple of days... probably too heaty due to lack of sleep and not drinking enough water.
Know any quick remedies to get rid of it? Currently using an mouth ulcer medicine that numbs the area but it doesn't seem to cure it.
Hell of a headache trying to confirm the ATM transfers as belonging to who. Please respond quickly via my PMs pls.
The T-shirt collection will be next week instead. I have been rather busy and not able to meet the T-shirt guy until tomorrow morning to view the first sample of our SRC T-shirt.
Please be patient... I know many of you can't wait!
Eyeball Rotation Exercise... begin!
Everything about Japan is so beautiful... the weather, the people, the food, the gadgets, transportation, the city... sigh!
Alternatively, you can drill a little hole just below water surface of the return outlet in your main tank so once the water level drops, there will be a break in the siphon.
A simple solution.
Best to get a copy of the local Japanese marine guidebooks, they have listings of shops there but you have to get a Japanese to translate it to english for you... and then try to find public transport there by yourself... coz taxis will KILL you (your pocket that is).
IMO, poccis just love high intensity lighting... not too sure if its the blue bulbs that trigger the colour change for mine as my birdnest corals are directly under 400w 6500k sakis.
I tried hunting down a good LFS in Tokyo too but ala... I can't read Japanese. Apparently all the good marine LFS are not in Tokyo city centre but on the outskirts. The one that is under the Tokyo Towers is not a real LFS but a public aquarium.... no big deal... all kinds of fish including FW.