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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. I'm not a big fan of using eggcrates because even though they have lots of 'holes' they still form walls which restrict the movement of fishes and sandbed creatures like sea cucumbers. They are also kinda flimsy and tend to sag so the tendency is to use many eggcrates columns to support a horizontal eggcrate shelve. I prefer using PVC pipes because they take up very little space as columns and are very strong. My fishes can swim the entire back length of my tank under all that liverock without coming face to face with any 'walls'. Because they are also grey, its so much harder to see them and once covered with coralline algae (when exposed to light) they are hidden well... can't say the same for white eggcrates! The anti-eggcrate, pro-pvc pipe dude!
  2. Well guys, I searched my harddisk and I am afraid that's it. What you see here is all the photos I have left. I lost a partition and perhaps the old photos were in there.
  3. What??? You mean this list isn't accurate?? Sigh... everyone, pls pls pls check the list again... and if you are updating the list...pls make sure that you did not kick anyone off the list accidentally! AT
  4. I need to find back my old photos to show you... but my reef rack is two pieces of pvc sheets welded together by four PVC pipes at each corner. So it looks like a trophy without the crown! So the flat bottom of one end is weighed down by sand and the other flat bottom is where my LR sits on. Very strong and maximum water flow thru compared to using flimsy eggcrates. Best part is that its grey and easy to hide compared against white eggcrates.
  5. OH!!! You meant TILEFISH!!!! They are deepwater fishes and very good jumpers. More info here and here!
  6. Lessons in Logic If your father is a poor man, it is your fate but, if your father-in-law is a poor man, it's your stupidity. ......................................................................... I was born intelligent - education ruined me. ......................................................................... Practice makes perfect..... But nobody's perfect...... so why practice? ......................................................................... If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for? ......................................................................... Since light travels faster than sound, people appear bright until you hear them speak. ......................................................................... How come "abbreviated" is such a long word? ......................................................................... Money is not everything. There's Mastercard & Visa. ......................................................................... One should love animals. They are so tasty. ......................................................................... Behind every successful man, there is a woman And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two. ......................................................................... Every man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life. ......................................................................... The wise never marry. and when they marry they become otherwise. ......................................................................... Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives. ......................................................................... Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today. ......................................................................... "Your future depends on your dreams" So go to sleep ......................................................................... There should be a better way to start a day Than waking up every morning ......................................................................... "Hard work never killed anybody" But why take the risk ......................................................................... "Work fascinates me" I can look at it for hours ......................................................................... God made relatives; Thank God we can choose our friends. ......................................................................... The more you learn, the more you know, The more you know, the more you forget The more you forget, the less you know So.. why learn. ......................................................................... A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station.... what more can I say........
  7. Upgrade to bigger suckers. Get the big black ones. They work best in saltwater. Or make an acrylic holder of some sort.
  8. All crustaceans molt.... even copepods.
  9. I think the needle method is the only fast way. Unless you can find a way to massage the bubble out of the 'bellybutton'.
  10. There are a few hundred gobie species in the world... I am sure a lot of them can get along. Territorial disputes is a factor not just among gobies but other fishes as well! Just which kind are you thinking about?
  11. Erhmm.... its really hard to measure trace elements in saltwater and the uptake rate. I don't buy trace elements in a bottle because overdosing may actually contribute to Old Tank Syndrome ie. the buildup of heavy metals in reef tanks (which is a theory anyway). I simply rely on trace elements replenishment via water changes. I only dose what I can measure... ie. Iodine, magnesium etc.
  12. Trace elements are easily replenished with water changes. Some reefers feel that as long as you can't measure trace elements, why bother adding such additives cause you may overdose. For SPS tanks, it's probably more of a concern than other marine tanks as these corals do take up a lot of trace elements more than softies or LPS.
  13. Page 18 of the above Project New Reef thread is where there are some photos of my reef racks. To see the end result of my rockscaping... click here..
  14. Wow.... it's been more than a year since this post... brings back lots of memories for me. I have also seen how much progress was made and how things have changed since then. It's a humbling experience trying to match reality with expectations. Lots of $$$ too! LOL! For those who want to see the outcome of Project New Reef.... My latest threads on my tank here! and here
  15. Are you referring to this thread of mine? Project New Reef last Sept 17 2002? It chronicled my upgrade and move from my old tank to new tank. It was one hell of a project! AT
  16. A quick rinse to remove fine dust... and then quickly into the sump. GAC absorbs the most when it is new and dry... unfortunately, if you put it straight out of the container and into the sump, you'll get a lot of fine carbon dust inside your water. No choice, a quick rinse or two is required.
  17. Talk about jumping fishes. I was doing my calcium testing on the floor of my fish room and my flasher fairy wrasse landed next to me. Gave me a fright. But he was back in the tank quickly. Total time of episode... less than 5 seconds. He looked stunned when I dropped him in. He's been hiding in the rocks for two days already!
  18. My eyes are open now. I see light... lots and lots of light.
  19. I used to leave a side pane for green turf algae for my snails and lawnmover blenny to graze on.... now its overrun by coralline algae. IMO, both are a nuisance ... Rumor's right... remove the source and you'll have less of nuisance algae. Unfortunately, to remove the fuel for my coralline algae growth would mean that my SPS corals won't grow also!
  20. Yeah, I am one of those who feel that Combi-san is not worth the price you pay for trace elements. FYI, it's calcium that helps coralline algae grow and not trace elements. You have enough of that plus suitable water quality eg. stable KH, PH and coralline algae will grow quickly enough based on this factors. I too have lots of coralline algae but I don't use Combi-san. AT
  21. The supplier will get back to me on the exact T-shirt dimensions so as to confirm exact sizes. He's gonna come back to me by this afternoon.
  22. Just met the supplier and saw the SRC T-shirt prototype samples! T-shirt quality is good. Material is not too thick, not too thin. The heat-press quality is good too. Printing-wise, I have to do some graphic amendments to improve image quality and make the image larger and sized accordingly. The sample graphics are too dark too. Sorry for the delay but I'm quite tied up at work this past week. I do want the T-shirt to be perfect so I'm amending the graphics this weekend. The printing will take place next week on Monday and T-shirt collection will happen on next Friday evening and Saturday CONFIRMED!! I noticed there are some more last minute orders coming in... so you have till this Sunday 2359 hours to add on your orders! AT
  23. [P]owder Blue and Reef_LoVeR.... you did not indicate T-shirt sizes. Pls update accordingly! Thanks!
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