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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. There is a way to propagate a rose BTA... frag it. It takes guts however... u take a very sharp razor blade and slice it in half.... both halves will recover and voila.. two rose BTA.
  2. Next time, before you switch on your canister filter, you better smell the water inside first. If it has gone anoxic and the bacteria in there has died, it may be a disaster to pump it back into your main tank. The bubbles from the DSB are either O2 bubbles from the microalgae that grows just under the sandbed near the glass wall where enough light is reflected down or nitrogen bubbles from the denitrification process deep down in your DSB.
  3. Wah lau!!! You should have dislodged it accidentally so it falls down the 'drain'.. then you have the need to use the whole hand then! LOL!!!!
  4. Congrats! The rose anemone will split/clone itself due to a few reasons: 1. Stress (yes, stress! Can be due to low oxygen, high temps, high pollution), water change or change in water parameters. 2. Natural growth (heavy feedings) I like rose anemones but I can't trust them enough to stay put and not sting my corals. AT
  5. There are digital SLRs by Canon, if i am not wrong... around $1800?? Entry level? EOS300D if i am not wrong.
  6. Usually, it is just below the base of the neck. I think you have to ask specifically for which PS all different models and types work differently, and the quality of skimmate is subjective.
  7. Wah lau!!!! Bwilly!!!! I can really laugh at you jokes!
  8. The autofeeders are only for dry pellets only right? How about flake types? The really good autofeeders from Germany come with a mini-fridge and a doser for phyto, frozen foods... really cool!
  9. Collection of SRC T-shirts Timing: Date: Sat 22 November Timing: 3pm - 4pm Place: Bishan Junction 8 Coffee Bean (open air area). If it is raining heavily - the sheltered area behind it... believe there is a Breadtalk outlet there? My hp: 96808120 if you can't find me. Who will be coming: Pls list down your name here so I can expect you to be there and not wait in vain. 1. 2. 3. ---------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun 23 November Timing: 3pm - 4pm Place: Toa Payoh MRT (outside the main gates outside the control station, where the DBS ATM and giant lightbox posters are) My hp: 96808120 if you can't find me. 1. 2. 3. ----------------------------------------------------
  10. "Honey, do we have space for another 5 and 5ft tank in our house?" *Ducks flying high-heel shoe* I guess not! AT
  11. Fuel! We both said the same thing but I guess I am always the long-winded one!
  12. Anemones should have some 'colour' in them.... mostly green or brown, although some come in shades of paler colours. I am not too sure about yours, if its bleached or just pale.. although I suspect it may be bleached. Don't be mistaken, the tips or outer skin can exhibit flourescent colours but we are talking about the body colour of the main stalk or the polyps. Its the photosynthetic zooxanthelae cells in them that gives the colour. When an anemone is stressed (probably heat-related), it may expel the zoozanthelae cells and when it then becomes 'empty'... the body will look pale white or even transparent. Same thing goes for corals who exhibit this same symptoms. Bleached corals and inverts do look nice due to the pale colours but in reality, they are actually in danger. With no more energy coming from the symbiotic photosynethetic algae, the bleached anemone will need supplementary feeding of meaty foods till they colour up back again over time.
  13. Cookie... the order has been closed already. So sorry. Maybe the next batch/designs? First Batch Limited Edition sounds good!
  14. I think he's not going for sandbed? Then again, he may change his mind. Still don't understand why he is downgrading.. unless its a financial reason. So sad.. so sad... Joe... don't downgrade!
  15. Yikes... I am running at hi-res... didn't spot 'it'! kschew1498, your current avatar will be removed now. Pls change it to something decent. Thanks!
  16. It's good to play cool sometimes... I like girls to make the first move... LOL!!!!
  17. LOL!!! I have taken part in the poll! Guess my answer!
  18. Fishes can never be overfed. They are eating monsters! The best is to feed them small meals a few times daily. I believe in good quality food rather than quantity feedings. Give them vitamin and protein-packed food and not just empty carbohydrates. Myth: Feeding live adult brineshrimp is very good. Fact: Live adult brineshrimp are nothing more than 'potato chips' for fishes if they are not first fed with phytoplankton to make them 'carriers of high protein'. For home aquariums, I believe you should not overfeed your tank unless you have an oversized filtration system to cope with the increased metabolic wastes, phosphates and the decomposition of uneaten food. Just as long as your fishes are stout (a bloated stomach is not a sign of health)... look at the head, it should not be hollow/sunken in just behind it. Fishes like tangs will bloat when they have just eaten and their stomachs will shrink as quickly when they have digested. I read somewhere that only a small percentage of their food is digested before it is pooped out. Perhaps that is why you can see tangs eating other tang's poop coz there is a still a high enough level of vegetable matter in them... yummy? AT
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